Showing posts with label First Corps. Show all posts
Showing posts with label First Corps. Show all posts

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Republican Roman Army

 Republican Roman Army 

I have been photographing figures for Sale the last two days, clearing the decks to concentrate on the battles closer to home and reducing the unused armies . Also the is second Republican Army I have, this one was built as opponents to my sold Carthaginian Army. The figures are from First Corps range. The army is based for Impetus but could suit To the Strongest or Midgard rules. Each legion has different shields and consists of a Velites, Hastati, Princeps, Triarii and Cavalry.   I also have another Italian legion which I will sell separately after I take photos. 



First Legion 

Second Legion 

Third Legion 

Fourth Legion 


Italian Legion 

Light Greek Cavalry 


Friday, December 27, 2024

5th BC Greek part 2 skirmishers

 Greek skirmishers, these figures are First Corps which are lovely figures, although getting long in the tooth they are one of their best ranges. Again LBMS decals 



Sunday, April 28, 2024

More hairy Germanics

 Hairy Germanics 

More warlord Germanics completed with an odd foundry figure in the mix, a few foundry and first Corps hand painted shields. I am not a fan of the plastic spears and swords and even when photographing I managed to break two spears and a sword, all will be replaced in the next day or two. 

I have 40 odd foot and 12 cavalry to complete the army so I can more on to my Greeks… Napoleonic’s, moderns, and ww2 bits for DDay games. 

Warband 1, all warlord miniatures some foundry and first corps German shields  

Warband two, a foundry, and warlord with mixed shields from foundry, first corps and warlord

Hairy Foundry in the middle, I do love their Germanics 

Warband three, all warlord but mixed sheilds 

Warband Four, the fanatic on the left has a Victrix Viking head, again a mix of metals and plastics from Warlord games, again  mixed shield's from Foundry, First Corps and Warlord Games. 


Saturday, January 21, 2023

Roman Auxiliary cohort

 Cohor III Augusta Thracia Auxiliaries 

Next off the desk is a unit of Auxiliary’s for the Dacian campaign, I think I will rebase them on 60x60,  as I am not happy with the smaller base sizes recommended for Hail Caesar, spears and shields will get knocked around too much I think. Really happy with the green colour next units will be in cream or blue I think. Another entry for the analogue painting challenge. 


Friday, November 5, 2021

Oh la Vache (holy cow!)

 Oh cow! 

One of my more favorite local French curses! After almost three weeks of low motivation I am back at it, completed a lot of all jobs and two large projects over the last two days.

First up cows, I know however I do use them in a few games and I now have a modest herd of 12 beasts, which will serve well my purposes plus can be used as table clutter for bigger games. Miniatures are from First Corps range but I cut off the neck hump which is more of a southern thing on cattle. 


Monday, September 6, 2021

Caesarian Roman Project Part 1 fort

Caesarian Roman Project 

Part 1 Fort/Encampment

One of my major projects this year is a Caesarian Roman army to match my Gaulois project from last year. My plans are to build 28mm Caesarian Romans additions to my current republicans, I want to do another legion.....either the 6th or 13th, I have purchased most of the figures but need a box or Warlord figures and some artillery additions.

When you play impetus you normally need a camp for your table that the enemy can assault and take, I like to build pieces for all of my armies normally with a small scene that tells a story. With that in mind I purchased some figures and the wall pieces from First Corps Miniatures to make this encampment, with legionaries replacing a wall section and digging the trench deeper as a new centurion has arrived "and we must keep them men busy".

Roman Marching Fort

Roman Fort, the walls are interlaced wood filled with earth

The Roman ditch workers, accessories scratch built

Roman soldiers digging

I do plan on adding the 6 remaining walls and four corner towers and two gates at some stage in the future to make a complete square marching camp for my Punic wars and Gallic Wars roman armies collection. 

We have the remainders of three marching camps from the Gallic wars and Caesar's conquest of western Gaul within 40 mins of the Maison. Two in particular are impressive and were used by successive armies up to the early medieval period. One was located in 2010, the clearing of a forest found the remains of the walls and ditches, they suspect this was the fort that was sieged during Caesar's invasion of the west...... A guided tour is available to visit these forts, the Roman Museum and also wargame the Gallic wars at L'hotel de Hercé in our "Salon de Guerre". 

Full details are here

"walk the battlefield in the morning and wargame in the afternoon"
