Sunday, January 15, 2023

Cybermen advance


Another entry for the analogue painting challenge, some Cybermen soft plastic and hard plastic. Very simple paint job’s, painted in gunmetal, then ink wash, then a dry brush of silver.  The smaller hard plastic are superb sculpts the soft plastic represents the mid seventies Cybermen. I have based them on grey to represent the moon. 

Cybermen advance



Saturday, January 14, 2023

Touchy business


 Touchy business

A figure that I found while cleaning up was a part finished Ordinance technician, he was painted and based but had nothing to disarm so I added a missile head I had in spares and some guidance fins so it looked like a guided 230mm rocket assisted round, then made some green stuff sand bags. Not sure if he will ever be used in a game but you never know. The miniatures is from Wartime miniatures Australian army range. 


Friday, January 13, 2023

Modern Toyota technical

 Toyota technical 

A 20mm Toyota technical for my modern mercenaries. The miniatures is matchbox and I plan to also add a MG gunner to the rear. Another entry for the analogue painting challenge. 

Toyota technical 


Thursday, January 12, 2023

Joan d’Arc

 Jeanne d’Arc

Next off the desk is a Perry Miniatures Jeanne d’Arc miniature. I really like this miniature but it needed something on the base to help lift it more so I added archer stakes and arrows. The flag is a photocopy of the Perry supplied one, then repainted, not 100% happy with it and I may replace it at some time in the future with my interpretation of it or just purchase a pre made one. Another entry in the analogue painting challenge. 

Jeanne d’Arc 

Joan d’Arc


Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Star Wars Revell Republic Gunshiip

 Republic Gunship

Another entry for the analogue painting challenge was a 1/172 Republic Gunship. A very quick and easy kit to assemble, airbrush, then assemble, panel lined then highlighted with brush with weathering of different colored panels. I went with a black and white theme. The body is about the size of a matchbox car with the wings sitting outside that. Really happy with the build and it wall join my growing completed Star Wars kits. Again Revell why the weird scale….

Revell Star Wars Republic Gunship

Revell Republican Gunship

Revell Republican Gunship 

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Publius Quinctilius Varus And Arminius

Quintili Vare, legiones redde!

Next off the desk are some foundry command, representing Varus and Arminius before the disaster……
Another entry into the analogue painting challenge. Quite a easy paint job on these and quite happy with the result. 

Monday, January 9, 2023

Imperial Roman Sagittari

Imperial Roman Archers 

Some archers off the table last week for the analogue painting challenge, a mix of Foundry and Warlord miniatures.

Western Roman Gallic Auxiliary Archers 

Eastern Roman Auxiliary Archers
