Volvo C303 Pansarvärnspjästerrängbil
As I start preparing for the Analogue painting challenge I have been focusing on building kits for our “Whisky on the Rocks” Cold War game. My Swedes need quite a bit of anti armour to deal with the Soviet VDV division that will oppose them. The
Volvo C303 Pansarvärnspjästerrängbil 1/72 Gecko Resin kitAnother kit review of Gecko Heavy Industries 1/76th scale resin kit. The Volvo C303 Pansarvärnspjästerrängbil 90mm recoiless anti tank gun. The only model of this kit that I am aware of for 20mm wargaming.
The kit is resin with four options for the build, a complete clear resin cabin with stowed gun, a half cabin with stowed gun, a windscreen with roll cage mounted or a firing version with folded down screen and roll frame. The resin spruces were simple to remove, do take care though with assembly as the instructions are not that clear, and you will require a few images from the web to fully assemble it correctly, particularly the gun mount. The roll cage will need some work if you are to get close to an actual vehicle, so I opted to fold mine down in the firing version. The clear parts are not that great and I think I will scratch a new windscreen(which will be folded down anyway…. The front seats were also incorrect from what I could see, so I trimmed the kit pieces to suit. Overall a 8.5 out of 10.
The kit was €22 from panzerfux and worth the price I think as it is such a rare beast. Looking forward to getting some paint on it and I will possibly convert some S&S miniatures Swedish crew. |
Volvo C303 Pansarvärnspjästerrängbil Layed out |
Cheers Neil
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