Showing posts with label Roman Army. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Roman Army. Show all posts

Saturday, March 22, 2025

Roman Sagittari


 Roman Eastern Sagittarii

5 figures to add to the Roman Imperial Army, Steve Saleh sculpts for Foundry  miniatures based for Impetus. 


Friday, March 21, 2025

Imperial Roman Eastern Archers part 2


 Roman Eastern Sagittarii

5 figures to add to the Roman Imperial Army, Foundry Games miniatures based for Impetus. 


Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Imperial Roman testudo

Roman Imperial Testudo

Ok, just finished off a few odds and sods on the desk, as part of the 30 minute 30 day painting challenge. First of the cab rank Blacktree design roman testudo. A few scratch builds to get it to work


Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Republican Roman command

A little command Of  Publius Licinius Crassus the younger, commander of the legion in the Armorican campaign

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Republican Roman Legion

Finally after two years I have finished basing my republican romans for impetus, these chaps will possibly be sold in my reorganisation of my collection this year, another project off the to do list.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Roman casualty markers

Roman Imperial markers

Some simple 28mm casualty markers for Impetus, again black tree design miniatures. these are for Impetus rules.


Tribune Haterius Nepos

Roman General

Off the table tribune Haterius Nepos, a commander of the  Legio vigesima secunda Deiotariana, another black tree miniature, based for Impetus! I hope his dice gods are with him.



Roman Imperial Ballista Artillery

Black tree design Ballista, nice models to build, also for Robs army, all based for impetus.


Thursday, September 4, 2014

Roman Legio vigesima secunda Deiotariana

Twenty-second Deiotaran Legio

Levied approximately in 48 BC and disbanded after the Jewish Bar Kokhba revolt of 132–135. It was named after Deiotarus , the client Celtic king of the Tolistobogii tribe of Galatia. Deiotarus, during the Republican period, raised a number of legions trained by Romans. Then a single Roman Legio was formed after the annexation of Galatia in 48 BC. The XXII Deiotariana was not commanded by a senator, but by a Prefect from the equestrian-order, because the legio controlled the ports and supply depots for the all important grain in Eygpt. The figures are Black Tree Design, all based for Impetus, two of the 6 legio bases to come, waiting for more transfers.


Sunday, August 31, 2014

cohors auxilia sagittarii

Auxilia Sagittari 

Off the desk some imperial Roman cohors auxilia sagittarii, figures all black tree, figures are based for impetus for Robs imperial army.


Monday, July 23, 2012

Progredi Testudine 28mm Roman Testudo

I received two of the Warlord Testudo's for my birthday back in march, I actually finished these guys about three months ago but based them for WAB, since I am making the change to Impetus I re-based them and decided to take a pic!


Friday, November 25, 2011

Equites Exploratores

Equites Exploratores

Finished  some late Romans from A & A, they are just beautiful to paint and really look good, I remember drawing the shield from a mosaic as palace guards. I searched the Notitia Dignitatum but no reference exists for the shield pattern. I will continue to look around in my research books but until then they will remain unnamed!


Thursday, December 2, 2010

Roman fort builders

Roman Fort Builders

I found these while digging through some boxes last week, it the First Corps marching Roman fort building set, I have painted them so they suit both my republican armies, I also found some stubborn markers, along with set was the foundry set they are waiting in cue, possibly this week.

Roman Fort builders


Sulla's Legio XVIII Libyca

Sulla and Lictors

My Late Republican legion all First corps, post Marian reforms

Sulla and Lictors dismounted


Friday, November 19, 2010

Roman Auxilia

Roman Auxilia Infantry and Cavalry

I finished a lot of these guys last year for Craigs 40th birthday bash, I have started to revisit my early and late republican and imperial roman armies and some of their enemies and allies and finish off a number of half completed units. Some items that need to be done are all of my republicans shields need transfers, I am short shields for my celts and germans plus transfers, and I need finish my republican roman cavalry two Alae.

In the coming weeks I intend to start my mixed Warlord and (perry bros) foundry Roman Augustan 1st cent AD army, then move onto my third cent army over the Christmas period.

A good mix of figures below, Warlord metals and plastics, some Foundry, Blacktree and First corps.

First corps Germanic 

Warlord Wardogs and Handler, some first corps dogs too!

Warlord Gallic Druid

Warlord Gallic Witch

Warlord Gallic Druid/ General

Black Tree Elephant with Numidian crew

Warlord metal and Plastic Imperial auxilia
Cohors II Britannorum

Warlord Belaric Slingers

First corps and Warlord Archers

First Corps Germanic 

First Corps and Warlord Eastern Archers
Cohors Augusta Nervia Pacensis


Saturday, November 13, 2010

Roman Command

Roman General and Lictors

Late Republican general and lictors from the First Corps range, great figures for the price

Roman General and Lictors
