Showing posts with label Roden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Roden. Show all posts

Thursday, March 20, 2025

Knights of the Air


 Knights of the air 

 I like to build ww1 aircraft for my Bloody April WW1 games every year. Both aircraft are hand painted one 1/72 Revell and one Roden kit, both with airfix pilots. 

First Aircraft completed for  Jasta 11 Lothar Richthofen, brother of the famous Baron! 

First aircraft for Jasta 36 Harold von Bülow-Bothkamp, a very colorful Fokker DR1, an ace fighter pilot of both world wars.


Thursday, February 16, 2023

Jasta 18 Raben Ravens

 Jasta 18 Rabens Ravens 

A project that has the aircraft built in some cases for 7 years or more, I finally decided to get this unit done in a mad rush of three days for the analogue painting challenge. Apart for airbrush undercoat white, all hand painted, the transfers are from Pheon Models range. the aircraft are 1/72 a mix of Airfix, Roden and Italeri I think......the pilots are a mix of Airfix and Wartime Miniatures ww1 pilots all ready for a Canvas Eagles or WOW clash!

Ltn August Raben, Montingen October 1915, Fokker drI

Ltn Hans Schultz, Lomme June 1918

Ltn Heinz Kuttner, Montingen 1918

Ltn Fredrich Hess Montingen August 1918

Hanover CII



Friday, December 31, 2021

Luftstreitkräfte Albatross W4

 Luftstreitkräfte Albatross W4

One of my last builds for 2021 was a 1/72 Roden Albatross W4, not a bad build but like most Roden kits I pinned the wings and made new struts to make it better for wargame handling! I opted for the simple brown natural and unpainted canvas wings, the transfers were again a problem being oversized for the kit. I painted them with varnish then cut to size. 

Albatross W4



Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Jasta 10 part two lt Hans Klein

Jasta 10 part 2

Completed my first aircraft for the three aircraft I am building for Jasta 10. The Roden kit was very tricky build with a lot of parts being replaced otherwise it would not handle normal wargame handling for Canvas eagles. The transfers again were appalling so I used Pheon transfers.  

I am sort of happy, not really 100% with the build. I hand painted the yellow and I had it little too thick but I did achieve the stripey look of hand painted canvas with the white. I nevertheless it will take to the skies and very soon be on the table using canvas eagles rules. The pilot is from Wartime Miniatures ww1 pilot range I commissioned a number of years ago.

The aircraft is Lt Hans Klein, he lead Jasta 10 from the 17th September 1917 until he was wounded in February 1918 flying a Pfalz dxiii. a record of 22 victories, 1 unconfirmed. 

Lt Hans Klein Jasta 10

Lt Hans Klein Jasta 10
