Showing posts with label Perry Miniatures. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Perry Miniatures. Show all posts

Sunday, October 20, 2024

WOTR Mounted Men at Arms

 These Men at Arms  have been painted for a commission in Australia 



Guerre Folle - Mad War French Gendarmes d’ Ordonnance

 Completed some more French Gendarmes d’ordonnance for my Mad War project, only a few more bases of infantry and cavalry to go and another project is done. Again Perry miniatures WOTR range, really happy with my results. 



Sunday, September 29, 2024

WOTR Perry Cavalry

 Perry Miniatures WOTR Cavalry 

Completed these 10 Perry Miniatures WOTR cavalry. These chaos are off to market as they are excess to my needs. See my for sale page above in full view or follow link here 



Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Scottish Archers unit 4

 Scottish archers 

My third unit for my later Scottish HYW army, again plastics from Perry Miniatures, based for impetus or Test of Resolve. Two more units to go, then onto man at arms and nobles. 



Friday, March 31, 2023

Mad War Breton Gendarmes

Guerre Folle Breton Gendarmes.   

Some Perry miniatures cavalry additions to my Guerre Folle/Mad War collection. This was my final entry for the analogue painting challenge. I decided to add some coats of arms, livery and do a bit of scroll work on the armour, plus the normal spiral lances I like to do. More to come in the coming months as I have assembled another two boxes worth plus some metal commands for my Italian and French troops for the Mad War. 

Breton Gendarmes 1488 

Perry Gendarmes


Thursday, March 23, 2023

Medieval additions

 Medieval Additions 

A few small pieces off the table, two War of the Roses command pieces and a medieval siege machine. The figures are from Perry and the siege machine crew are from foundry, not sure where the trebuchet is from. 


Thursday, March 4, 2021

War of the Roses look out for the billhooks 3

 War of the Roses Mounted MAA

Completed some more mounted Perry miniatures, these are such a joy to paint! 

"walk the battlefield in the morning, wargame in the afternoon"™ 

From Caesar to World War Two


Friday, February 26, 2021

War of the Roses.....look out for the bill hooks 2


 War of the Roses Men at Arms

Been a bit quite as I am slogging my way through 204 1/72 Cuirassiers for a customer order, in between I have been painting War of the Roses Men at Arms for another customer and some Gauls for myself.

 Figures are from Perry miniatures metal and plastic range, just lovely figures. Happy with the spirals on my lances, I use a hobby holder that I got on a kick starter that uses soft drink lids that screw on than can rotate on the holder, it makes life simple for these lances that is for sure. 

"walk the battlefield in the morning, wargame in the afternoon"™ 

From Caesar to World War Two


Friday, February 12, 2021

War of the Roses.....look out for the billhooks

War of the Roses Cavalry 

Completing a small commission for some Perry 28mm WOTR cavalry for the War of the Roses skirmish game Never Mind The Billhooks. 

First batch of four Perry Miniatures cavalry, which I think are fabulous sculpts.


Monday, June 1, 2020

100 years war Knights/Chevaliers and squires/écuyers IV

100YW French Armagnac (knights and squires) Knights & Squires

More Knights and Squires of Maine for the eleven local battles within 100klm, plus the 50 odd sieges. Still concentrating on my French army from Baugé to Verneuil, basing of the units has begun and first units of Archers and Knights/Squires are completed, photos this week. The figures are a mix of Perry plastics and metals for Knights and Squires from Maine, Brittany, Normandy and Touraine. 

William of Brée, Knight, Lord Marpalu, Brée, Lucé, and Bahoulliére. In the company Guy de Laval 1422, la Brossinière, Baugé, Verneuil, Orleans, Normandy campaign 1431. 

Guillaume Blosset (Le Borgne-One eye) knight Banneret, lord of Saint Pierre and Carouges. In the company of Pierre d'Alençon (Bastard of Alençon) at Baugé, la Brossinière, siege of Chartres, Orleans, coronation of Charles VI, butler and chamberlain of Charles VI. 

Macé de Richer, Squire, Lord of Domfront, Gaigne, and Monthéard, Agincourt, La Brossinière, Saint James, Avranches, Mount Saint Michel, Campaign Normandy 1431. In the company of Pierre d'Alençon.

Guillaume de Mirmande, squire, lord of Mirmande, stronghold of Saint-Jean-Lachalm. La Brossinière, Orleans, Saint James, Normandy campaign 1431, in the company of Jean d'Harcourt.

Jean de Gesvres, lord of the Rivère de Gesvres, in the company of and vassal to Jean de Vaux, La Brossinière, siege of Lava, l, siege of Orleans, Saint-James, Normandy campaign 1431, owed service to Chateau Mayenne 40 days .

René de Joncheres, squire, lord of Joncheres, Agincourt, La Brossinière, Saint James, Avranches, Mont Saint Michel, Normandy Campaign 1431, in the company of Pierre d'Alençon.

Jean de la Joue, squire, lord of Blanchardiere and Caraterie. At Azincourt, seat of Alençon, Baugé, la Brossinière, seat of Saint Suzanne, Le Mans, Saint James, Laval, Avranches, Mont Saint Michel, Normandy campaign 1431. In the company Jean de Vaux

Jean de Cucé, squire, lord of Bourdneuf, youngest his Baron Cucé. In the garrison of Vitré, la Brossinière, Saint James, Avranches, Normandy campaign 1431. In the company Pierre d'Alençon.

"walk the battlefield in the morning, wargame in the afternoon"™ 

From Caesar to World War Two
