Showing posts with label Front Rank. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Front Rank. Show all posts

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Bavarian Napoleonic Artillery

 Completed my battery of Bavarian Artillery, quite happy with my artillery uniform blue colour. The Front Rank figures are a pleasure to paint and once I got motivated we’re completed in three nights. The guns have been completed for almost two months. 

I plan to commence the Victrix infantry for the Analogue painting challenge, I have some metal Front Rank command and light cavalry also to do to complete the division.



Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Wip Wednesday- Bavarian Artillery

 Working on Bavarian artillery battery from Front Rank, they are lovely figures and should be competed this week. 



Saturday, September 28, 2024

Artillery Limber - Vendee Project

 Royal Catholic Army Artillery Limber 

Off the desk this week also is a artillery limber for my Vendee project, Front Rank bullocks and limber from the 17th century set, I did scratch build trails but have not twisted the wire yet to make the ropes. 
Still quite happy with it. 


Friday, December 31, 2021

Austrian Napoleonic Infantry General

 Austrian General de Division

My last figure post for 2021! I hope to crack on with 2022 as the last of our renovations come to a close in April 2022 (I hope!) 1200 square meters of a 18th century French Maison completed in a bit over four years, then more painting and some new tours and wargame events to hold. 

As part of my build for my Napoleonic Austrian army project for 2022 I have decided to paint some Austrians as part of the Analogue painting challenge also to help spur me on.

 An Austrian Infantry general de division. A lovely Front rank miniature, that I really enjoyed painting, particularly like the staff officers coat as I really feel it looks correct. My Austrians are a real mix of Front Rank, Victrix, Perry and Revolutionary Armies miniatures to paint over the next twelve months.



Austrian Napoleonic Cavalry General

 Austrian Cavalry General de Division 

As part of my build for my Napoleonic Austrian army project next year I have decided to paint some also as part of the Analogue painting challenge. First up is an Austrian Hussar cavalry  general de division. A lovely Front rank miniature, although all of my hussars will be perry when I paint them I could not resist this figure!  

Austrian Hussar General


Tuesday, March 3, 2020

French 7YW light guns

Completed a pair of light guns for my 7YW French they have been sitting around waiting eyes and skin highlights for two weeks. This will be the last 7YW I will complete until next year,  as we have not developed our battlefield tour and Wargame for our local 7YW battle.

I have decided to start clearing the desk off of all of the half finished bits also, ready for the new focus starting at the end of the week. The completion of my 100YW project, 100 + figs to paint over the next month or so.

Front Rank Miniatures, Eureka guns.


Monday, December 16, 2019

Chassuers de Fischer

Another unit rescued from my old 7YW blog “Fine and Dandy”. Hunters by Fischer, with Perry Mirliton for the drummers and officers.


Voluntaries Étrangers de Clermont Prince

I have posted this here after I closed my 7YW blog that was dormant for a number of years, I sold these recently to an American client.

Regiment La Sarre, 7YW French

Another French 7YW unit off the desk, regiment La Sarre, originally raised as Regiment de la Ferté-Senneterre in the Lorraine by Maréchal de La Ferté on the 20th May 1651. The regiment consisted of two battalions in the 7 YW and was commanded from February 1747 by Louis-Guy-Sacriste de Tombeboeuf, chevalier than Marquis de Montpouillan and in December 1767 Jean-Henri Morel de Groslée, Compte de Peyre.

1st battalion
The first battalion was posted 1757 to Royan until 1760 thence to La Rochelle, in

2nd battalion
Commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel Etienne-Guillaume de Senezergues, made brigadier on the 10th February 1759, second in command to Montcalm  at the plains of Abraham

 battle honours
1756 battle of Fort Oswego
1757 battle fort William Henry
1758 battle fort Carillon (Ticonderoga)nnnn
1759 battle plain of Abraham
1760 battle Sainte-Foy
1760 capitulation of Montreal

After the return of the depleted second battalion from Canada the depleted regiment was reorganised. In 1762 the regiment was part of the corps of Maréchal de Beauvau sent to Spain during the attempted conquest of Portugal. The regiment was at the siege of Almedia and qautered in Andal. I need 1763 the regiment returned to France.


Sunday, December 8, 2019

La Reine French line infantry Regiment 7YW

Off the desk this week La Reine line infantry regiment, 28mm Front Rank miniatures, just a joy to paint.

The regiment La Reine was raised in 1634 as a gentlemens regiment, the regiment caserne was  in Montpellier, by the seven years war the Queen was the Colonel, so the regiments were officered by Colonel lieutenants, From 1759 to 62 the regiment Colonel Lieutenant was Anne-Emmanuel-François-George Marquis de Crussol d'Ambois (who lost his head during the revolution). In 1762 the Colonel lieutenant was Charles-François-Casimir de Saulx, Comte de Tavannes until 1774. 

The first battalion had very little action in the European theatre, but the second fought in most the the major engagements in Canada. 


Wednesday, November 14, 2018

FIW Indians

I decided to complete these Indians that were in my lead pile last month then sell them to fund new projects. Enjoyed painting the Front Rank miniatures


Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Heavy Metal WOTR Knights

Off the bench something I have been meaning to do for some time my heavy WOTR knights, I was spurred on to finish these lads when the “Guild Wargamers” had a heavy metal competition.

