Showing posts with label Terrain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Terrain. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Terrain Tuesday

 Some more ww2 bits another wayside cross and some beach defences 



Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Terrain Tuesday - ww2 bits

 Terrain Tuesday

A bit of terrain completed before Christmas. A few roadside shrines, the cross is metal and possibly Ral Partha the Madonna is plastic. The plinths are bases glued together. 

Roadside Madonna 

Roadside cross


Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Terrain Tuesday - Recycling bins

 I was gifted some recycling bins at Partizan by Shaun on “the Bunker “ Samurai game. The bins are 28mm and I will add them to my modern skirmish and 2000AD collection I think. They need some graffiti so off to search for some suitable images to print out on decal paper. 

German glass recycling bins 



Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Terrain Tuesday - ww2 bits

 A few 20mm ww2 terrain pieces, first up a fettlers railway shed, entrenchment, hay stack and some French fuel drums for a supply dump. 


Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Terrain Tuesday - medieval house

 Bourgeois House 

A project I started last year during the  analogue painting challenge in March 2023. I was in storage last week when I found the half finished, so I decided bring it down and comple it over the weekend. Quite happy with my results, I intend to base this also and make a gatehouse and outbuilding for it with the entry from the courtyard. It will join my other pieces and is suitable from 13th century to current. 

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Terrain Tuesday - camera crew

  Another table piece for my Cold War collection this time a camera crew covering the troubles along the border….. figures from Elhiem miniatures range. 



Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Terrain Tuesday - tents …..

Simple Renedra tents for ACW this week! 



Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Terrain Tuesday - Pulp bits

 Every now and then I come across pieces that would service pulp games. These pieces are from GW and are part of the storm cast terrain. Simple assembly and look pretty good painted up imho. A simple two or three colour with highlights. 



Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Terrain Tuesday

 Always adding a bit of 20th century and modern bits to the collection. Some street lamps from model railway supplier, I was hoping to get some more cows done too but next week I suspect. 

I sculpted the paving with green stuff, I did think about adding LEDs but that is for the more permanent pieces I purchased for my city blocks. 



Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Terrain Tuesday - Statue

 Town Statue 

First figures painted for the year, and my first entry for this years Analogue painting challenge. I picked this miniature up from combat games in Sydney. The figure is from the reaper miniatures village range and is obviously a copy of Joan of arc statue in Chinon. Although bronze when weathered is a brown colour for me it looked too dull, so I elected to paint brass then add a green wash. 



Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Terrain Tuesday - Desert terrain Sinai

 Desert terrain 

Last week as the Yom Kippur War bug continues to bite I completed some desert shrub foliage cover pieces that could be used for both 20mm and 28mm. Simple mdf base with coir hair mat and, home made tufts and some noch shrub. Quite effective and happy with the result, 30 odd more to come once I make some new tufts in the coming week or so. 

Desert tufts 


Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Terrain Tuesday- Sinai Terrain part 1


 Sinai terrain

While I do have a collection of terrain pieces for my desert games I have very little in the way of 20th century type pieces for towns etc except for my Iraq thunder run table bits (jersey barriers and buildings and a few trees). 

I did have some Street lights and palms laying around in stock with part built I had started for city entry pieces, these pieces have been part finished for some time but originally was only going to be palms for my Iraqi war table, however by adding the lights give it more of a 20th century look. 

A collection of small trees, I cut some of the stumps so they were not all the same heights.


Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Wip Wednesday ww2 buildings

Work in Progress Buildings 

 Back to upgrading some buildings this week as I want to start basing and adding walls and outbuildings, gardens etc to my layout. I have about thirty to refurbish for my Mayenne/city table, some will not take much, other need a lot of work. I have been breaking up bricks, cork and tinting kitty litter with washes to make bags of rubble. 

First up a old warrior, possibly 20 years old, I have a number of these I think from Queens Hussar (could be wrong) I will bring the brick up to the normal bright red orange of our region, then add a few bits of interior pieces, damage, rubble, signage then add the yard and out buildings on a base to fit my town tiles. 



Terrain Tuesday - Hay Stacks

 Hay Stacks 

I have been meaning to paint these for some time, the first 4 are complete and I have 16 more to complete the lot. Quite happy with the result and they match my fields (door mat) much more to come 


Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Terrain Tuesday -modern courier station

 Courier despatch building 

Completed the first of my model train HO scale modern buildings, I am quite happy with the result, I would like to add signage from 1980s West Germany, I was thinking Hermes perhaps. Also thinking about a magnetic one so I switch it out for several locations . 

I commenced by painting the brick with red and and the concrete in grey. I then used a sponge to put splotch's with lighter colours. Then a ink wash to bring it together. I then use Tamiya weathering paste and made a heavy wash to push into the brick work, then wiped off with a QTip working in sections, the guttering, down pipes and windows then were done. Finally a green wash to show moss then some flowers and shrubs. I made the roofs removable for figure placement. 

I am considering also building a security fenced yard and carpark, plus add box’s pallets etc and a garbage bin. 

Onto the next lot, iconic WW2 DDay buildings next. 


Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Wip Wednesday

 Working on some bridges I purchased at Partizan and a building I picked up at a local Model Railway swap meet for modern gaming. 

A A shipping business, I will strip off the flower beds, base coat the brickwork and roof and add details 

Bridge will be painting to suit our area and western Normandy 



Saturday, June 17, 2023

Terrain bits arrived

  As I charge on with my Ville Mayenne build I have purchased some walls and fences for the gardens and the wall for the river and port. Work will progress this week as I work on the structure of the river first, then the bridges. 



Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Terrain Tuesday June WIP

A bit more in progress work on my 20mm building for my ww2 Mayenne city table, doctor Morriset house, which was the lodging of the commandant of the Oisseau Wurzburg/ Freya radar station 

The building is from Vollmer HO scale,I have two of these one is a post office for my Nijmegen table. I managed to get the roof off and plan to build a floor in the top. The base colours are on, the washes and the weathering will commence once I complete the interior and base it. I ordered the garden fences today for the front and have printed the rear garden stone fences.

I also managed to pick up some Masonite today to commence the street layout of the six tiles for the city. 


Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Terrain Tuesday May

 Terrain Tuesday 

Well since we have effectively been away from  home over the last 6 weeks I thought I should post some terrain WIP shots and completions over the last three weeks since we arrived back from Oz. 

First up an addition to my medieval collection, another few pieces for the township and outside the township. The stocks and Giblet are resin from a RPG Pathfinder miniatures. 


Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Terrain Tuesday Medieval tavern

 Medieval Tavern 

Addition to my medieval building collection. A tavern style building. I have again added construction plaster to fill in between the colombage then stippled it with a toothbrush. Then painted it with an ox blood colour as per some buildings in Vitré. The tiles were painted to represent stone slate tiles then given various washes.  Quite happy with the result. 
