Showing posts with label A cunning plan my Lord. Show all posts
Showing posts with label A cunning plan my Lord. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Plans and Goals for 2025

2025 goals and plans 

I have a few big goals and lots of plans in sand. I main focus is in two main directions this year Napoleonics and WW2. I really want to complete my French guard cavalry (all front rank), add more Prussians and then in 20mm, American Armour, infantry and Airborne units. Germans units this year will be more units for Normandy and then bits for the Berlin project. Another big goal is to complete my 28mm HYW collection, I need to concentrate on completing the Scots and a few more English foot and mounted. Then my Cold War kit additions the Russian naval infantry division is close to complete, then I would like to add a Russian motorised brigade too, then for opposition BAOR units, the six day war will also get further additions. The other stuff is all ready to be worked on as the mood grabs me. 

Purchases on the horizon French guard foot, Front Rank, 10 Mamelukes guard Gringo 40s, Prussian Landwehr cavalry, Austrian 1805 Dragoons and Cuirassiers Perry for my Napoleonic collection, then some more 20mm Waffen SS AB and PlanaMayor for a autumn camo unit. 

My plan is for the next three months concentrate on my French Guard cavalry, 20mm Americans and the British Army Waterloo project 1/72 Cuirassiers during the analogue painting challenge. 

28mm Napoleonic 

Complete my French Guard Cavalry (96 cav)(front rank)
Complete 4 battalions to French Line in greatcoat (warlord) 1812-14 (156 foot)
Complete  2 regiments of (warlord) Lancers 1812-14 (36)
Complete Baden foot infantry regiments x 6 (200 foot) (Skytrex-Warlord)
Complete two regiments of Prussian Hussars (36 figs) 
Complete two line battalions Prussian foot (72 figs)

28mm Other

Additions 13th century collection 40 cavalry, 60 foot (Mirliton, wargames Atlantic, Fireforge, Gripping beast)
Additions my French 1488 Mad War Ordonance army 60 foot, 20 horse, 2 guns. (perry)
HYW Scot’s 60 foot and 12 mounted (Perry)
HYW English 20 cavalry, 30 foot (Perry)
5th century Greek 80 foot (immortal-Warlord)
80 Thracian foot, 12 cavalry  (Foundry)

20mm Napoleonic 

120 French Cuirassiers for the British Army Waterloo Project 

20mm ww2

82nd airborne division 
210 foot, 6 artillery and 18 vehicles, 4 x 1/72 gliders (AB, Alder and Simons soldiers, heller, italeri, airfix SHQ)
US 5th Armoured 
30 tanks, 90 foot, 4 guns and 12 halftracks, 12 trucks and other vehicles (heller, italeri, AB, Simons Soldiers, Alder)
90th infantry division 
70 foot, 21 vehicles (AB, Alder and Simons Soldiers)
US landing craft x 12 various sizes marked up for Omaha. (Airfix and italeri) 
17th SS 
4 x StuGs, 4 x JGD IVL,  60 infantry, 12 vehicles (PSC, italeri, Plana mayor, Battlefeild, FAA)
101 panzer ersatz training battalion 1 pz iii, 2 x H39, 2 x R35, 10 infantry, (heller, first to fight, Battlefeild) 
Panzer Lehr 
15 tanks, 26 vehicles, 60 infantry, 4 guns, 4 x Flak guns.(elhiem, Simons soldiers, PSC, Airfix, Italeri, hasegawa) 
British airborne 
5 gliders with correct markings for operation Tonga. 1 Hamilcar glider (airfix, italeri, planet models) 

20mm Cold War 

67 War Israeli 
7 tanks, 5 half tracks, 60 infantry, 3 jets, 1 helicopter (heller, italeri, dragon, hasegawa, airfix, cpl overby)
67 war Egyptian 9 tanks, 5 APCs, 2 jets
Cold War Russian 
Naval infantry 12 APCs, 3 t55 6 other vehicles, 60 figures, landing craft x 3, 1 helicopter (Britannia, Ammo, elhiem, italeri, S&S models)
Motorised Russian infantry x 60, 12 APCs, two Sam launchers  (elhiem, sSmodels, Armo)
British Cold War 
6 tanks, 8 APCs 60 infantry, helicopter, 2 jets. (Dragon, 3d prints, elhiem, Airfix, platoon 20)

