Showing posts with label Medieval. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Medieval. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Guerre Folle-Mad War the Battle of Saint-Aubin-Du-Cormier 1488

 Guerre Folle-The Mad War & The Battle of Saint-Aubin-du-Cormier

 July 28th 2023 marks the 535th anniversary of the battle of Saint Aubin du Cormier,  one of our more famous late medieval-early renaissance battlefields close to our Maison, l'hotel de Hercé. This battle is one of our "walk the battlefield in the Morning, Wargame in the afternoon" wargame holiday tour and wargame series. 

The battlefield of Saint-Aubin-du-Cormier is in Brittany, North of Rennes on the Route to Fougeres. The battlefield site is a short walk of the memorial and the last stand site of the German landsknechts, we can also visit the English archer monument, and the ruined chateau of Saint-Aubin-du-Cormier, plus Chateau Fougeres one of Europes largest medieval fortresses.

For me it is a very interesting war and battle for both sides, Brittany ultimately loses her independence, a lot of Princes of noble blood and the future King of France fight for the Bretons, with large numbers of field cannons on wheels with professional artillery officers and large trains, large numbers arquebusiers and pike. Use of large numbers of mercenary pike, shot and cavalry from Italy, Spain, Germany and Switzerland and the Breton and French Gendarmes d'Ordonnance army systems clash.  The foundations for the d'ordonnance system for both armies built by the Arthur III de Richemont duke de Bretagne. 

I have been putting together for three years a list of the combatants and short histories of some of the key characters of both armies. Like all of my medieval projects I have researched also the blasons of the known chevaliers present, ransomed and killed (who are easier to find). I am slowly adding Perry WOTR miniatures to the collection with specifically built units for the battle and hope to finish the whole collection by the end of 2023.

I do hope you find this interesting and useful in your wargame endeavours for this small but interesting early renaissance war, and a grand part of French History. 

François II de Bretagne

Background to the Mad War


After the death of of Louis XI and the beginning of the regency of Anne de Beaujeu (1483-1491) sister of the minor and future king Charles VIII. The western Dukes moved in 1485 after Anne sent a large contingent of Royal French Ordonnance household troops to support Henry Tudors invasion and the battle of Bosworth.  At the beginning of the reign of Charles VIII, Louis II de Orléans tried to seize the regency but was rejected by the States General at Tours (15 January to 11 March 1484). The western ducal lords lead by Louis II de Orleans, Francois II of Brittany, Rene duke de Lorraine and Anjou & King of Naples, Alan de Albret vicomte de Tartas, comte de Graves de Castre, Jean de Chalon Prince of Orange, Charles de Orleans comte de Angoulême.

 In April, Louis II de Orleans left for Brittany to join Duke Francis II; he also sent a request to the pope to annul his marriage, so that he would be free to marry Anne of Brittany, Francis's heir. On 23 November, he signed a treaty which envisaged his marriage with Anne. Returning to the royal court, Louis tried to take the king into his custody, but Anne de Beaujeu prevented him by force: she stopped some lords of the royal guard and placed the Duke of Orléans under house arrest in Gien chateau.

Having escaped from Gien on 17 January 1485, Louis of Orléans tried to invest Paris with a small army made up of Burgundian and German Mercenaries, but failed. He managed to escape on 3 February to Alençon Normandy, and made amende honorable on 12 March and he was locked up in Orléans chateau. At the same time, Francois II roused Breton nobility, but was brought back to order by the royal troops in Normandy, Anjou and Maine.

On 30 August, Louis of Orléans issued a proclamation against the regency. The royal army marched to Orléans, but Louis escaped to Beaugency, whence he was dislodged by the young general Louis II de La Trémoille in September.  On the 9th August, Francis II of Brittany agreed to a year-long truce. Known as the Peace of Bourges, the truce was signed on 2 November 1485.

In 1486 Anne of Brittany, Francis's heir was used as a political pawn, first to Marry Maximilian of Austria, which was rejected by the crown (which lead to a small invasion by the French) then Alan de Albret vicomte de Tartas (who had claim also to the dukedom) 

Duchess Anne de Bretagne, later Queen of France.


Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Terrain Tuesday - medieval house

 Bourgeois House 

A project I started last year during the  analogue painting challenge in March 2023. I was in storage last week when I found the half finished, so I decided bring it down and comple it over the weekend. Quite happy with my results, I intend to base this also and make a gatehouse and outbuilding for it with the entry from the courtyard. It will join my other pieces and is suitable from 13th century to current. 

Monday, June 10, 2024

The Real King Arthur … Authur of Bretagne

The Real King Arthur, the king that never was…

Arthur of Bretagne 

As I wander off on another side project this year, that is the First Barons War, I plan to play out the reason for the 1st barons war and the invasion of England in 1216. I have always had an interest in the Plantagenet wars particularly as they had its beginnings here in West France in Maine (today Mayenne). 

