Showing posts with label IMPETUS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label IMPETUS. Show all posts

Sunday, December 22, 2024

5th BC Ancient Greeks part 1

 I have finally commenced my Immortal/Warlord Plastic Greeks over the last three weeks as a change up from Napoleonic cuirassiers. 

They are quite a simple paint jobs, based for Impetus, base colour, wash and one highlight.  I have used LBMS decals on these, but they are a little oversized (I am thinking perhaps they sent the wrong set) 



Friday, May 17, 2024

Germanic javelins

 Some more germanics off the desk all from the warlord range. 5 more units to go and the army is done.



Sunday, April 28, 2024

More hairy Germanics

 Hairy Germanics 

More warlord Germanics completed with an odd foundry figure in the mix, a few foundry and first Corps hand painted shields. I am not a fan of the plastic spears and swords and even when photographing I managed to break two spears and a sword, all will be replaced in the next day or two. 

I have 40 odd foot and 12 cavalry to complete the army so I can more on to my Greeks… Napoleonic’s, moderns, and ww2 bits for DDay games. 

Warband 1, all warlord miniatures some foundry and first corps German shields  

Warband two, a foundry, and warlord with mixed shields from foundry, first corps and warlord

Hairy Foundry in the middle, I do love their Germanics 

Warband three, all warlord but mixed sheilds 

Warband Four, the fanatic on the left has a Victrix Viking head, again a mix of metals and plastics from Warlord games, again  mixed shield's from Foundry, First Corps and Warlord Games. 


Wednesday, April 17, 2024

WIP Ancient Greeks

The painting project has commenced some Greeks! These are 5th century foundry Greeks, just lovely and simple to paint also, just gloss the shields add transfers, gloss again, then spears and matt varnish to go. Based for impetus but on the smaller base. 



Thursday, April 11, 2024

WIP Germanics

 These chaps have been waiting for me to complete hand painting shields and transfers from little big men.  I was hoping to complete these for the analogue painting challenge however we were enjoying our holidays. Another 4 more units to do and two units of cavalry and I will be done with the project for now. 

Again predominantly warlord figures with some foundry, most of the plastics have been chopped up to remove the wide arm stance or leaning over stance green stuff straightened, some have metal spears and weapons also. Basing tonight along with some Napoleonic Prussians and French I have been working on. 



Tuesday, April 9, 2024

It’s all Greek to me

 Over the years I have painted many Greek armies, then sold them on during one of my changes of periods etc. One of my good friends in Australia Spyrios has expressed a wish to build a Greek army for the 5th century BC, so I am off a tangent at the moment researching the period and minatures available ….. and guess what I accidentally purchased a few pieces to see what they paint up like as I was planning some Greeks this year …… so over the coming weeks I will be adding a few Greeks to my collection, particularly the Victrix plastics that are available. I am thinking something that can be expanded within my current collection of mercenary units for my early, late republican or Caesarian Roman’s. I am thinking either Pyrrhic or Thracian (or both) my current collection has a few mostly light infantry and cavalry (I have a lot of unpainted Foundry Thracians). I am leaning towards Thracians at the moment ….. but the thought of those capes …… anyway decisions, decisions. 

John Jenkins Designs 54mm Thracian general 



Wednesday, December 6, 2023

XI legio IV Cohort

 IV Cohort XI Legion 

May I present to you the IV cohort of the XI legion, again foundry miniatures. 

IV Cohort 


Sunday, October 22, 2023

Scottish Archers unit 5

 Scottish Archers 

Another unit of Perry plastic archers for my Scots, next up I have heavy foot coming then some cavalry. 


Friday, October 6, 2023

French HYW mounted crossbow

 French HYW Mounted Crossbow 

Additions to the Hundred Years War collection. The mounted crossbowmen were often in the free companies, but some are mentioned in the Manche arrie Ban for the battle of Formigny. The miniatures are from the Perry range, I have another base to complete of mounted archers then onto Scottish nobles and men at arms. 


Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Scottish Archers unit 4

 Scottish archers 

My third unit for my later Scottish HYW army, again plastics from Perry Miniatures, based for impetus or Test of Resolve. Two more units to go, then onto man at arms and nobles. 



Scottish Archers unit 3

 Another archer unit off the desk, for this unit I have painted a Saint Andrew on the cross on the banner, not historical at this time (much later). 

Two more units to go, again perry miniatures 



Monday, September 4, 2023

Norman casualty markers

Casualty Markers 
I have commenced holidays for two weeks and now have an opportunity to complete some workbench projects. First up some Norman mounted casualties from conquest games, they have been in my project drawers for a long time! 


Thursday, August 17, 2023

HYW Scottish Archers unit two

 I have finally commenced my Scottish Archers for the battles of Fresnay, Baugé and Verneuil. I have 30 to complete them before I start the MAA. 

Again from the Perry range of miniatures, I have painted them with the recorded badges of red field with yellow saint Andrew’s cross. I am planning a big anniversary game next year so

I had best get a wriggle on and complete some more foot. 

Scottish Archers



Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Scottish HYW Archers unit one

I have commenced my Scottish army for Fresnay, Bauge and Verneuil using Perry Miniatures HYW range, using a mix of English and French figures so they will reflect the influences of both.

 The second unit of archers is based for Impetus or Test of Resolve rules. I have given them stuart badges or white crosses. A few more units to come this week before I commence the foot. 



Sunday, July 16, 2023

Praetorian cohort - Imperial Roman’s


These chaps have been hanging around at the rear of my painting desk since February awaiting Foundry shields and transfers from LBM. I purchased both while I was in the UK at Partizan and I completed them last week. I have a second cohort which just needs the command to be painted and they will join my Imperial Roman's also. The figures are from the foundry range. 



Saturday, July 15, 2023

The Duel

 A piece that has been in my project draw for a long time, finally last week made it to the front as I was struggling with motivation to complete my big Cuirassier unit and Mamelukes. 

These miniatures I think were from gripping beast for the warhammer El CID book, so that is going back some time I think. Really happy with the results although I do have a suitable transfer somewhere for the Muslim knights shield…..Somewhere! 

The Duel, El CID and Muslim knight in combat



Monday, May 29, 2023

Roman Italian Triarii Allies

 As I get back to my table I have been completing a few more pieces from my project drawers, a unit I commenced before going on holidays in April was a unit of Triarii for my Italian Allies for my Republican period Roman’s. I have a few Italian allied units to do (10 plus) that can be used as Allies or enemies of Rome for our upcoming campaign at the club. 

This unit represents triarii Italian spearmen based for impetus, hand painted shields, figure manufacturer  Agema minuatures 



Sunday, May 21, 2023

Suebi Germanic tribesmen WIP 1

 Semnones Suebi

I have just received a commission off the back of the analogue painting challenge of two hundred ancient Germans by a good mate in Australia. I have commenced the gluing and assembly of the Warlord plastics, Warlord metals and some Foundry miniatures metals commands and cavalry. 

The Suebi tribe were the largest of the Semnones peoples in Northern Germany along the Rhine and were one of the Republics and later Imperial Roman most valiant enemies. The project will commence proper once I complete a small cavalry commission. 

Lots of bear and wolf pelts to be painted along with wooden clubs, the army will be based for Hail Caesar plus individual figures for Infamy Infamy. I also need to print a Germanic fortress for him too. 


Friday, March 31, 2023

Medieval Mad War Breton Gendarmes

Guerre Folle Breton Gendarmes.   

Some Perry miniatures cavalry additions to my Guerre Folle/Mad War collection. This was my final entry for the analogue painting challenge. I decided to add some coats of arms, livery and do a bit of scroll work on the armour, plus the normal spiral lances I like to do. More to come in the coming months as I have assembled another two boxes worth plus some metal commands for my Italian and French troops for the Mad War. 

Breton Gendarmes 1488 

Perry Gendarmes


Friday, March 24, 2023

Germanic tribesmen additions

 Germanic tribesmen 

Some more additions to the Germanic horde, again a mix of foundry and warlord miniatures 