That should keep me busy


Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Happy New Year

 Happy New Year 2025

Happy new year chaps, I gave quite a list this year. Planning on focusing on Napoleonic and ww2, with gusts of coldwar, medieval and ancients, an odd ww1 piece and a bit of Star Wars. 

All the best to everyone 


Saturday, December 21, 2024

Merry Christmas to all for 2024

 A big Merry Christmas to everyone, we are home in France this year for a cool winter, I do hope Santa is good to you! I will be painting g for the analogue painting challenge as usual! 



Thursday, December 12, 2024

Analogue painting challenge XV - my projects

 Analogue painting challenge XV

The commencement of the 15th Analogue painting challenge is 8 days away and I am settling on my projects. We commence on the 21st of December and finish on 20th March. My goal is 500 points this year, but I do plan on surpassing it. 

Scoring will be 
28mm foot - 5 points 
28mm mounted or crew served 10 points

20mm foot - 4 points
20mm mounted or crew served weapon - 8 points 
20mm vehicle - 15 points 

I plan to paint my French Guard cavalry, some Bavarians and some line cavalry also.  
- Mameluke Band
- Empress Dragoons de la garde
- Grenadiers a Cheval de la garde
- Artillery a Cheval de la garde
- Chassuers a Cheval de la garde
- French lancers three regiments 
- Bavarian line 

- American Infantry
- American Armour
- American Soft skins 
- American Artillery
- Landing Craft 
- Aircraft 

That lot should keep me busy 

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Birthday Haul

 Last week was my 55th birthday, as a treat we visited the champagne district of France, we stayed in Épernay then visited a number of champagne house (17), Reims cathedral and Museum and managed three 1814 Napoleonic battle locations. When I returned home I had a number of packages awaiting pick up.

The most exciting was the Old Guard band by Warlord Games, some books on Stalingrad, French Indian war bits, French Waterloo uniforms, American airborne medics in Normandy, six T54 for my ongoing Egyptian project for Yom Kippur war, a new gardening trowel and sone zinnias for my garden. 

Very blessed with great gifts from Vanessa, Allison, Mum, and my mates. 



Sunday, December 3, 2023

Merry Christmas 2023!

Merry  Christmas! 

A merry Christmas to all, I thought I would get in early this year as we have completed our tourist and wargames season for 2023 until we reopen in April 2024.
A big year for medieval, early renaissance, ww2 and Napoleonic being the most popular periods on the table. I have also helped my friend Philip along with with the Perry translation of Valour and Fortitude for French Napoleonic players. 

Looking forward to a Australian Christmas with our family and visiting my first granddaughter in Sydney! 

All the best 


Monday, November 13, 2023

Analogue Painting Challenge XIIII


 Analogue Painting Challenge XIIII 2023-24

Result of painful overstretching of the Analogue Painting Challenge

I plan to participate in the Analogue  Painting Challenge again this year, I have reduced my points to 500 points which is predominantly because we will be in Australia for half of the challenge so smaller pieces of 20mm figures will travel with me. Last years total was 3304 points, which was around 400 28mm figures painted so I doubt I will reach those dizzy heights.

 The figure painting challenge really pushes production in the winter/summer months and will also give me a spring board again into next year.  The challenge commences on the 21st of December and finishes on March 21st 2022.

