The Fall of Lyonnaise
Western Gaul under Late Roman governance
- Lyonnaise premier (Saône and Allier valleys), capital Lugdunum, (Lyon)
- Lyonnaise second (present-day Normandy), Rotomagus capital, (Rouen)
- Lyonnaise third (mainland Brittany, Maine, Anjou and Touraine), capital Caesarodunum (Tours).
- Lyonnaise fourth or Sénonaise (Orléanais, south of Ile de France, Sénonais), capital Agendicum (Sens),
Lyonnaise Troisieme
The following tribunes and prefects along with their units are listed as being under the command of the Duke of the Armorican and Nervican Tract (the numbers in front of the names refer to Ingo Maier's numbering scheme): Some units were broken into smaller detachments of both cavalry and infantry and spread across Normandy and Brittany coastline, predominantly placed into forts to protect the ports from Saxon and Frank raids. Made up originally by Limitani until the mid 4th century then Foederati troops sometimes pulled together forming a legion of pseudo-Abrincaturi (border troops) I have tried to place the troops as correctly as modern discussion agrees, but it deserves a whole article to be more thorough.
i. Tribunus cohortis primae novae Armoricanae, at Grannona (granville) in litore Saxonio (saxon shore) (Tribune)
i.2 Praefectus militum Garronentium, at Blabia (Hennebont port, Brittany)
ii. Praefectus militum Maurorum Benetorum, at Benetis (Vannes Port, Brittany) Milites Maurorum Benetorum? (sailors see Roman Navy below theory)
iii. Praefectus militum Maurorum Osismiacorum, at Osismis (Brest, Brittany). (see naval theory below
iv. Praefectus militum superventorum, at Mannatias (Nantes, Brittany) Legio Superventores Iuniores
v. Praefectus militum Martentium, at Aleto (Aleth, St Malo Brittany) Martenses
vi. Praefectus militum prima Flavia, at Constantia (Coutances Port, Normandy) Prima Flavia Gallicana Constancia (I Flavia seems to have stationed at Coutances from 296 to 400)
vii. Praefectus militum Ursarientium, at Rotomago (Rouen, Normandy) Ursarienses
viii Praefectus militum Dalmatarum, at Abrincatis (Avranches, Normandy) May of been a mixed unit of cavalry and infantry?
ix. Praefectus militum Grannonentium, at Grannono (Granville, Normandy)
x. Although not mentioned in the Notitia, the port of Gesoriacum or Bononia (Boulogne-sur-Mer, Bayeux port), which until 296 was the main base of the Legio Classis Britannica and later Batavi Iuniores Laeti.
Foederati Units
The following units are listed as being with the Master of Horse in his Gallic command; the numbers in front of the names refer to Ingo Maier's numbering scheme):
Laeti - Foederati Sarmations
- Praefectus Sarmatarum gentilium, in the Rodunensem et Alaunorum (Rennes-St Malo)
- Praefectus Sarmatarum gentilium, at Allones (south of Le Mans)
Laeti- Foederati German
- Praefectus laetorum gentilium Suevorum, [.missing]
- Ceromannos (Le Mans) in Lugdunensis tertiae
- Praefectus laetorum Francorum, at Redonas (Rennes) in Lugdensis tertiae
The Roman navy is really hard to pin down to any units based in the west, which considering the trade and the piracy of the saxon shore is confusing, plus the navigable rivers of the Loire, Seine, l'Orne and Villane rivers. This suggests that in large parts of the late Roman empire where naval commands would be anticipated, no classes or barcarii commands are recorded, whereas both archaeological evidence and contemporaneous historical sources suggest a late Roman naval presence that was larger than that documented by the Notitia . Two well known examples are attested on the Rhine and Danube.
This is where the Milites hypothesis rises, so the units listed above as Milites are actually sea or riverine units. This solves a number of challenges why no shield pattern for the Milites Maurorum Benetorum based at Benetis (Vannes).
This leaves the late Roman navy with three types of commands Classis , Barcarii and Milites (theory) in the Notitia Dignitatum and not two as currently believed.
