Showing posts with label Cold War. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cold War. Show all posts

Thursday, February 20, 2025

VW beetle


 VW beetle 

I am always on the lookout for civilian bits that will fit my Cold War scenes, I was excited to come across a hot wheels collection of VW cars which in due course will hit the painting desk. This one my my wife’s mothers car in the 80s. Very snazzy at the time in two tone orange and white. 



Sunday, February 16, 2025

Bundesgrenzschutz VW cars


 Bundesgrenzschutz Cars 

More VW vehicles for the Bundesgrenzschutz, again a mix of matchbox and hot wheels. Quite happy with them. 


Thursday, June 27, 2024

Bundeszollverwaltung Customs patrol

 Completed  7 miniatures for my Customs border unit. These chaps are all Esci and Airfix. The figures are from the Esci ground crew (radio operator ) NATO troops man with hand up, and from the Airfix nato ground crew the dog and the three walking (minus their tool boxes). I also attempted the arm patches… sort of. My favourite is the radio operator figure. I have a vehicle to come for them. 

The unit will be used for my skirmish and larger battles as opposition to my Soviet special forces. Perfect for airfields, checkpoints, waterways and port guards. 

Bundeszollverwaltung -  Customs patrol



Thursday, June 20, 2024

Swedish C303 PLTGB 903

Finally completed this during the week during my down time between guests I have been airbrushing and catching up on my kit builds during the year. I do need to add crew from elhiem when I find them in the pile of opportunity. 

The Volvo c303 pansarvarnspjasterrangbil was armed with a Pvpj 1110 90 mm recoil-less antitank gun. I picked up the Gecko models 1/72 model last year and finally assembled it this week for Mad March build, so has been a while between build and painted but until I complete the renovations on my workshop upstairs I will need to be patient until I get my airbrush studio space completed. 

This chap will join my Swedes in the anti armour platoon of my infantry regiment for my Cold War game later in the year. 


Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Swedish C303 car

  Additions for my Swedish army is a passenger truck, the Volvo C303 TGB11 these small vehicles were commonly referred to as the Puppy in Swedish service and were used in a variety of uses. 

The C303 was designed and built by Volvo and was designated the Laplander L3314. It came in hard top, soft top and the specialized anti tank version. I picked up the Gecko heavy industries model, which to be frank is not that good for its price, with lots of air bubbles and a clear cabin in very hard resin. See my previous kit review Here 

I am quite happy with the result though and was a simple dark green airbrush job then hand painted windscreens, tactical signs and lights etc. 



Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Nationale Volksarmee Trabant P601

  Elhiem miniatures have released a few pieces for the Nationale Volksarmee GDR East Germans. A simple start to my project coming up this year is a Trabant 601 car for some minor officer of the army. A nice start to kit off the army! 



Monday, June 17, 2024

Bundesgrenzschutz VW181

  One of my Bundesgrenzschutz units is a 1/72nd scale VW181 to complete my command platoon. 

The Germania Figuren vehicle is made from resin and is a very nicely cast model. Hardly and flash and no bubbles. It comes with two options roof on or folded back, plus driver (which is a bonus) with four head variants. Assembly was quite simple and the cabin went together well, although take care with the windscreen removal, and fitting the back parcel shelf and seat which I fitted incorrectly! 

It was a little pricey at €16.50 plus shipping but a great little kit never the less. A solid 9 out of ten, only mi us was the instructions and broken windscreen 

A simple Tamiya nato green paint job, with  highlight, then black lining. The driver was painted in bundesgrenschutz camo smock. Really happy with the result. 



Thursday, June 13, 2024

Bundesgrenzschutz part 8 - Ambulance

  Another piece for my Bundesgrenzschutz regiment a VW ambulance this time, a few more vehicles to come and a helicopter before the regiment is complete. 

 The vehicle is from Jonny Lightening and needs a windscreen warning lights and rear window and the Elhiem driver adding before truly complete. Really happy with it, I striped the original paint scheme back to bare metal as the acrylic paint did not cover properly over the matt guide coat. Second time round much happier. The crosses are from a job lot I picked up years ago, gloss varnish, then decal, then gloss again, followed by a complete Artist matt varnish. 

Bundesgrenzschutz Ambulance 

Bundesgrenzschutz Ambulance 



Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Bundesgrenzschutz part 7


 Support weapons and Bundesgrenzschutz company 

Finally on the last of my support units and rifle coy for my Federal Border Guard battalion. These chaps can be used in airfield and key installation protection for my Warpac special forces operations. All of the figs are from the Elhiem miniatures generic NATO range. 

Bundesgrenzschutz Head Quarters platoon, officer and radio, sniper, NCO and medic. 