You may commence the challenge with undercoated figures, and the points are scored thus

6mm foot figure = 0.5 point
6mm mounted figure, artillery piece or crew served weapon = 1 point
6mm vehicle = 2 points
10mm foot figure = 1 point
10mm mounted figure, artillery piece or crew served weapon = 2 points
10mm vehicle = 3 points 
15mm foot figure = 2 points
15mm mounted figure, artillery piece or large crew served weapon = 4 points 15mm vehicle = 8 points
20mm foot figure = 4 points
20mm mounted figure, artillery piece or crew served weapon = 8 points 20mm vehicle = 15 points

28mm foot figure = 5 points
28mm mounted figure, artillery piece or crew served weapon = 10 points
28mm vehicle = 20 points
40mm foot figure = 7 points
40mm mounted figure, artillery piece or crew served weapon = 15 points
40mm vehicle = 25 points
54mm foot figure = 10 points
54mm mounted figures, artillery piece or crew served weapon = 20 points
54mm vehicle, limber, etc. = 30 points

Terrain is based on 6 inch squared areas

My Cunning Plan....

I am selecting a mix of 28mm and 20mm figures and vehicles. The main project will be Swedes and the remainder of my VDV this will be my big game in April. I intend to complete two Norman and Anjou-Maine Anarchy and Scots for the 100 years war pieces. If I get motivated more 20mm ww2. There is also the side challenge, so I may partake in that to boost points.
  • AB Napoleonic French 
  • 28mm Greeks 
  • 20mm Soviets Cold War 
  • 20mm Swedes Cold War 
  • 28mm HYW Scots nobles and foot
  • 28 Norman and Anjou/Maine for the anarchy 
  • 20mm American 2nd Armoured
  • 20mm 9th Panzer
  • 20mm British armour 
  • Gaslands cars and figs 
  • 28mm 11th-12th  century chateau
  • 20mm Ww2 and modern buildings 
  • Gallic buildings 


Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Photo Booth upgrade

You may of noticed over the last few weeks I finally updated my Photo Booth which I have been putting off for some time. We happened to be in IKEA recently and I spotted a ideal box size and when I returned home I decided to order some model railway backgrounds terrain, buildings and sky.  When they arrived I placed them onto cardboard backing and printed a science fiction one also while I was at it. 

I then purchased some daylight serial led light strips form our local €2 shop. I assembled the box, added the removable backgrounds, and then tried a few photos and worked out I needed to lift the models to blend in better with the shrubbery or buildings in the background. So I then decided to build a platform to lift the models to blend in better with the backgrounds, adding flock the base to match my basing. Also I built a small pin platform so my aircraft and space ship models could be lifted up too. 

Really happy with the improvements, although I could of purchased a bigger box for artillery limbers and large regiments …… next one I guess. 



Thursday, March 16, 2023

Another year older…..

 Another year older….

Well another year older and as normal my wife spoils me, first up a few presents, the biggest surprise was the new Victrix chassuers of the guard (apparently my mate Philippe suggested it!), some books which I had ordered . Then we spent the day in Normandy as tourists visiting some of the museums on the coast and out for lunch in Falaise also on the way. …


Saturday, December 31, 2022

Christmas Haul 2022

 A big seasons greetings to you on New Year’s Eve. I thought I would pop up my Christmas gifts this year and a few projects will be completed during the year with the purchases. We are having the first four months off this year to catch up on renovations and I should catch up on some painting so expect quite a few updates over the next few months.

First up with my haul is my warlord games 28mm Caesarian Roman’s so I can complete the legion,  Perry 28mm Austrian heavy cavalry for the heavy cavalry brigade, two 1/72 Fokker triplanes for my planned Jasta 11,  a GR1 harrier for my old war Brit’s and JU52 to support my fallschirmjager.

20mm US airborne  regiment for Normandy from Simon’s Soldiers, plus a few Brit Airborne bits. 

Books, a wide mix, one set of rules from my mate Carlo Pagano, looking forward to these and my French Foreign Legion desert games, a few WW2, especially looking forward to Greg’s Jungle cavalry, Australian Commando book, plus the new Harry Sidebottom, “the mad emperor” , and a bunch of medieval reading for winter!

Have a very Happy New Year! 



