Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Tree Renovations Part 10 Tree Tutorial

 Terrain Tuesday Trees Part 10

Making a wargames tree......

On Sunday I decided to finish off some more trees for the 20mm terrain. You can never have enough trees and I like to have a lot of them in various sizes and colours. I have been making trees for 30 odd years, wire armatures, sticks and commercial boxed ones. I can remember making some when I was around 15 years old using tree sticks and moss from a Stan Catchpol modelling workshop, military modelling article.  Since then I have made several hundred, particularly when I run the Goulburn Valant Stormers Wargames Club, but when I departed Australia I parted with my real timber ones, so upon arrival in France I needed to replace all of them except the evergreens. I prefer to buy my evergreens mostly from model railway companies and make my deciduous trees.

My preference for trunks is hedge cuttings as they already have the branches. Last year I cut down a box hedge in the garden so now have a lifetime supply of branches, which were oven baked then put in boxes awaiting use, classified into 20mm (up to 20cm high) and 28mm (up to 50cm high)

How too

Step 1.
I simply select a number of suitable hedge branches from the stockpile.

Step 2 
Using a hole saw I cut from 3mm MDF 40-50-75mm bases depending upon tree size.

Step 3 
I attach with hot glue, sometimes I also add a tack on large trees, plus make a base and roots too from green stuff.

Step 4
With a 60/40 mix of PVA I paint the base then sprinkle with my builders sand mix, I grade my builders sand into rough and light, I use my rough mix as I get as a bonus rocks and bts on the base. 

Step 5
I paint the base dark earth brown, then dry brush with a tan colour to match our soil here in southern Normandy/Pays de Loire, paint the stones then ink and drybrush. 

Step 6
I tear up the rubberised horsehair into clumps spreading it out into the canopy shape, then attach the rubberised horsehair with hot glue. I buy my rubberised horsehair from upholstery suppliers in the UK.

Step 7  
Select Flock colour, some people make theirs but I have never bothered, I use woodland scenics or NOCH, Faller products.  I use light green, middle green, dark green or even orange-brown (for Autumn) sponge fine flock. I use a deep plastic box for the flock so I can shake off excess and catch it all.

Step 8
I then using latex or washing up gloves I cover the base, placing the tree trunk  between my fingers. Then I use a hobby spray adhesive (from a $2 shop) on the rubberised hair, coating it liberally. The Selected Flock colour is poured into a box, then sprinkle my selected colour, let set, then a second application.

Step 9
I then may add a sprinkle of mixed leaves or colour (white, red and yellow for plane trees, fruit trees in blossom). 

Step 10
I then Varnish the tree with gloss varnish.

Step 11
Clean up and neaten up with scissors, some can have a few character pieces you can leave or cut off. 

Step 12
Add flock, bushes and flowers to the base. 

Simples, ok several hours work over the least three days. I tend to do batches of twenty odd trees at a time.

I still have another 50 plus odd to go but I have run out of middle green woodland scenics as I completed some new 20mm bocage for the ww2 Normandy table as well, but waiting on more flock........For some variation of my 28mm trees I am about to commence my first sea moss trees so wish me luck!


Monday, August 2, 2021

Camulogéne Chief of the Aulerci Gallic confederation

 Aulerci Chieftain Camulogéne 

Camulogéne or Camulogenos was the Gaulois Chief of the Aulerci Federation during Caesar’s conquest of Gaul. He is thought to have lead the first raising of the confederation of the Aulerci (Diablintes, Cenomani and the Eburovices) to fight against the Roman invaders with the Unelli against Caesars Lieutenant Titurius Sabinus 56BC. The Aulerci also sent a army in 56BC to assist the Veneti in Caesars Loire campaign. Finally in 52BC the Aulerci joined Vercingetorix rebellion and Camulogéne lead the confederation with the Parisii against Caesars lieutenant Labienus at the battle of Lutetia, where the Gaulois Federation was defeated and Camulogéne was killed in the fighting. 

Quite happy with my flesh tones although it lost a bit in the varnish process. The 28mm miniature is a converted Warlord Miniature Gallic Druid.

Aulerci chef Camulogéne
Aulerci Chef Camulogenos
Gallic Chieftain Camulogenos
Gallic Chief

Gallic Cheiftan


Saturday, July 31, 2021

Australian light horse

 Australian Light Horse

Not a lot of time for painting this week as I have been renovating another bedroom. Did manage to get some time in the bench to knock out some 28mm Australian Light Horsemen, limited edition made by Eureka for the Cancon entry fee a number of years ago. They will both go in the cabinet for now but may end up in the shop for sale I think as my light horse collection is now in 1/72-20mm scale. 

I have painted one each for the two regiments that recruited in the New England Ranges (where I was raised as a boy) during WW1. I had great grand uncles who served in the Middle East, Gallipoli and France for the 1st Australian Imperial Force.

Australian Light Horse WW1


Friday, July 30, 2021

Breton crossbow Guerre Folle- the Mad war

 Breton crossbow 

Some more Perry miniatures crossbowmen off the table for my Guerre Folle project 1485-90.

The anniversary of the battle of Saint Aubin du Cormier was yesterday, so good to add something for the commemoration. We offer a battlefield tour and a visit to the chateaux of Saint Aubin du Cormier and Chateau Fougeres (largest medieval chateau in France) as part of our wargame holiday experiences.

Breton Crossbowmen 

"walk the battlefield in the morning, wargame in the afternoon"
French Wargame Holidays at l'hotel de Hercé


Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Baden Generals 1809-12

 Baden Infantry Generals

Still working on my Baden Napoleonic army in between French cavalry and Prussian Infantry. This is Infantry Brigade commander and my Light Dragoon Cavalry Commander, all figures from Murawski Miniatures lovely Baden Napoleonic range.

I plan to do a small article later this week on the Army of Baden so stay tuned, just for my own sanity mostly for references when painting the infantry! The last cavalry squadron is not far off and should be done by the end of the week, I do need to convert a figure as the standard bearer though. 

The figures have had a few simple green stuff conversions, the ADC received a aiguillette and ribbon and medal from green stuff, General Major Von Harrant had feathers sculpted onto his bicorne and a epaulette fringe on the right shoulder.

Baden General Major Valentine Von Harrant

General Major Valentin von Harrant

Baden Light Dragoon Regiment Oberst Karl von Freystedt


Monday, July 19, 2021

Anjou Maine Skirmishers VI

 Dark Age Skirmishers

Another quick unit off the table, I basically done these in between painting the Napoleonic’s figures as a break from belts etc. 

I do enjoy painting dark age - early medieval figures and this  unit can join my Anjou-Maine army for the 9th-11th century battles, which will become a focus in September as we are hosting a French professor of Carolingian to Viking history for three days, visiting sites and wargaming the local battles, so I have much to do, particularly Vikings and Carolingian cavalry. 

A mix of Footsore, Blacktree miniatures and mix of shields, LBM transfers and hand painted.

Dark Age Skirmishers
