Showing posts with label Sassanids. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sassanids. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Sassanids Army Parade

 Sassanid Army Parade 

Nearly all of the collection is A&A miniatures with a few Aventine, 1 old glory elephant and the second larger is A&A also 


Monday, July 4, 2022

Sassanid Prince Ardeshir II

 Prince Ardeshir II 

Prince Ardeshir, brother of Shapur II and leader of the Pushtigbhan of the royal hosehold. Along with his brother they successfully conquered Armenia and expanded the borders of the empire against Rome and in the east. He predominantly lead the defence in the north against the nomadic tribal invasions and squashed the nobles rebellion until his nephew was made King Shapur III. Another sub general for my Sassanid army, again an A&A miniature which make up the majority of my sassans.



Saturday, July 2, 2022

Sassanid Pushtigbhan, Princes guard

 Sassanid Pushtigbhan 

My second unit of Sassanid Royal guard, this unit is also from A & A miniatures range. These chaps have been in my project drawers for around ten years. I ground off the raised decor with the dremel than sanded the horses smooth with wet and dry sandpaper, so a time consuming job to say the least. Quite happy with them could of spent more time on them but elected to get them table ready. They are the last cavalry unit I have for the army. 


Tuesday, March 29, 2022

King of Kings, Shapur II

 King Of Kings 

I have been on holiday for three months in Australia, the weather was fabulous and it was great to catch up with friends. I had great intentions of painting some figures whilst I was there, however I really did not devote any time really in between family commitments. This is one of the few I actually had time to complete.

King Shapur II, possibly the greatest and longest serving king of the Sassanid empire and a pain in the side to Rome and her allies in the east. The miniature is from the aventine range along with the two retainers and standard, the horse however id from the A&A range and fits in nicely. This vignette almost completes my Sassanid army for Impetus, I would like to buy some more foot, heavy infantry and archers and I will be done. 

King of Kings Shapur II


Friday, January 15, 2021

Sassanid Horse Archers

Sassanid Horse Archers

Hot off the desk this week are some A&A Sassanid light cavalry. One of the Romans most consistent enemies  of late period. Another batch from the project drawer that have been staring at me for the best part of 6 done and dusted.

Based for impetus and the familiar circle I like to base my light cavalry on.

"walk the battlefield in the morning, wargame in the afternoon"™ 

From Caesar to World War Two


Matt Williamson