Tuesday, November 29, 2022

13th Analogue Painting challenge - cunning plans


The annual Winter Analogue Painting Challenge is almost upon us again. This year I am trying to complete 800 points as my painting target.

Points are awarded painting figures, artillery, vehicles, ships and terrain. As usual I will be concentrating on historical 20mm and 28mm miniatures with a few pieces thrown in for amusement. 

Scores are awarded thus

Foot 4 points
Mounted and guns 8 points
Vehicles 15points

Foot figure 5 points
Mounted or artillery 10 points
Vehicle 20 points

Cunning Plans

My plan is to complete a number of projects, as I tend to squirrel and swap and change a bit to prevent boredom I have gone for a broad approach across several projects.

1. My plan this year is 1000 points in total, I plan to complete a few personal projects (British Airborne & Volkssturm) plus add armies for our wargames holiday business relating to local battles and sieges. 

  • 18mm AB Napoleonic French
  • 28mm ancient Greeks 
  • 28mm ancient Germans
  • 20mm American airborne, artillery, jeeps etc plus three Waco gliders 70+odd figures + 3 fighters for air support 
  • 20mm Ww2 British Para - additions to my British para brigade, a supply section and drop area, complete three specific 1/72 horsa gliders for operation Tonga, plus my Hamilcar and tank, plus some jeeps and trailers transports. 
  • 20mm Volkssturm fall of Berlin 3 battalions, artillery and bits. 70 odd figs plus artillery and AA bits 
  • 20mm panzer Lehr - 70 odd figures plus half tracks, panzers etc for Normandy. 
  • 20mm Cold War Warpac and Nato vehicles, plus VDV infantry regiment 100 figures  + 20-30 odd vehicles and 5 aircraft. 
  • Terrain :- paint my growing pile of 28mm ancient, medieval and 20mm ww2 3d printed buildings 
  • A few 28mm Napoleonic odds and sods Prussians, Austrians and French infantry and cavalry  60-180 figs planned and undercoated.
  • Random 20mm kit, ww2 Dutch, Belgian, Allied and German bits ( I have a lot of built aircraft that need paint….) 
I will also try to do a few pieces for the side adventures, mostly at a whim and if it involves aircraft (which I love building), naval or space ships.

Hopefully get as much as I can completed in the 90 day period permitted. 


Monday, May 16, 2022

Polish Army 1939 Project part 1


Polish Army project part 1

This year I also want to revisit my 1939 Polish Army and complete all of the unpainted vehicles (30 odd), and paint two more battalions figures I already have sitting in storage, some dating back in 2012. I want to purchase some to fill out the ranks by adding another battalion with the new 20mm XAN infantry figures (match his original range sculpted by him for Fantassin Miniatures which make up my current battalions). I also want to get the resin Scibor vehicle crews and command figures as they look fabulous.

For the AA, artillery and AT guns I will add a mix of pieces. First to Fight plastic gun crews mostly to crew some plastic, resin and metal gun pieces and Early War Models metal crews for the specialists. Lots of horse drawn equipment is required so more HAT and EWM horse drawn wagons. For trucks FTF Fiat and Praga trucks and IBG kits for fiat staff and radio cars.

For the next article I will cover my organisation of my cavalry. I need to purchase FTF mounted Uhlan cavalry for command figs and horseholder. I already have the HAT plastic French for the mounted component. I would also like to add First to Fight dismounted cavalry portion and some SHQ also. I need to purchase the specific FAA miniatures for the 10th Motorised Cavalry Brigade motorcyclists. Finally scratch build and purchase some more vehicles mostly soft skins mostly motorcycles but I may print some also. I have set a target of completion for next year for the cavalry.

My fighter and fighter bomber air component is complete except for a bomber, which I will wait for one to come up on ebay or such.

Rapid Fire does not have a official list for Poles yet, but there are some unofficial lists around on which I have loosely based mine on. Rapid Fire does have the charts for guns, vehicles and aircraft though which is helpful when playing.