Therefore, the late Roman navy consisted of eighty units rather than the currently accepted twenty commands, which suggests that the Roman navy was a substantially larger and more significant asset than currently understood. (perhaps another article here too.)
Le Mans famous Roman walls |
To the second category are attached the capital cities without city walls, namely Noviodunum (Jublains -Diablintes, Mayenne), Fanum Martis (Corseul - Coriosolites, Brittany) and Vorgium (Carhaix-Osismes, Brittany)

Jublains Roman Fortress |
Minor Cities
In Alet, in the modern town of Saint-Malo, the former capital city of Coriosolites, the development is quite similar. Starting from an oppidum of the late bronze age an agglomeration is attested there in the High Empire, the importance of which was undoubtedly underestimated and often reduced to its port on the edge of the ocean. An enclosure encompassing 14 ha was then built there around 270-275 and at least one new district built within it. Part of the latter is then destroyed by the construction of principia , around 365-375 AD, while, at the same time, more or less, a small fort was built on a rock protecting the port area. These last two developments were rightly compared to the mention of a military prefect commanding at Aletum.a troop of Martenses soldiers as part of the Tractus Armoricani and Nervicani ( Notitia Dignitatum , XXXVII). Subsequently, an agglomeration remains, attested items of homes and furniture as well as the location of Principia , a church 'tau Loïc Langouët ' was in the first half of the dated to 6th- 7th century.
In the town of Sainte-Gemmes-le-Robert (Mayenne), the fortress of Rubricaire, partially excavated in 19th and early 20th century, dominates the Laval basin. It takes the form of a quadrangular enclosure of about forty meters on a side, of which an angle walls perceived inside have been interpreted as the remains of barracks, but the fact is uncertain, while small contemporary thermal baths (90 m 2 ) were unearthed outside. This set, attributable to late Antiquity without further clarification, was interpreted as a military fortress of the quadriburgium type. possibly built in the late 3rd century, but the plan view is too incomplete to allow us to be more affirmative.
Sainte-Gemmes-le-Robert (Mayenne) |
Although the archaeological record remains thin, the combination of available information also enables excluded to date, as in the capitals of city, the existence of violent destruction between 3rd and 4th century is likely to be attributed to the Bagaudae, to the actions of Saxon and Frankish "pirates" or to incursions by various "barbarian" peoples from across the Rhine such as the Goths, Huns or Alans in the late 4th and mid 5th century.
Regarding public facilities, there is little information outside the places of worship. The sanctuary of Mauves-sur-Loire (Loire-Atlantique) is definitively abandoned sometime in the second half of 4th century, like that of Allonnes (Sarthe), while others like that of Aubigné-Racan (Sarthe), with its baths, market and theater, are dismantled in the last quarter of 3rd century and the temple in central plan Oisseau-le-Petit (Sarthe) is re-used for secular purposes in early 4th century. But these examples should possibly be interpreted as signs of changes in religious practice and not as signs of urban disaffection because of excessive taxation.
All of the cities are to become nominally christian following a movement that seems to take place from west to east between the second half of the 4th century and the first half of the 5th century. Dateable bishopric seats include, Angers 372, Rennes 453, and Le Mans 348.
For the bishopric of Le Mans, covering a large part of Mayenne and all of Sarthe, potential attributions are also rare. In the first department, besides Bais and Jublains, we can only consider as possible the single case of Javron-les-Chapelles (Gavaronno) where several sarcophagi were unearthed around the church and which was the seat of the condita Gabronensis monastery founded in 460.
It seems that some of the most western cities cut themselves off from imperial power for the first time in 409, according to the Byzantine chronicler Zosime. Subsequently, several uprisings with interspersed repressions took place until the middle of 5th century from which the cities of Vorgium (Osismii) and Fanum Martis (Coriosolites) gradually became totally independent. Both of the former Roman territories while experiencing an influx of refugees composed of insular Britons, arriving especially to 5th and 6th centuries from pressure of the situation in Britannia.