Greek skirmishers, these figures are First Corps which are lovely figures, although getting long in the tooth they are one of their best ranges. Again LBMS decals
Greek skirmishers, these figures are First Corps which are lovely figures, although getting long in the tooth they are one of their best ranges. Again LBMS decals
Hairy Foundry in the middle, I do love their Germanics |
Roman Marching Fort |
Roman Fort, the walls are interlaced wood filled with earth |
The Roman ditch workers, accessories scratch built |
Roman soldiers digging |
I like to paint commands first when I start a new army, so I have some 28mm First Corps Republican Roman command to go with the upcoming Wargames Factory Caesarian Romans. A little small to match but ok until I pick up some Foundry or Warlord figures. One consul with lictor and standard and one foot tribune with standard.
I found these while digging through some boxes last week, it the First Corps marching Roman fort building set, I have painted them so they suit both my republican armies, I also found some stubborn markers, along with set was the foundry set they are waiting in cue, possibly this week.
Roman Fort builders |