Showing posts with label Victrix. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Victrix. Show all posts

Friday, February 28, 2025

Alexandrian Successor Elephant

 Alexandrian Successor Elephant 

Completed another metal elephant and added three crews, 4 plastic and two metal figures. The metal elephant I think it is black tree design. The plastic figs are from the Victrix elephant set. I used sabot bases so they can be swapped out easily as required. 


Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Gallic Chieftain Virdovix,

 Doomed Gallic Chieftain Virdovix 

Victrix chieftain Virdovix

I have painted the plastic Victrix gaul to represent the Gallic Chieftain Virdovix, he lead the Uenelli, Aulerci and Lexovii federated tribes (all local western tribes in cotentin peninsula and Normandy) in rebellion against the Romans incursions in 57BC and 56BC.

Three Roman legions lead by Quintus Titurius Sabinus campaigned in the peninsula in 56BC to put down the local uprisings by the Uenelli, Lexovii and Aulerci Federations after they had removed their tribal senators and rebelled against Caesars treaty. Sabinus then built a 3 legion encampment at Petit-Celland (close to modern Avranches) to control the area overlooking the Vire valley.

Virdovix, wth his federated army besieges the Romans but Sabinus refuses to be drawn to battle, the gauls daily taunting his cowardice for several days trying to draw him out to fight them.

Sabinus deceives the gauls that he was departing the encampment by sending a gallic auxiliary deserter to convince theVirdovix that the majority of the Roman army was in fear, had low morale were lacking in food and were deserting. Sabinus was withdrawing the following morning early to join Caesar in the south who was fighting the Veneti ( Nantes). Sabinus however places one legion at each gate in along with auxiliary cavalry.

The following morning the Roman commence the apparent departure and the gallic assault commences, Sabinus coordinates the two other legions departing from the encampments other gates to assault the flanks and the rear of the gallic attackers by the auxiliary cavalry. Many of the Gauls were killed pressed between the fortifications and the Roman legions on each flank. The Auxiliary cavalry follow up the fleeing gauls turning it into a slaughter, Virdovix is killed in the fighting at the battle of Vernix and the tribes sue for peace.


Monday, March 22, 2021

Gaulois Aulerci Cénomani tribesmen VII

 Gauls Aulerci Cénomani Tribesmen

Another unit completed, a rest now from plaid I think....still 60 plus to go as I was gifted some more for my birthday ....

Again Victrix and LBM transfers

"walk the battlefield in the morning, wargame in the afternoon"™ 

From Caesar to World War Two


Sunday, March 21, 2021

Gaulois Aulerci Cénomani VI


Gauls Aulerci Cénomani Tribesmen 

Some more Gallic tribesmen for my second gallic tribe I am building, really happy with them although I have noticed I am getting lazy on the plaid so I may need a rest and switch to some ww2 or something to get my spirits back.

Again Victrix figures, with LBM transfers based for Impetus

"walk the battlefield in the morning, wargame in the afternoon"™ 

From Caesar to World War Two


Monday, March 1, 2021

Aulerci Cénomani V Gaulois tribesmen

 Aulerci Cénomani V Gaulois tribesmen

More tribesmen, again I have tried to make them look a little different from their neighbouring tribe of the Diablintes. With this unit I am just short by two miniatures of the 300 figure mark for Aulerci federation army. Still need to add the remaining 80 odd figures to finish it off. Again all Victrix figures, I also started painting up a Warlord general who will be off the desk this week also. Thinking about getting some chariots for the northern part of the Federation for the Aulerci Éburovices (modern Normandy). I think the Nobles rode chariots into battle as a taxi rather than some wild charging beast that we all think of as wargamers. 

"walk the battlefield in the morning, wargame in the afternoon"™ 

From Caesar to World War Two


Aulerci Cénomani IIII

 Aulerci Cénomani IIII

More completed Gaulois, another Skirmisher base of four Victrix miniatures. Getting closer to the armies completion, almost clocked the three hundred mark with these figures, hoping to have the army completely painted by April. 

"walk the battlefield in the morning, wargame in the afternoon"™ 

From Caesar to World War Two


Sunday, December 6, 2020

Aulerci Cénomani III

 Completed another Gaulois tribal stand for my Aulerci Cénomani, again I have tried to make them look a little different with plumes and larger plaids, the miniatures are 28mm victrix miniatures.

Also as a plus I completed some casualty markers from my project drawer, they are the Wargames Factory Gauls, which are not the best sculpts, but with a few cuts and a little green stuff to fill gaps make good casualty markers.

Back to medievals for the next few days mostly completing standards as I think I have 8 bases to complete,  then I will complete the last 40 odd Gallic figures before the analogue painting challenge begins on the 15th of December. 



Saturday, November 14, 2020

Aulerci Cénomani I

 Aulerci Cénomani (Auerques Cénomans)

The next Gallic tribe I am beginning is the Aulerci Cénomani, the largest of the Aulerque tribal confederation, the Oppidum and the capital of the Aulerci federation was known as Vindinon, or Vindunum as mentioned by Ptolemy, today we know it today Le Mans. 

