Showing posts with label Red Army. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Red Army. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

T26 assault


 T26 tanks forward!

The last of the recent purchases of from Clive diecast models, five diecast T26, these are absolutely lovely pieces and I suspect a little more robust for wargaming then the current plastic kits I have. Another pre purchase for nexts years project (I tell myself that!) 

I will only give these guys a wash and grime job, plus basing and they will join my Russian horde. 

Russian T26 tanks


T34s атаковать - Advance


 T34 Assault !

During Clives Diecast sale I also I picked up some diecast T34s from Clive for my early Russian army, which I plan to add to next year as the new Rapid Fire eastern Front books are coming (YAY). 

Further additions to the stash for now....... a repaint and weathering I suspect is on the cards too to match my current fleet of plastics.