The first task is to build a Infantry division of a single regiment, than add the support elements for extra goodies for game play, as I like to see supply and medical especially on the tabletop. The Polish Infantry Regiments were very large and basically followed the same structure, 3 battalions plus support elements. I am not planning on painting any reserve regiments or the static units, although I am tempted in the future to build Polish field defence bunkers.

9th Polish Legion Infantry Division
9th Dywizja Piechoty Legionów

Polish Army 1939 Rapid Fire Organisation

Division HQ
CO x 5, Fiat 518 staff car, Fiat radio truck, MP motorcycle

Supply company
10 figs Praga RV supply truck, 4 supply wagons

Medical Coy
10 figs Fiat 621 Ambulance, 2 x horse drawn ambulance

Fiat 621 Ambulance

Recon battalion
BHQ Co + 2 mounted on horses
1st coy 6 figs and horses
2nd coy 12 figs cyclists
MG coy
4 figs 1 x MMG wz30 with wz 36 Tatchanka horse drawn cart

MMG wz30 with wz 36 Tatchanka cart

9th Sapper Battalion
OC + 5 car, Praga RV truck with foot bridge trailer, mine detector, 1 motorcycle
1st Coy 12 figs Horse drawn wagon
2nd Coy 12 figs Horse drawn wagon

AA Battery

Battery HQ 
OC + 5, staff car , 508 radio car, supply truck

AA light coy
4 figs 1 x 40mm bofors AA gun and motor tow
3 figs 1 x MMG truck mounted

AA heavy coy
4 figs 1 x SP wz.97/25 75mm AA gun


9th Light artillery Regiment
CO + 11 figs staff car, horse towed radio/telephone trailer, 508 radio truck, horse drawn supply wagon, AA platoon MG Fiat 621 truck

1st sqn
8 figs 2 x 75mm wz 1897 Schneider horse drawn

2nd sqn
8 figs 2 x 100mm wz 1914/1919 Skoda horse drawn

9th Heavy Artillery Regiment
CO + 11 figs staff car, horse towed radio/telephone trailer, 508 radio truck, horse drawn supply wagon, AA platoon MG Fiat 621 truck

1st sqn
8 figs 2 x 105mm wz.1913 C7P

2nd sqn
8 figs 1 x 155mm wz.1917 C7P

22nd Infantry Regiment

Co + 7 figs staff Car, Fiat 308 radio car, cyclist, motorcycle.

Supply Coy
4 figs horse drawn cooks wagon, horse drawn supply wagon.

Medical platoon

2 figs horse drawn medical wagon

AA platoon
3 figs MMG wz30 AA with wz 36 Tatchanka horse drawn cart,

Scout Company
4 figs horses, 4 cyclists 1 AT rifle UR/WZ 35

Artillery coy
3 men 1 x 75mm wz.02 / 26 cannon horse drawn

Anti Tank platoon
3 men 1 x Wz 37mm Bofors AT gun, horse drawn

1st Battalion
OC + 12, 2 horses , 1 horse drawn supply wagon, 1 radio car, 47mm mortar coy + cart, 1 AT rifle UR/WZ 35

1st Coy
13 men, lmg wz 1928
2nd coy
13 men, lmg wz 1928
3rd coy
13 men, lmg wz 1928
4th Coy
13 men, lmg wz 1928
Heavy weapons coy
6 men 2 x MMG WZ 30 browning horse drawn cart

2nd Battalion
OC + 11, 2 horses , 1 horse drawn supply wagon, 1 radio car, 1 47mm mortar coy + cart, 1 AT rifle UR/WZ 35

1st Coy
13 men, lmg wz 1928
2nd coy
13 men, lmg wz 1928
3rd coy
13 men, lmg wz 1928
4th Coy
13 men, lmg wz 1928
Heavy weapons coy
6 men 2 x MMG WZ 30 browning, horse drawn cart

3rd Battalion
OC + 11, 2 horses , 1 horse drawn supply wagon, 1 radio car,
47mm mortar coy + cart, 1 AT rifle UR/WZ 35

