Showing posts with label Imperial Roman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Imperial Roman. Show all posts

Saturday, March 22, 2025

Roman Sagittari


 Roman Eastern Sagittarii

5 figures to add to the Roman Imperial Army, Steve Saleh sculpts for Foundry  miniatures based for Impetus. 


Friday, March 21, 2025

Imperial Roman Eastern Archers part 2


 Roman Eastern Sagittarii

5 figures to add to the Roman Imperial Army, Foundry Games miniatures based for Impetus. 


Monday, March 17, 2025

Roman Legate


Roman Command  

Another Roman addition, a Roman Senator and Roman Legate, both miniatures are from the Foundry Imperial Roman range. The horse is Aventine I think


Monday, March 3, 2025

Roman Auxillia and Legate

 A skirmish unit that I completed for the analogue painting challenge. I will sell these as I am only using foundry now for my Imperial Roman’s.

Figures are a mix of plastic Warlord Games and metal Foundry. The vexillum, Cornu and are foundry, the optio centurion is Warlord metal the remainder are plastic warlord with LBM transfers. 

The legate is Warlord Games metal. 



Monday, October 21, 2024

Imperial Roman Praetorians

 Completed some Warlord Miniatures Praetorians for a commission in Australia.



Wednesday, December 6, 2023

XI legio IV Cohort

 IV Cohort XI Legion 

May I present to you the IV cohort of the XI legion, again foundry miniatures. 

IV Cohort 


Sunday, July 16, 2023

Praetorian cohort - Imperial Roman’s


These chaps have been hanging around at the rear of my painting desk since February awaiting Foundry shields and transfers from LBM. I purchased both while I was in the UK at Partizan and I completed them last week. I have a second cohort which just needs the command to be painted and they will join my Imperial Roman's also. The figures are from the foundry range. 



Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Partizan haul a little bit of shopping


Finally back home from my first ever Partizan and what a blast it was. I managed to get a great amount of supplies and miniatures from Partizan and photograph it. First up I did have a lot in pre order and some was paid for back in January (my Christmas shopping time), so could be packed and sent in time for my return from Australia and has been sitting at Shaun’s awaiting pick up at this Partizan, particularly as the customs duties to France are punishing if the value is high……oh well Brexit continues to hurt UK small wargaming businesses. 

AB miniatures

20mm American Para, artillery crews and vehicle crews

Ready to Roll 

Raventhorpe British airborne jeeps 

Alder miniatures 

20mm American para, British airborne vehicle crews, German vehicle crews

Early War Miniatures 

Early War Miniatures, British artillery bits

EWM Dutch hussars and artillery crews 

Belgian Hussars, cyclists frontiers and some AA crew


First up we met Harry Sidebottom, and received signed copies of his books, a thrill as I have been reading the stories of Ballista since his first one. 

A lot of books, a lot of these were from my mate in Wales who is clearing his library, but a great selection available and cheap! Even my wife purchased two. 

Old Glory

Two packs of French casualties and wounded for markers for my revolutionary -1809 French army

Gripping Beast 

28mm Gothic cavalry so I can compete my goth cavalry units. 

Foundry miniatures

Imperial Roman Command, praetorian shields, gladiators 

Random stores and Hinds miniatures 

Imperial Roman’s, dark age skirmish types, goths, Bolt action Dice, random truck loads, glue, paint and clippers 

ABC Paint brushes 

First time trying the Pro art series, picked up work horse acrylic and sable they are a great price 


Always need these, possibly should of purchased another 20 or so for my Napoleonic casualties 

Plastic kits 

I had to rescue two Horsa gliders and a German fighter for a tenner

ww2 new kits and a modern jet for my Cold War warpac.

Resin bits 

Bridges from Kallistra, really nice and suitable up to 28mm 

So a huge haul, only a little over budget, a lot of painting ahead of me! 


Friday, April 28, 2023

Analogue Painting Challenge 2023 wrap up


Analogue Painting Challenge XIII it’s a wrap

A big hearty thank you to Curt, Sarah, the Minions and all of the participants for another great challenge. A wide range of inspiring, superb and cracking paint jobs were entered,  huge terrain projects, and massive miniature armies were built and hopefully lead mountains were diminished. 

I was really happy with my results this year, my first time I surpassed my challenge goal number and  completed the side challenge. I managed too complete every studio so that really boosted my points. My highlights for the studios were building the ww1 aircraft and the female miniatures painted for Lady Sarah’s limousine which turned out a treat, which too my surprise I won a prize for. 

Rabens Ravens

General Varus

The fruit picker 

Chieftain Marobodus

I had a lot of projects I wanted to get started on, my main focus though was my Roman’s and Germanics. Originally I planned only do 120 odd Roman’s but by challenge end it was close to 200 miniatures, and 140 Ancient Germans plus some nice commands. I did fail to complete the ten cohorts planned for my legion, due to a planning fail and the Royal Mail strike which left me short 4 foundry commands and 18 praetorian shields (which could be possibly in storage somewhere) and running low on enthusiasm for Roman’s and Germanics in the last ten days of the challenge. I plan to complete the last 4 units next month or so when I return from holidays in Australia.

Legio VI

Woden the all father

Seubi tribesmen

Looking forward to next years challenge, and plan too build another big army…..not sure what though. See you all next year.  



Friday, February 17, 2023

Legio XI VI Cohort

 Legio XI, cohors VI

The legion continues, again Foundry Miniatures. Another entry for the analogue painting challenge.

Auxilla markers

