Showing posts with label Ancients. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ancients. Show all posts

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Republican Roman Army

 Republican Roman Army 

I have been photographing figures for Sale the last two days, clearing the decks to concentrate on the battles closer to home and reducing the unused armies . Also the is second Republican Army I have, this one was built as opponents to my sold Carthaginian Army. The figures are from First Corps range. The army is based for Impetus but could suit To the Strongest or Midgard rules. Each legion has different shields and consists of a Velites, Hastati, Princeps, Triarii and Cavalry.   I also have another Italian legion which I will sell separately after I take photos. 



First Legion 

Second Legion 

Third Legion 

Fourth Legion 


Italian Legion 

Light Greek Cavalry 


Saturday, June 8, 2024


 Some foundry Spartan spear off the table for my mate Rob’s army. Packed onto a 120x40mm base. These have been painted for some time just needed the decals and basing done, plus metal spears from Northstar. A few more bases to come over the next few weeks. 




Friday, May 17, 2024

Germanic javelins

 Some more germanics off the desk all from the warlord range. 5 more units to go and the army is done.



Tuesday, April 9, 2024

It’s all Greek to me

 Over the years I have painted many Greek armies, then sold them on during one of my changes of periods etc. One of my good friends in Australia Spyrios has expressed a wish to build a Greek army for the 5th century BC, so I am off a tangent at the moment researching the period and minatures available ….. and guess what I accidentally purchased a few pieces to see what they paint up like as I was planning some Greeks this year …… so over the coming weeks I will be adding a few Greeks to my collection, particularly the Victrix plastics that are available. I am thinking something that can be expanded within my current collection of mercenary units for my early, late republican or Caesarian Roman’s. I am thinking either Pyrrhic or Thracian (or both) my current collection has a few mostly light infantry and cavalry (I have a lot of unpainted Foundry Thracians). I am leaning towards Thracians at the moment ….. but the thought of those capes …… anyway decisions, decisions. 

John Jenkins Designs 54mm Thracian general 



Monday, March 4, 2024

More Germanics

  After 80 days on Holiday in Australia in the sun I have returned to France and based up some of the figures I completed whilst being away. I had a small shopping spree at Cancon Australias largest Wargames convention around 25 thousand people over 4 days playing tabletop games plus general public. It was great to catch up with a few of the mates, look at some great looking tables and games and help my unpainted pile grow a little where I clocked the business class baggage allowance by 2kg…..! 

AHPC Aussie “bad batch” with my first purchase French guard cavalry 

I brought these Germanics with me on holidays in Oz, where they travelled the east coast for 1300klm, every  now and then I managed to get quite a few painted when there was wet weather or we were not visiting friends. I failed in my planning bring enough transfers to complete all of the painted ones. So now ordered and hopefully they will arrive some time this week. 

The figures are a mix of Warlord Germanics, Foundry Germanics and some hand painted and decal shields. 

28mm Warband One

28mm warband two

Archer unit one 

Archer unit two

Slinger unit one

Slinger two

Slinger three 
