Showing posts with label Black Tree Design. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Black Tree Design. Show all posts

Friday, February 28, 2025

Alexandrian Successor Elephant

 Alexandrian Successor Elephant 

Completed another metal elephant and added three crews, 4 plastic and two metal figures. The metal elephant I think it is black tree design. The plastic figs are from the Victrix elephant set. I used sabot bases so they can be swapped out easily as required. 


Thursday, December 30, 2021

Gladiators we salute you Dust and Shadows part 6

 Gladiators we salute you Part 6!

Another 3 gladiators completed all black tree again, with a few shield swaps to suit the personality. and now a few animals plus my chariots and my collection will be ready for the arena! I have enjoyed painting these, especially the atlantean. 

The Arena build is still coming along with a few changes from my original idea. When I return from Holidays in Australia in Feburary I will crack on!

looks like the emperor! 

looks like Minimus rather than Maximus!

Atlantean is ready!


Sunday, November 28, 2021

Gladiators Dust and Shadows part 5

 Dust and Shadows part 5

Another 3 completed, really happy with these chaps , again Black Tree Design miniatures. I hopefully will get close to completing the amphitheatre this weekend!

Gladiator Numidian 




Sunday, November 21, 2021

Gladiators Dust and Shadows part 4

 Dust and Shadows part 4

Another 3 completed gladiators done for the collection, again Black tree design figures. Really happy how it is progressing, still have 16 to complete plus the spectators. I think I will complete the four on the table then switch to some other historical as I need a change. 

Galdiator, dust and shadows


Friday, November 12, 2021

Gladiators Dust and shadows part 3

 We are but dust and shadows

Another 3 completed, again from the Black tree design range of Gladiators, again no names as yet. I have found some suitable styrene  and card to make the steps and walls. Not decided if I will paint the exterior walls yet or add some mosaics or graffiti. 

Black Tree design Gladiators


Thursday, November 11, 2021

Gladiators Dust and Shadows Part two

 Dust and Shadows part two

As discussed I have been painting more gladiators for my collection here are the first three, no names yet though! 

The miniatures are from the Black Tree range of Gladiators, a little fantasy is explored, they are still available I believe. 

Gladiators we salute you


Monday, July 19, 2021

Anjou Maine Skirmishers VI

 Dark Age Skirmishers

Another quick unit off the table, I basically done these in between painting the Napoleonic’s figures as a break from belts etc. 

I do enjoy painting dark age - early medieval figures and this  unit can join my Anjou-Maine army for the 9th-11th century battles, which will become a focus in September as we are hosting a French professor of Carolingian to Viking history for three days, visiting sites and wargaming the local battles, so I have much to do, particularly Vikings and Carolingian cavalry. 

A mix of Footsore, Blacktree miniatures and mix of shields, LBM transfers and hand painted.

Dark Age Skirmishers


Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Imperial Roman testudo

Roman Imperial Testudo

Ok, just finished off a few odds and sods on the desk, as part of the 30 minute 30 day painting challenge. First of the cab rank Blacktree design roman testudo. A few scratch builds to get it to work


Friday, September 5, 2014

Roman casualty markers

Roman Imperial markers

Some simple 28mm casualty markers for Impetus, again black tree design miniatures. these are for Impetus rules.


Tribune Haterius Nepos

Roman General

Off the table tribune Haterius Nepos, a commander of the  Legio vigesima secunda Deiotariana, another black tree miniature, based for Impetus! I hope his dice gods are with him.



Roman Imperial Ballista Artillery

Black tree design Ballista, nice models to build, also for Robs army, all based for impetus.


Thursday, September 4, 2014

Roman Legio vigesima secunda Deiotariana

Twenty-second Deiotaran Legio

Levied approximately in 48 BC and disbanded after the Jewish Bar Kokhba revolt of 132–135. It was named after Deiotarus , the client Celtic king of the Tolistobogii tribe of Galatia. Deiotarus, during the Republican period, raised a number of legions trained by Romans. Then a single Roman Legio was formed after the annexation of Galatia in 48 BC. The XXII Deiotariana was not commanded by a senator, but by a Prefect from the equestrian-order, because the legio controlled the ports and supply depots for the all important grain in Eygpt. The figures are Black Tree Design, all based for Impetus, two of the 6 legio bases to come, waiting for more transfers.


Sunday, August 31, 2014

cohors auxilia sagittarii

Auxilia Sagittari 

Off the desk some imperial Roman cohors auxilia sagittarii, figures all black tree, figures are based for impetus for Robs imperial army.


Sunday, December 9, 2012

Auxilium Palatina Raetobari (Raetovari)

Raised by from the defeated Alamannic tribes from the Nordlinger Ries, north of the Danube, they apparently spoke a Etruscan  dialect.  This unit was based in the east and fought in Julian's Persian Campaign.

Again finished some weeks ago, this unit has also seen a few battles already and so far behaved very well. The second last Auxilium Palatina unit before I start painting the Legio and Limatani. 


Friday, October 26, 2012

Auxilium Palatina Constantiani

Auxilium Palatina Constantiani

Raised by Constantine, originally under the command of the Magister militum praesentalis I stationed in Thessalonica (Macedonia). The unit was moved to campaign with Gordian III in Persia in 244 and was almost destroyed at the battle of Misiche. Another unit of Black Tree Design figures, the most challenging shields so far, in the end I got sick of trying to get them perfect.


Thursday, October 25, 2012

Auxilium Palatina Salii

Auxilium Palatina Salii

One of the more famous Auxilium Palatina units, the Salii were raised from Frankish tribes, from the region south of the Meuse river and the Scheldt river. Again Black Tree design figures with hand painted shields.

I just noticed I have a few repairs to be done to skin!!!! Also need to add tufts when i pick them up in a week or so..


Thursday, October 18, 2012

Equites Promoti Seniores

Equites Promoti Seniores

Another cavalry unit off the desk, these guys have been sitting around half finished for some time, so I decided to hand paint some shields for them, add the draco, spears, finish the skin and clothing highlights, and do the eyes, I am very happy with them. The Black Tree design late Romans are quite good, I think i will get another two units of these to act as medium cavalry and do some more  heavy's with A and A .


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Greuthungi Ostrogothic Pirates

In the campaign I was awarded 20 (impetus) points of Ostrogothic Pirates to help me raid the Roman eastern territory's on the black sea, so of course I needed some unit to represent them! So I hunted around my spare fig box and came up a little short with a few BTD archers that would be suitable. Alas I had no warband types, so I trundled off to the cardinals house of wonders and sure enough he had some spare dark age figures I could use. The old glory miniatures are from the viking pack (I think) and were I ended up with the infamous bard figure, so what better figure for a leader!!!!!