Vindunum is a Gallic word 'Vindo" white and dunum citadel fortified mount, or the White Citadel, it is thought from the latest archeology that the site may of been in the location of the current cathedral and Plantagenet city, south of the current city is Allones which had a sanctuary sites to the Gallic god March Mullo.

I plan to paint 80 miniatures for the tribe and will make them a little different. Miniatures as usual are from the Victrix plastics range


Sunday, November 8, 2020

Gaulois Aulerci Diablintes XIV

200 Aulerci Diablintes painted

This weekend I passed the 200 figures mark of my Victrix Aulerci Diablintes tribe painted, I will continue to post the completed bases over the remainder of the week to catch up with the painted figures awaiting photographs and blog posts. 

I will as continue to paint more tribesmen but start my next allied tribe the the Aulerci Cenomani, the Cenomani capital was modern Le Mans. 

The Aulerci confederation of the Cenomani, Éburovices Diablintes, and the Parisii fought under the Aulerci chieftain Camulogene against Caesars lieutenant Labienus at the battle of Lutetia. 

Saturday, October 31, 2020

More Gaulois Aulerci Diablintes XIII

Gaulois XIII

Adding more Gaulois to my local tribe the Aulerci Diablintes, with another 40 close to completion in the last week or so I am close to painting the entire 220 miniatures I purchased for the project, I have also refurbished 30 odd old glory, and crusader Gauls which I will use as allies of my Caesarian Romans.

While on Holidays we visited the Oppidum at Gergovie, so i will do a short post on it next, it has a great museum (like most french museums) with some fabulous short explanations of the siege and battle.



Saturday, August 15, 2020

Aulerci Diablintes XII

Another unit completed over the weekend, the third of my clothed tribesmen. A few new combinations of plaid, pretty happy with my results on these Victrix miniatures. 46 figures to paint and I will of passed the 200 mark for the year of Gauls.

They will join my Aulerci Diablintes tribe and will be on the table in two weeks when we have a wargaming guest  one of our "walk the battlefield in the morning, Wargame in the afternoon" tours, visiting the Oppidum at Moulay, and the museum at Jublians, then wargaming in the completed "salon de Guerre ".


Saturday, July 11, 2020

Aulerci Diablintes XI

A unit of skirmishers completed for my Aulerci Diablintes, I still have approximately 8 bases to go before I switch to another tribe which has 8 bases to complete the army. Trying to slot them in amount my medievals to mix it up a bit.

Figures are 28mm Victrix and LBM transfers.


Monday, July 6, 2020

Aulerci Diablintes Tribesmen X

Aulerci Diablintes Tribesmen 

Completed another unit for my Aulerci Diablintes tribe. Figures are 28mm Victrix miniatures with LBM transfers. A few individual shots

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Auluerci Diablintes tribesmen IX

Another unit off the table the final naked unit, now to complete some more plaid!


Monday, March 2, 2020

Aulerci Diablintes Tribesmen VIII

Completed another unit for my Aulerci Diablintes tribe, we visit the Gallic Oppidum and new capital at Jublains.

Figures are 28mm Victrix miniatures with LBM transfers

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Aulerci Diablintes tribesmen VII

Another unit for my Gaulois project, after the next unit of naked Gauls I will of completed 72 of the Victrix plastic naked Fanatics, I think I will go back and add lime white hair to the others as it really makes them stand out! Then onto more clothed Gaulois, a total of 80 figures to go to complete the unpainted pile of Gaulois!


Monday, February 3, 2020

Aulerci Diablintes tribesmen VI

another unit completed over the weekend, the second of my clothed tribesmen. A few new combinations of plaid, pretty happy with my results on these Victrix miniatures.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Aulerci Diablintes skirmishes

Another small skirmishes unit completed for my local tribe the Aulerci Diablintes tribe project, another 6 heavy infantry units and it will be complete, then I will move onto the Aulerci Cénomani (Le Mans tribe ) again using Victrix miniatures, based for impetus.


Sunday, November 10, 2019

28mm Aulerci Diablintes tribesmen III

More naked Victrix Tribesmen off the painting desk this weekend, another Aulerci Diablintes heavy foot unit ready to fight off the roman invader!

I managed to assemble the whole remaining 180 Victrix miniatures over the last three weeks, predominantly undercoated they are now awaiting paint over the remainder of Autumn and winter?
I am not looking forward to painting the clothed figures in plaid, but have settled on some contrast patterns, that I have made recipes for over the last three days. I have also mass based the shields and started cuting out the LBM transfers.


Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Gaulois Aulerci Diablintes Noble Cavalry 28mm Victrix

Off the table this week more additions to the Aulerci Diablintes, this time Noble heavy cavalry, I have four more bases to complete to finish the cavalry. The Victrix cavalry are quite nice with lots of movement, my only complaint are the ears of the horse which are facing sideways, not forward or back. I used LBM transfers for the shields which are a little difficult but worth the effort. The checked fabric worked out quite well, a lot more to go, based for Impetus, I do need to add some tufts when they arrive.

Enjoy the pics
