Showing posts with label Ancients. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ancients. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Sassanids Army Parade

 Sassanid Army Parade 

Nearly all of the collection is A&A miniatures with a few Aventine, 1 old glory elephant and the second larger is A&A also 


Saturday, February 15, 2025

Republican Roman Army

 Republican Roman Army 

I have been photographing figures for Sale the last two days, clearing the decks to concentrate on the battles closer to home and reducing the unused armies . Also the is second Republican Army I have, this one was built as opponents to my sold Carthaginian Army. The figures are from First Corps range. The army is based for Impetus but could suit To the Strongest or Midgard rules. Each legion has different shields and consists of a Velites, Hastati, Princeps, Triarii and Cavalry.   I also have another Italian legion which I will sell separately after I take photos. 



First Legion 

Second Legion 

Third Legion 

Fourth Legion 


Italian Legion 

Light Greek Cavalry 