1st Coy
13 men, lmg wz 1928
2nd coy
13 men, lmg wz 1928
3rd coy
13 men, lmg wz 1928
4th Coy
13 men, lmg wz 1928
Heavy weapons coy
2 x MMG WZ 30 browning 6 OR horse drawn cart

Regiment Support
OC + 1, observers x 2 ORs

MMG coy
6 men 2 x MMG WZ 30 browning 6 OR horse cart

Mortar coy
12 men 3 x 81mm mortar horse cart

Next Article will cover my cavalry and armour, followed by painting guides and then aircraft.



Polish army structure 1939, by far the best reference I have found is here
Andrew Mollo, The Armed Forces of ww2
Steve Zaloga The Polish Army 1939-45
David Higgins German Soldier vs Polish Soldier 1939.

Friday, December 31, 2021

Happy New Year! 2022


A big Happy New Year to our family and friends across the world! 

Wishing all of you a happy and successful 2022. I am enjoying the sunshine and warm weather back in Australia for a number of weeks before we return to kick off the 2022 season. Over the next few days I will do a sum up of 2021 results



Thursday, December 23, 2021

Joyeux Noel to One and all

 We wish you a Merry Christmas 

To all of our friends and followers a seasons greetings from a very fresh Mayenne winters night. 

I have a few posts to complete for the year and I plan to get them all out tomorrow and complete the photography on my last pieces for the year. 

Matt and Nessa

Saturday, December 18, 2021

Analogue Painting challenge Preparation

 Analogue Painting Challenge part one Preparation ….2021-22

I have commenced preparation for the Analogue Painting Challenge has commenced with me making a shortlist then preparing the miniatures for the 3 month long challenge. 

Number One!  French War of Breton Succession.
This army is the closest to completion for my war of Breton succession collection
Cavalry I have two units, one of 6 French and 6 Italian chevaliers to paint. Total 120 points
Infantry 24 heavy infantry (two units of 12) total 120 points
Total 240

Number Two HYW English  
Again a army that is very close, I may also do some extra foot that I will receive for Christmas
24 Welsh longbow 120
Total 120

Roman Army
This army has been on my painting list for years, 6 or 7 at least time to get a start on it!
140 legionaries 700
114 Auxiliary's foot and archers 570
8 cavalry 80
14 praetorians 70
8 command 40
2 wounded 10
2 war machines 4 crew 40 points 
Total 1510

I should top out somewhere here, however as I am afflicted by the Wargames squirrel,  I have also added some back up stuff

Ww2 British (back up plan 1) just because they are ready for paint.....
2x Cromwell regiment 14 tanks 210 points
Armoured car regiment 9 vehicles 135 points
Total 345

Austrians (back up plan 2!) Ok need to be assembled, I have good intentions.......)
Austrian Generals
200 infantry 1000
6 mounted officers 60
60 cavalry 600
2 guns and 8 crew 60
Total 1720. 

French Napoleonic
I have French Imperial Guard cavalry and two battalions of 1805 infantry 

I really want to keep up my terrain tuesdays so I have also added in two chateaux to be built and a few other medieval pieces.

So even with some squirrel switching between periods I should keep up the interest and it not become a chore. 

Cleaning brushes nd clearing the decks for Tuesdays commencement!


Sunday, November 21, 2021

Analogue Painting Challenge 12th edition

 Analogue Painting Challenge 2021-22

Result of painful overstretching of the Analogue Painting Challenge

I will be partaking in the Analogue  Painting Challenge Again this year, I have reduced my points to 1200 points which is more achievable and less painful than last years stretch of 1500 points, which incidentally I failed by 150 points.

 The figure painting challenge really pushes production in the winter months and will also give me a spring board again into next year.  The challenge commences on the 21st of December and finishes on March 21st 2022.