With the death of King Richard the lion heart his inheritance of the crown was supposed to pass to the elder line of the Plantagenets, Geoffroi of Bretagne son, Arthur of Bretagne. John beat him to it claiming the crown of England, but lost his European lands in return. John and Arthur then campaigned against each other for three years before Arthur was captured at the battle of Mirebeau and placed in Rouen chateau, where he died in suspicious circumstances possibly murdered by John. Many of the Angevin, Breton, Norman and Maine Barons stayed in revolt as John had also taken Aurthur’s sister hostage Eleanor “the fair maid of Brittany” who was the rightful heir to the duchy. 

My plan is to build a couple of retinues for the Barons wars rules of the leading Breton, Touraine, Norman, Maine and Angevin Comte’s, Barons, and nobles who backed Aurthur and his claim between 1199 and 1204. A number of these also fought during the Angers and Potoiu campaign in 1206, the Normandy campaigns of 1209, the campaigns in 1214 and finally for the invasion to England in 1216. I also the plan to paint the nobles from Normandy, Angevin, Vexin and Touraine who backed John’s claim so I can build an opposing army also 



Thursday, March 21, 2024

Crusaders! Part one

 I know I promised myself, but off the rails already when I pulled these guys out of the drawer last week and painted them at the end of last week. The miniatures are from gripping beast and have painted up nicely, the lances are from Mirliton, shields hand painted. These chaps will join my new Barons Wars outremer army.



Friday, October 6, 2023

French HYW mounted crossbow

 French HYW Mounted Crossbow 

Additions to the Hundred Years War collection. The mounted crossbowmen were often in the free companies, but some are mentioned in the Manche arrie Ban for the battle of Formigny. The miniatures are from the Perry range, I have another base to complete of mounted archers then onto Scottish nobles and men at arms. 


Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Scottish Archers unit 3

 Another archer unit off the desk, for this unit I have painted a Saint Andrew on the cross on the banner, not historical at this time (much later). 

Two more units to go, again perry miniatures 



Monday, September 4, 2023

Norman casualty markers

Casualty Markers 
I have commenced holidays for two weeks and now have an opportunity to complete some workbench projects. First up some Norman mounted casualties from conquest games, they have been in my project drawers for a long time! 


Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Scottish HYW Archers unit one

I have commenced my Scottish army for Fresnay, Bauge and Verneuil using Perry Miniatures HYW range, using a mix of English and French figures so they will reflect the influences of both.

 The second unit of archers is based for Impetus or Test of Resolve rules. I have given them stuart badges or white crosses. A few more units to come this week before I commence the foot. 



Saturday, July 15, 2023

The Duel

 A piece that has been in my project draw for a long time, finally last week made it to the front as I was struggling with motivation to complete my big Cuirassier unit and Mamelukes. 

These miniatures I think were from gripping beast for the warhammer El CID book, so that is going back some time I think. Really happy with the results although I do have a suitable transfer somewhere for the Muslim knights shield…..Somewhere! 

The Duel, El CID and Muslim knight in combat



Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Terrain Tuesday May

 Terrain Tuesday 

Well since we have effectively been away from  home over the last 6 weeks I thought I should post some terrain WIP shots and completions over the last three weeks since we arrived back from Oz. 

First up an addition to my medieval collection, another few pieces for the township and outside the township. The stocks and Giblet are resin from a RPG Pathfinder miniatures. 


Friday, March 31, 2023

Mad War Breton Gendarmes

Guerre Folle Breton Gendarmes.   

Some Perry miniatures cavalry additions to my Guerre Folle/Mad War collection. This was my final entry for the analogue painting challenge. I decided to add some coats of arms, livery and do a bit of scroll work on the armour, plus the normal spiral lances I like to do. More to come in the coming months as I have assembled another two boxes worth plus some metal commands for my Italian and French troops for the Mad War. 

Breton Gendarmes 1488 

Perry Gendarmes


Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Terrain Tuesday Medieval tavern

 Medieval Tavern 

Addition to my medieval building collection. A tavern style building. I have again added construction plaster to fill in between the colombage then stippled it with a toothbrush. Then painted it with an ox blood colour as per some buildings in Vitré. The tiles were painted to represent stone slate tiles then given various washes.  Quite happy with the result. 


Thursday, March 23, 2023

Medieval additions

 Medieval Additions 

A few small pieces off the table, two War of the Roses command pieces and a medieval siege machine. The figures are from Perry and the siege machine crew are from foundry, not sure where the trebuchet is from. 


Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Medieval farm and buildings

 Medieval bits 

First up a few buildings from Tabletop Workshop plastic 28mm range to add to my medieval building collection. 

I spackle finish (pre mixed plaster) the gaps between the collombage. I mask the collombage (paint on mask all) then add the plaster, let set a little, go back and then dapple with a tooth brush to give it texture and to hide the tabs that they come with. I then undercoat and paint with artist acrylics , then add washes etc. I have also done some interior work as I can then use them for skirmish gaming. 

When I complete my castle build later this year they will be put on village bases that slot onto the castle board for instant city scape. 

Farm out building 

Manor house



Monday, March 13, 2023

Terrain Tuesday Medieval buildings WIP

Medieval buildings

Last week off  I have been working on some tabletop workshop medieval buildings for the analogue painting challenge. 

The buildings are quite nice with some paint on them and I now have eight if them from the tabletop workshop  plastic range from warlord games. 

I have added plaster between the collombage, then textured it to achieve a rough finish. 
