So I have decided to get my final build in for the year by adding another Jasta to my growing 1/72nd scale WW1 collection. I have decided to do Royal Prussian Jagdstaffel 6 (who flew with Richthofen jasta 11 in Jagdgeschwader 1). The squadron would remain part of the Flying Circus for the rest of the war. In June, July, and August of 1917, the Jasta lost a commanding officer per month to enemy action. They had been credited with 196 confirmed aerial victories, at the cost of ten pilots KIA, 9 WIA, two killed in flying accidents, four Injured in flying accidents, and two pilots taken POW.
Commanding Officers
Josef Wulff: 28 August 1916 - 1 May 1917
Leutnant Fritz Otto Bernert: 1 May 1917 - 9 June 1917
Oberleutnant Eduard Ritter von Dostler: 24 June 1917 - KIA 21 August 1917
Leutnant de Reserves Hans Ritter von Adam: 22 August 1917 - KIA 15 November 1917.
Oberleutnant Wilhelm Reinhard: 16 November 1917 - 22 April 1918
Leutnant de Reserves Johannes Janzen: 28 April 1918 - POW 9 June 1918
Leutnant de Reserves Hans Kirschstein: 10 June 1918 - KIFA 16 July 1918
Leutnant de Reserves Paul Wenzel (Acting): 19 July 1918 - WIA 11 August 1918
Leutnant de Reserves Richard Wenzl (Acting): 11 August 1918 - 1 September 1918
Leutnant de Reserves Ulrich Neckel: 1 September - 11 November 1918
I will build two Fokker DR1, two DVII and one DVIII for the jasta at this stage, I will be following the images below as a guide!
Leutnant Hans Kirschstein completed
Ltn Hans Kirschstien 27 victories
Ltn Ulrick Neckle 30 victories |
Ltn Paul Wenzel 10 victories |
Ltn Fritz Schliewen |