Showing posts with label Foundry Miniatures. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Foundry Miniatures. Show all posts

Saturday, March 22, 2025

Roman Sagittari


 Roman Eastern Sagittarii

5 figures to add to the Roman Imperial Army, Steve Saleh sculpts for Foundry  miniatures based for Impetus. 


Friday, March 21, 2025

Imperial Roman Eastern Archers part 2


 Roman Eastern Sagittarii

5 figures to add to the Roman Imperial Army, Foundry Games miniatures based for Impetus. 


Monday, March 17, 2025

Roman Legate


Roman Command  

Another Roman addition, a Roman Senator and Roman Legate, both miniatures are from the Foundry Imperial Roman range. The horse is Aventine I think


Monday, March 3, 2025

Roman Auxillia and Legate

 A skirmish unit that I completed for the analogue painting challenge. I will sell these as I am only using foundry now for my Imperial Roman’s.

Figures are a mix of plastic Warlord Games and metal Foundry. The vexillum, Cornu and are foundry, the optio centurion is Warlord metal the remainder are plastic warlord with LBM transfers. 

The legate is Warlord Games metal. 



Tuesday, October 1, 2024

ECW - odds and Sods

 During my clearout I dug out these chaps from my old ECW army. 

Ecw clubmen and civilians 


Farrier Foundry Miniatures

Sedan chair 



Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Austrian Napoleonic Artillery Limber

 Austrian Napoleonic Artillery Limber 

Off the desk is an Austrian Napoleonic Artillery Limber from the foundry range, beautiful miniatures to paint, I added chains to the limber and a front scratch built swivel (that still needs chain). 

Austrian limber 1809


Monday, June 10, 2024

The Real King Arthur … Authur of Bretagne

The Real King Arthur, the king that never was…

Arthur of Bretagne 

As I wander off on another side project this year, that is the First Barons War, I plan to play out the reason for the 1st barons war and the invasion of England in 1216. I have always had an interest in the Plantagenet wars particularly as they had its beginnings here in West France in Maine (today Mayenne). 

With the death of King Richard the lion heart his inheritance of the crown was supposed to pass to the elder line of the Plantagenets, Geoffroi of Bretagne son, Arthur of Bretagne. John beat him to it claiming the crown of England, but lost his European lands in return. John and Arthur then campaigned against each other for three years before Arthur was captured at the battle of Mirebeau and placed in Rouen chateau, where he died in suspicious circumstances possibly murdered by John. Many of the Angevin, Breton, Norman and Maine Barons stayed in revolt as John had also taken Aurthur’s sister hostage Eleanor “the fair maid of Brittany” who was the rightful heir to the duchy. 

My plan is to build a couple of retinues for the Barons wars rules of the leading Breton, Touraine, Norman, Maine and Angevin Comte’s, Barons, and nobles who backed Aurthur and his claim between 1199 and 1204. A number of these also fought during the Angers and Potoiu campaign in 1206, the Normandy campaigns of 1209, the campaigns in 1214 and finally for the invasion to England in 1216. I also the plan to paint the nobles from Normandy, Angevin, Vexin and Touraine who backed John’s claim so I can build an opposing army also 



Saturday, June 8, 2024


 Some foundry Spartan spear off the table for my mate Rob’s army. Packed onto a 120x40mm base. These have been painted for some time just needed the decals and basing done, plus metal spears from Northstar. A few more bases to come over the next few weeks. 




Sunday, April 28, 2024

More hairy Germanics

 Hairy Germanics 

More warlord Germanics completed with an odd foundry figure in the mix, a few foundry and first Corps hand painted shields. I am not a fan of the plastic spears and swords and even when photographing I managed to break two spears and a sword, all will be replaced in the next day or two. 

I have 40 odd foot and 12 cavalry to complete the army so I can more on to my Greeks… Napoleonic’s, moderns, and ww2 bits for DDay games. 

Warband 1, all warlord miniatures some foundry and first corps German shields  

Warband two, a foundry, and warlord with mixed shields from foundry, first corps and warlord

Hairy Foundry in the middle, I do love their Germanics 

Warband three, all warlord but mixed sheilds 

Warband Four, the fanatic on the left has a Victrix Viking head, again a mix of metals and plastics from Warlord games, again  mixed shield's from Foundry, First Corps and Warlord Games. 


Wednesday, April 17, 2024

WIP Ancient Greeks

The painting project has commenced some Greeks! These are 5th century foundry Greeks, just lovely and simple to paint also, just gloss the shields add transfers, gloss again, then spears and matt varnish to go. Based for impetus but on the smaller base. 



Wednesday, December 6, 2023

XI legio IV Cohort

 IV Cohort XI Legion 

May I present to you the IV cohort of the XI legion, again foundry miniatures. 

IV Cohort 


Friday, July 21, 2023

Dust and Shadows part 10

 Additions to the gladiator collection, again foundry miniatures 



Thursday, July 20, 2023

Dust and Shadows part 9

 More additions to the gladiators, again foundry miniatures 



Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Dust and Shadows part 8

 My next additions to the gladiator collection, again foundry miniatures 



Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Dust and Shadows part 7

 I purchased these at Partizan this year, some more Foundry miniatures Gladiators, the miniatures really do stand up to the time test. More  to come this week. 



Thursday, March 30, 2023

Marianne of the revolution

La guérison de Marianne

Another entry in the Analogue Painting  Challenge a foundry miniature of the Revolutionary Republican Marianne! 


Friday, March 24, 2023

Germanic tribesmen additions

 Germanic tribesmen 

Some more additions to the Germanic horde, again a mix of foundry and warlord miniatures 
