Showing posts with label 28mm. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 28mm. Show all posts

Monday, March 24, 2025

6th Chevau-leger Lancers 2nd Squadron

 6th Chevau-Leger Lancers 2nd Squadron 

Next squadron completed for the lancer regiment, I have elected to mount them on bays although by 1813 I suspect horses were in short supply. Next up the command Sqaudron 


Friday, December 27, 2024

5th BC Greek part 2 skirmishers

 Greek skirmishers, these figures are First Corps which are lovely figures, although getting long in the tooth they are one of their best ranges. Again LBMS decals 



Monday, July 8, 2024

Silesian Landwehr officer

A Regimental commander or ADC for my Silesian Regiment. Again an 28mm Elite miniature. I wanted to depict a young volunteer officer who has supplied his own horse, so his main difference is his epaulette with a red pin stripe. 

The cross is 3d Resin, the base is scratch built with plastic former than milliput, but I am planning on adding it to the cross model next time. Really happy with my result. 



1813 Prussian Silesian Landwehr 3rd battalion

 Another battalion from my Silesian Landwehr, again from the 28mm Elite Range. This is the 3rd battalion with one more too go. I have elected to go with the smaller 60x60 basing, for this battalion, I will rebase the other two this coming week. Flags are GMB 



Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Vendee Project - part 4 Royal Catholic Armee Chouan Chevalier Cavalry

 Royal Catholic Armee Chouan Chevalier Cavalry

As parts of Maine were liberated by the Vendee army during 1793 a cavalry squadron was formed around North Maine and lower Normandy predominantly nobles. The unit was small around 180 mounted men and around 40 dismounted owing to a horse shortage. They carried a holy banner with Mary from the monastery church at Avesnières. This banner was captured at Le Mans in December 1793.
Many of the men who survived the disaster at Le Mans fled to Normandy and Mayenne and then onto England via Jersey, those who did not joined General la Frotte and his Chouan army in lower Normandy and North Maine, some fighting until 1815. 

Some members also seemed to have served in the Les chevaliers de la couronne, as Jean-François -Simon de Hercé former deputy to the estates general, and company commander, a Hercé family member of the house we live in today attests to having fought in the battles in Flanders in 1792 then returned to Maine during the uprising, then fled to Bath in England, where he died in 1796.

The miniatures are 28mm from the Revolutionary Armies Range now sold by Skytrex and the horses are from foundry and crusader. The banner is from LBM Byzantine transfer cut down to size. I gave based them on single bases so they can be used for skirmish gaming. 
I have another squadron to complete for my Royal Catholic Armee but it will be in mixed uniforms of the Grenadiers and Bretons from the lower Vendee. 


Tuesday, April 9, 2024

It’s all Greek to me

 Over the years I have painted many Greek armies, then sold them on during one of my changes of periods etc. One of my good friends in Australia Spyrios has expressed a wish to build a Greek army for the 5th century BC, so I am off a tangent at the moment researching the period and minatures available ….. and guess what I accidentally purchased a few pieces to see what they paint up like as I was planning some Greeks this year …… so over the coming weeks I will be adding a few Greeks to my collection, particularly the Victrix plastics that are available. I am thinking something that can be expanded within my current collection of mercenary units for my early, late republican or Caesarian Roman’s. I am thinking either Pyrrhic or Thracian (or both) my current collection has a few mostly light infantry and cavalry (I have a lot of unpainted Foundry Thracians). I am leaning towards Thracians at the moment ….. but the thought of those capes …… anyway decisions, decisions. 

John Jenkins Designs 54mm Thracian general 



Monday, April 8, 2024

Fallschirmjager support elements

  Off the desk actually more than two weeks ago but managed to get some photos today while packing away and cleaning up my desk for the next project. 28mm Warlord metal miniatures much better than the plastic offerings. 

Tripod MG 42

81mm mortar 

120mm mortar 



Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Vendee / Chouannerie - French Revolution Project

 Vendee/Chouannerie Project 

This year as one of my major projects I want to complete my French Revolution Project and associated Royal Catholic Armee and French Revolution army. I have also been working on a ruleset at 1/10 figure scale over the last 5 years and hopefully will get it published later this year. 

I really want to fight five of  the battles from the great Galerne that are within 20 to 80klm of my French house and involved a number of our neighbors families and the Hercé family that lived in our house. Both the French and the Royal Catholic armies are quite small so it suits to reduce the representation factor of units and makes leaders for troop inspiration more important. 

Eventually by the end of the year I want to have a big enough army to replay a few of the local smaller battles and within two years the larger ones like Le Mans, Entrammes, Chateau Gontier,  and Dole Bretagne.  

My first units will be a few Revolution French and some of the royalist additions to Chouan collection.


Friday, March 15, 2024

Napoleonic French casualties

  I have been busy this last week since returning and have managed a number of hours at the desk. First up some 28mm Napoleonic French casualties from old glory and out of ammunition markers. A simple afternoons painting, then basing on warbases dials, ready for General de Brigade or Grand Armee games. 



Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Fallschirmjager Part one

  Next off the desk are some fallshirmjager that I have been working on since before Christmas, I detest camo at 28mm it is hard to capture in scale…. The miniatures are from Warlord and will be used in my skirmish collection, although I am not that impressed with the figures and may sell them on I think. 

Squad one



Action shot!



Thursday, May 25, 2023

Napoleonic French Mamelukes of the Guard WIP 1

 Settling back into the painting desk this week before I need to move it to a new location on the weekend completing lots of WIP and preparing projects for the Summer push. 

First up, I promised Ged at Gringo 40s I would paint his French Guard Mameluke band for display in the next few months, so I thought I had best get cracking. 

First up some research pics to help with motivation, for tunics, kettle drum, drummers, jingling jonnies and trumpets etc, really for my quick reference! Wip progress photos tomorrow as I started last night! 



Thursday, January 19, 2023

Maximus General of the North

 Maximus, Maximus 

 Next off the table is General Maximus general of the northern legions, the miniature is from Warlord and for me is a little on the small side of 28mm. Another entry for the analogue painting challenge. 

General Maximus 


Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Germanic Archers

Germanic Archers 

Next off the desk this week are some Germanic archers from warlord. Another entry for the analogue painting challenge. These are very nice sculpts and I am very pleased with the result. 

Germanic archers 

Germanic Archers 
