My mate David and I have planned 100YW tours and wargames this week. We visited a number of chateaux, two battlefield walks and 100YW sites in old Maine, Normandy and Anjou.
We also planned and played three 100YW games from all three phases of the war, play testing a upcoming rule set that should be published early next year. It is very morale based and takes time to break the morale of the of each base (representing 500 men) as attached leaders can roll off disorder and morale.
We organised the English into three battles, the French into 3 also, but only committing two battles with the first assault, one of these divisions needed success to win an outright victory, the last division being only deployed if the French assault fails and a successful roll is made. I was very keen to roll out all of my 100YW armies for our games.
Enjoy the pics
The English happy few |
The French first Battle |
The field |
The flanking move fails ….again |
The French start to crowd but head towards the English MAA |
French line starts to break up from the archery |
The cavalry finally retire |
The English MAA await with the Norman Allied contingent |
Gird your loins here they come! |
The retired cavalry let the archers shoot into the flanks again |
The MAA clash |
Heavy fighting continues |
French MAA reach breakpoint |
Generals attach to rally men on both sides |
Holes appear in the French line as the morale collapses |
The Duke de Harcourt falters and is captured |
Pierre the Alençon almost cuts his way through to the king, just like the actual battle
Then break, the French army retires and history repeats itself, the third French division fails to activate and it’s game over!