Bundesgrenzschutz Milan and M92 Stinger teams 

Bundesgrenzschutz Mortar teams 

Bundesgrenzschutz Observer team

Bundesgrenzschutz Observer team 


Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Terrain Tuesday

 Always adding a bit of 20th century and modern bits to the collection. Some street lamps from model railway supplier, I was hoping to get some more cows done too but next week I suspect. 

I sculpted the paving with green stuff, I did think about adding LEDs but that is for the more permanent pieces I purchased for my city blocks. 



Thursday, November 30, 2023

Egyptian T-122 SPG - Blackdog 1/72 kit review


 Egyptian T122mm SPG

Another purchase being assembled for the Analogue Hobbies Winter Challenge. While picking up a few bits from my Favourite French hobby supplier during the Black Friday deals I picked up the 1/72 Blackdog conversion set for the Egyptian T34/122 self propelled howitzer, it may of been used during the 6 day war, but did serve during the Yom Kippur War. 

This beast was based on a T34 chassis, in the majority T34/85 had T54 road wheels added also. Two batterys of T122 of 18 guns each did see action in the Yom Kippur. I do note that Syria also done a similar modification of the old T34 chassis. 

The Blackdog kit has the turret, gun and wheels, barrel, baffles, and barrel rest, and finally two boxes. Really nicely cast, although some fine bits that will get damaged from wargaming (the equipment rings on the rear for example). Overall though quite easy to remove from the resin sprue, quite a bit of cleanup on the wheels though to clean out the holes and shape the pear, with two of mine have bad deformity flash from mold wear I suspect and I was supplied one incorrect wheel, although it could be easily modified. With a bit of patience everything cleaned up well and assembly was straight forward. The barrel baffles also need some flash clean up, but not too bad, be careful with the barrel alignment and the baffle assembly to ensure it is square.

T122 Egyptian kit

 The kit recommends the dragon T34/85 or the Italeri. I did note that some people have used the zvesda kit also. My kit was a Italeri and upon dry fitting I needed to sand more off the bottom of the rear of the turret to get it to fit correctly. I also removed my front guards as per the surviving example in Israel. 

Overall a great addition for anyone wanting to do something different or wanting like me to add it to your Egyptian army for 67 or 73 wars. 

Overall a simple addition armour build, scoring a nine out of ten. 

Plan to get some paint on it soon, when I do my next batch of Egyptians. 


Sunday, November 26, 2023

Volvo C303 Pansarvärnspjästerrängbil - Gecko Heavy Industries kit review


Volvo C303 Pansarvärnspjästerrängbil

As I start preparing for the Analogue painting challenge I have been focusing on building kits for our “Whisky on the Rocks” Cold War game. My Swedes need quite a bit of anti armour to deal with the Soviet VDV division that will oppose them. The 

Volvo C303 Pansarvärnspjästerrängbil 1/72 Gecko Resin kit

Another kit review of Gecko Heavy Industries 1/76th scale resin kit. The Volvo C303 Pansarvärnspjästerrängbil 90mm recoiless anti tank gun. The only model of this kit that I am aware of for 20mm wargaming. 

The kit is resin with four options for the build, a complete clear resin cabin with stowed gun,  a half cabin with stowed gun, a windscreen with roll cage mounted or a firing version with folded down screen and roll frame. 
The resin spruces were simple to remove, do take care though with assembly as the instructions are not that clear, and you will require a few images from the web to fully assemble it correctly, particularly the gun mount. The roll cage will need some work if you are to get close to an actual vehicle, so I opted to fold mine down in the firing version. The clear parts are not that great and I think I will scratch a new windscreen(which will be folded down anyway…. The front seats were also incorrect from what I could see, so I trimmed the kit pieces to suit. Overall a 8.5 out of 10. 

The kit was €22 from panzerfux and worth the price I think as it is such a rare beast. Looking forward to getting some paint on it and I will possibly convert some S&S miniatures Swedish crew. 

Volvo C303 Pansarvärnspjästerrängbil Layed out


Monday, November 20, 2023

Less Than 60 Miles board game review

I have been adding tabletop counter games to my collection particularly over Covid. Most of these are operational level games which the various nations professional Army Wargaming Programs like us to have on hand. 

One of the recent more popular Cold War Hot games are from the Redline Games series. 

These are quite expensive but fantastic detail and so far I have had three great games with them. With more time I think I will master the multiple complexity level. Worth every cent I think with excellent maps and counters. 