You may commence the challenge with undercoated figures, and the points are scored thus

6mm foot figure = 0.5 point
6mm mounted figure, artillery piece or crew served weapon = 1 point
6mm vehicle = 2 points
10mm foot figure = 1 point
10mm mounted figure, artillery piece or crew served weapon = 2 points
10mm vehicle = 3 points
15mm foot figure = 2 points
15mm mounted figure, artillery piece or large crew served weapon = 4 points 15mm vehicle = 8 points
20mm foot figure = 4 points
20mm mounted figure, artillery piece or crew served weapon = 8 points 20mm vehicle = 15 points

28mm foot figure = 5 points
28mm mounted figure, artillery piece or crew served weapon = 10 points
28mm vehicle = 20 points
40mm foot figure = 7 points
40mm mounted figure, artillery piece or crew served weapon = 15 points
40mm vehicle = 25 points
54mm foot figure = 10 points
54mm mounted figures, artillery piece or crew served weapon = 20 points
54mm vehicle, limber, etc. = 30 points

Terrain is based on 6 inch squared areas

My Cunning Plan....

I am selecting a mix of 28mm and 20mm figures and vehicles. It works out at 240 28mm figures basically. Plus I intend to complete my two Chateaux builds, Norman conquest of Maine and 100 years war pieces. There is also a side challenge with a sci-fi theme, so I may partake in that to boost points.

  • Imperial Romans Foundry (in the pile of shame for 6 years)
  • HYW Scots
  • HYW English
  • HYW French
  • Breton Succession French 
  • Napoleonic Austrians
  • Napoleonic Russians
  • Napoleonic French (maybe) 
  • Republican Romans (maybe) 
  • 20mm Panzer Lehr
  • 20mm American 2nd Armoured
  • 20mm 9th Panzer
  • 20mm British armour 
  • 20mm American Armour
  • 20mm modern BAOR
  • 11th century chateau
  • 13th-14th century chateau
  • Ww2 buildings 
Any other suggestions lads?


Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Gladiators Dust and Shadows Part one

We are but Dust & Shadows

Terrain Tuesday Gladiator Arena thoughts

Model at the Museum of Jublains

While I was suffering painters block a few weeks back I turned to movies, books and local adventures to put me back on course. All of the options however added some more kit to my painting and construction tables, and some ideas were moved to the front rather than at the back, moj is back happy to say and going through a purple patch now!

On one of the tours we visited our local Amphitheatre at Jublains, the former Roman capital of the Diablintes tribe about 10 klms away from the Maison. This gave me inspiration for two things. One was the Gallic farm buildings (see previous post) and the other was gladiators.

I am yet to build the amphitheatre, however I want it to be around two x two foot tile, oval which will look a little different, with a removable rear wall so I can remove it then also add a straight section and second corner for chariot racing on the big table.

The arena tile will then also fit on my chess table for extra transportable use around the house.
I have six gladiators already completed for around 10 years or so, but also had a lot unpainted gladiators, animals and chariots, so this week I added another 20 odd to the table front and centre, and most will be off the table this week over the coming days while the blood is up!

I am yet to find a suitable set of rules which would be good for French Wargame Holiday evening games, looking at Steve Barbers gladiators set and possibly the old board game set, any other suggestions ?

Jublains Amphitheatre 1st Century AD

Artists Impression of Jublains Arena I will build something like this with removable wall


Thursday, February 11, 2021

A little snow in sunny Mayenne


 Oh the Joy!

We get excited when it snows! Vanessa and I eagerly watch snow forecasts, and 100% snow predicted this week we were sure we onto a good thing. When it started its was wafts and flutters, but as the evening fell it all turned white and we were treated to a winter wonderland! We have been in France for almost three years and this was our first proper snowfall as Ville Mayenne is in a weather Zone 8-9 and we are only 80m above sea level. So although we often see photos of snowfalls in the surrounding countryside, its more a dusting here in town. I thought I would share some photos of the exciting event as two Australians run around excited like school children! And for the first time in my life I shoveled snow off a footpath......and today I am feeling it!

