Friday, February 28, 2025
Alexandrian Successor Elephant
Thursday, December 30, 2021
Gladiators we salute you Dust and Shadows part 6
Gladiators we salute you Part 6!
looks like the emperor! |
looks like Minimus rather than Maximus! |
Atlantean is ready! |
Sunday, November 28, 2021
Gladiators Dust and Shadows part 5
Sunday, November 21, 2021
Gladiators Dust and Shadows part 4
Dust and Shadows part 4
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Galdiator, dust and shadows |
Friday, November 12, 2021
Gladiators Dust and shadows part 3
We are but dust and shadows
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Black Tree design Gladiators |
Thursday, November 11, 2021
Gladiators Dust and Shadows Part two
Dust and Shadows part two
As discussed I have been painting more gladiators for my collection here are the first three, no names yet though!
The miniatures are from the Black Tree range of Gladiators, a little fantasy is explored, they are still available I believe.
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Gladiators we salute you |
Monday, July 19, 2021
Anjou Maine Skirmishers VI
Dark Age Skirmishers
Another quick unit off the table, I basically done these in between painting the Napoleonic’s figures as a break from belts etc.
I do enjoy painting dark age - early medieval figures and this unit can join my Anjou-Maine army for the 9th-11th century battles, which will become a focus in September as we are hosting a French professor of Carolingian to Viking history for three days, visiting sites and wargaming the local battles, so I have much to do, particularly Vikings and Carolingian cavalry.
A mix of Footsore, Blacktree miniatures and mix of shields, LBM transfers and hand painted.
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Dark Age Skirmishers |
Wednesday, November 14, 2018
Imperial Roman testudo
Roman Imperial Testudo
Friday, September 5, 2014
Roman casualty markers
Roman Imperial markers
Tribune Haterius Nepos
Roman General
Roman Imperial Ballista Artillery
Thursday, September 4, 2014
Roman Legio vigesima secunda Deiotariana
Twenty-second Deiotaran Legio
Levied approximately in 48 BC and disbanded after the Jewish Bar Kokhba revolt of 132–135. It was named after Deiotarus , the client Celtic king of the Tolistobogii tribe of Galatia. Deiotarus, during the Republican period, raised a number of legions trained by Romans. Then a single Roman Legio was formed after the annexation of Galatia in 48 BC. The XXII Deiotariana was not commanded by a senator, but by a Prefect from the equestrian-order, because the legio controlled the ports and supply depots for the all important grain in Eygpt. The figures are Black Tree Design, all based for Impetus, two of the 6 legio bases to come, waiting for more transfers.
Sunday, August 31, 2014
cohors auxilia sagittarii
Auxilia Sagittari
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Auxilium Palatina Raetobari (Raetovari)
Raised by from the defeated Alamannic tribes from the Nordlinger Ries, north of the Danube, they apparently spoke a Etruscan dialect. This unit was based in the east and fought in Julian's Persian Campaign.
Again finished some weeks ago, this unit has also seen a few battles already and so far behaved very well. The second last Auxilium Palatina unit before I start painting the Legio and Limatani.Cheers