Saturday, November 18, 2023

Praga 53/59/70 30mm AA 1/72 review

Praga 53/59/70 30mm AA Lizard

History Praga 53/59

The Praga M53/59 was developed post ww2 and entered service in 1959, mounted on a armoured cabin, the cabin armour was quite thin 10mm on the front and 6mm on the sides making it small arms fire proof only. The vehicle was the Czech V3S 6 wheel drive truck chassis. The chassis, engine and electronic components were upgraded and improved in 1970, these vehicles became the M53/70. Further electronic additions were added in the eighties so electronic air tracking was available via connection to a battery command vehicle using the M85 Zirafa radar allowing it to remain in service for some time in the Czechoslovakian army until 2003. A large number of both models were exported during the Cold War and quite a number still remain in a number of armies today.

The 30mm cannon was originally designed by Bruno for the kreigsmarine during ww2 as a submarine anti aircraft design. The Czechoslovak designation was the 30mm PLDvk viz.53. The top mounted magazines for the gun held 50 rounds, however weighed a hefty 85 kilos when fully loaded. The guns had a practicable rate of fire of 150-200 rounds per minute, AA effective range was 3500m and on ground targets 2000m. The gunner had optical sights only and manual trigger and hydraulic assisted traverse and elevation, until the 1980s when the upgraded system appeared for targeting. The twin guns could also be dis-mounted from the chassis into a fixed ground position. The vehicle had a crew of five, Commander, driver, two loaders and a gunner, and normally operated in a division of 6 vehicles, plus a command vehicle for the battery of two divisions.

The Praga had the nickname the lizard due to its code name during its development and was widely used in the ground role during the Yom Kippur war and the Yugoslavian wars, where Praga became the nickname for all anti aircraft SP cannons.

Review NB models Praga 53/59

A superb offering of the Praga 53/59 30mm SP AA gun by NB models. This is the 1/72 version, there is also a 1/35th scale available too. 

A very crisp 3d print with very little clean up, a bit of light filing and sanding where the supports were, predominately on the underside of the pieces and on the back of the Gun. A little sanding and it was ready to assemble. Assembly was simple and straight forward and  every thing nicely together with no problems, I used super glue gel for assembly giving me time to square up wheels and the gun assembly.

My only critiques are, I would of liked the tyre treads on the wheels to be more detailed, a posable gun for the deployed AA role with removable and spare ammunition drums plus the racks and finally the crew compartment to be open so I could add crew, a gunner and loaders. 

I will mount this on a base to prevent it being knocked about whilst it is on the game table as I can see the mirrors and rear steps becoming detached quickly.  I also left off the clear canopy for painting as it can easily be placed after painting. One will join my Egyptians the other my Iraqis, and I will possibly get them painted before Christmas! 

The Praga 53/59 NB models kit fully laid out, a very crisp kit

Cabin detail is excellent, a few delicate parts…. A few bits to clean up but overall great

The NB models Praga 53/59 Guns and cabin front, the light mounts and mirrors are superb

NB models Praga cabin side, the tools are superb, as are the lights, handles and mirror

The Armoured glass cupola and gun sight…. 


AK interactive- vol III Arab revolutions and border wars.
You tube training clip of the Praga 53/59
Praga 53/59 walk around
Yugoslavian wars use

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Bundesgrenzschultz VW van


  Bundesgrenzschutz VW Van

While I was airbrushing a lot of vehicles last week (while the weather was pleasant) I quickly painted up my remaining Bundesgrenzschutz vehicles. For completed off the table is a van, pretty much match box recovery that had the front pillars missing, which I rebuilt with green stuff and styrene, plus the traffic light which is also green stuff. I have also molded a plastic windscreen in hot water from a vegetable pack, but cannot find it on my messy desk so a cleanup may occur tomorrow! 

I am planning also to add Bundesgrenzschutz writing on the sides in black, but will complete my helicopter and other vehicles first before I play around making up the transfers to be printed, then complete all of the vehicles at once.

 I only have the checkpoint and four more vehicles to come (one truck, one ambulance and Jeep , plus the helicopter and they will be completed. In the meantime I must complete some more vehicles before this weekends Yom Kippur anniversary game! 



Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Terrain Tuesday -modern courier station

 Courier despatch building 

Completed the first of my model train HO scale modern buildings, I am quite happy with the result, I would like to add signage from 1980s West Germany, I was thinking Hermes perhaps. Also thinking about a magnetic one so I switch it out for several locations . 

I commenced by painting the brick with red and and the concrete in grey. I then used a sponge to put splotch's with lighter colours. Then a ink wash to bring it together. I then use Tamiya weathering paste and made a heavy wash to push into the brick work, then wiped off with a QTip working in sections, the guttering, down pipes and windows then were done. Finally a green wash to show moss then some flowers and shrubs. I made the roofs removable for figure placement. 

I am considering also building a security fenced yard and carpark, plus add box’s pallets etc and a garbage bin. 

Onto the next lot, iconic WW2 DDay buildings next. 