Our view across the Square to the Montpinçon hotel, my favorite view!

Friday, January 1, 2021

The Final Countdown 2020

 The Final Countdown 2020

2020 is done and dusted, and as we all know a very strange year..........we are still here, and looking forward and currently planning for a prosperous 2021. 

A big thank you to our customers that did manage to attend and play a wargame this year. A big thank you for your continued support here on my blog, on Facebook, Instagram and the various Forums I haunt.



Summing up my Wargame painting and terrain progress this year on my goals I achieved about 75% with a few minimal diversions. I may of completed more looking back, but motivation was up and down depending upon the external stresses of this strange year. On the positive side a lot of my stash completed with very few purchases of new lead or plastic.2020 Goals Achieved

War Room redecoration
95% complete, curtains still being made....lets just say this is not me......

Construction of the wargames table
16 ft Completed

28mm miniatures painting goal 2020
Gaulish 260 figs
59 painted roman auxilia
16th Auxiliary Cavalry 
9 Sassanid cavalry
50 early medieval cavalry
168 early medieval infantry
31 Medieval cavalry completed 
528 Medieval Infantry completed
18 Napoleonic cavalry 
12 Napoleonic infantry
1 Santa!
24 ACW union 28mm infantry (commission)
8 union 28mm cavalry (commission)
24 Napoleonic 28mm artillery guns (Commission)
16 Vikings 28mm (commission)
40 WW2 british 28mm (commission)
18 Pulp figures (commission)
48 7YW infantry (commission) 
24 7YW cavalry (commission)
Completed 28mm Infantry 1174 
Completed 28mm Cavalry 186
Completed Artillery 24 

WW2 1944 20mm 

160 infantry 
32 tanks completed
6 x Armored cars built
9 trucks completed
6 AA guns and crews
4 AT guns mixed 6pdr & 17pdr completed
5 gliders built
2 built-in buses
16 trucks and jeeps built
8 x AT guns kit built 
8 x Armored cars built
Bunkers 4 completed
16 landing craft built 
8 aircraft built 
20mm Infantry 160
20mm vehicles 56

Miniatures rebased and touched up

54 ACW rebased and touched up
8 cavalry rebased and touched up
34 Gauls rebased, touched up and hand painted shields

Other Science Fiction
1 Jedi Starfighter 

Total Terrain System For Now (TTSFN) Goals achieved
Castle board (1500x1200), includes  Gaulois fort, dark ages Motte and bailey, and 100 YW castle under construction ATM 40%  complete
Standard boards x 6 
Plowed fields 
Maize/corn crop fields 
Harvested crop fields 
20mm buildings x 8 
Dark Age Buildings x 6 
Medieval buildings x 10
20mm ww2 buildings x 6
Bocage mark V 12m
Stone walls  (master completed)
22 trees

Board game played
3 games

Wargames played
Ancient games x 3
Medieval games x5
Renaissance games
French Revolution games
Napoleonic games
Ww1 games x2
WW2 games x6
Modern games x1
Naval games x1
Science fiction x2

So quite happy with my results, although I am way behind on posting due to running out of my basing paint color....I did complete a further 18 bases of mostly medieval Infantry in the Christmas to New year including a lot of cavalry. I will post these over the coming week or so.

I think I will do a parade of the Medievals and the Gauls as they really were a big task. I think I have around 30 Gallic warriors remaining to do to complete the 300 figure starting goal so no spares in the drawers of doom. The medievals will continue this year, but WW2 will become the main focus as it makes up 75% of our main Wargames Holiday Business.

Completing bits from my project drawers and the focus on terrain has helped me a lot this year, as now I have space to plan 2021 which is well underway. I will continue to post every week as it helps me keep track of what has been completed. 

Let us all hope this pandemic can be over so we can socialize and share all of our new painted goodies, and watch our recently painted units flee off the table once again.


Thursday, December 31, 2020

Happy New Year


Happy New Year to all of my Friends and followers, let us hope 2021 becomes a more normal year at some stage