These fine figures are from the Front Rank Range, and have been sitting around for probably 5 years some party painted (the metal work at least), I got them out on the weekend, after making a decision at Cancon to re-base my WOTR army to impetus. I finished the standard bearer and standard off this afternoon as I am away on business for the rest of the week. The standard belongs to Willam FitzAlan the 16th Earl of Arundel.

Two more Knight units to come, one is on the table at the moment and may get done by the weekend, but they are slotted behind some other medieval figs for my Feudal army. So in the coming months expect a deluge of archers and bills as I re-base each unit. My liveried foot knights and standards especially need some work to be completed. I may even need to buy and paint some more figs to increase my army to 300-350 points at least!



Monday, May 23, 2011

Sir Christopher Moresby Liveried Archers

Off the table today, another addition to my WOTR collection is a unit of Sir Christopher Moresby Liveried Archers. I plan to add a unit of Liveried Billmen also to his retinune.

A stauch Yorkist, Sir Christopher Moresby of Scaleby and Windermere, Cumberland was knighted at Tewkesbury by Edward the IV, he governed the frontier with Scotland from Scaleby Castle until his death in 1495. I plan to finish my figure for Moresby tonight!


Sunday, May 15, 2011

1st St Albans

The GVS members who have WOTR Medieval armies decided to get together to refight the opening stoush of the War of the Roses, the first St Albans. I spent the last week or so doing some research and refurbishing my WOTR troops (still not finished!).

I wanted to capture the main features for our refight of St Albans, so I embarked upon some research of the battle. The main features are the cathedral, the market square with the clock tower and the Great Cross, Hollywell Hill and the church of St Peter. I hunted through my terrain collection and came up with a 20mm Cathedral I use for my Arnhem collection, and I decided to build a tower out of foam card, the rest of the buildings come from my and Greg’s collection. The other main pieces we needed on the table were the three main lanes, Sopwell Lane (London Road), Shropshire (or Butts) Lane (as it lead to the archery butts in Tonman ditch)and New lane all leading off Halliwell street and of course Tonman ditch which was represented by a line of hedges.


I made up the army lists making sure I included the main characters of the battle for the Lancastrians The King HenryVI, The Duke of Somerset, the Earl of Northumberland, and Lord Clifford, and for the Yorkist’s The Duke of York, and Earls of Warwick and Salisbury.
After the set up of the tables and the troops which took some time (two hours of chatting) we then went to lunch before a dice was rolled!
Greg commanded the Lancastrians and Bruce and myself the Yorkist’s, basically Greg’s troops defended each of the lanes with a unit of men at arms or billmen behind hasty barriers (needing sixes to hit them)and his Archers defending Tonman ditch hedges(also requiring sixes to hit). The opening three turns began with the massed archery of the Yorkist’s, cutting down large numbers of Lancastrian archers, then the Yorkist billmen advanced, finally contact was made, the Yorkist bill block on Sopwell lane had a hard fight with the Lancastrian Men at arms for three turns and finally fell back after failing a morale test, the Yorkist billmen attacked up Shropshire lane fighting for three turns also before fleeing whilst being chased by Lancastrian Men at Arms, this cause four other units around it also to flee! The Yorkist billmen attacking along New lane should of had the better of the shire bill but fled also but were all cut down buy the Lancastrians.

At this stage I thought that the Yorkist cause was lost so I threw the Duke of Yorks Men at Arms with himself leading along with the Earl of Warwick and the Army standard bearer against the Lancastrian Men at Arms holding Sopwell lane. They forced their way through and chasing the Lancastrians up the hill. The Lancastrian Men at Arms on Shropshire lane decided to charge the Yorkist archers who flee leaving the men at arms at close range to another unit of Yorkist archers who promptly cause 5 casualties in one turn!

Last turn, the Lancastrian Men at arms charge the archers again losing another three in the charge leaving only three men and Lord Clifford for the ensuing combat, no archers are killed and the archers manage to kill another Man at arms, Lord Clifford promptly surrenders surrounded by 30 archers! In the streets the Lancastrian Men at Arms rally and charge the Yorkist’s plodding up Halliwell hill, Somerset challenges the Duke of York to single combat both fail to do each other damage, the Yorkist Men at arms do murder though and the Lancastrians again flee, and are all cut down including Somerset, only The King HenryVI, and the Earl of Northumberland remain both surrender.

The game was great fun, we didn’t change the historical outcome but it was a near run thing, this game with a bit of tweaking and some more buildings it would make a great demo game I think. I think it has been at least two years since we had a WOTR game so it was time! I do think plate armour in WAB should be at least a three plus save, the archers done great damage on these heavily armed men who only had a five plus save.


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

WOTR Mercenary Crossbow

A small unit in the empoloy of the Duke of York. Same again painted about 7 years ago, a quick dust, then a GW Devlan mud wash, highlights, I have noticed some nics on the bows and some leatherwork so I will redo these also. I think I will also do the draw strigs with a lighter colour and redo the blue pupils black!


Mercenary arquebusiers

Painted these about 7 years ago, they returned this week for a touch up of the scratchs, a quick dust brush, then a ink of devlan mud, then re-highlighted the blue and white, I think I might even redo the flesh!