Friday, March 31, 2023

Mad War Breton Gendarmes

Guerre Folle Breton Gendarmes.   

Some Perry miniatures cavalry additions to my Guerre Folle/Mad War collection. This was my final entry for the analogue painting challenge. I decided to add some coats of arms, livery and do a bit of scroll work on the armour, plus the normal spiral lances I like to do. More to come in the coming months as I have assembled another two boxes worth plus some metal commands for my Italian and French troops for the Mad War. 

Breton Gendarmes 1488 

Perry Gendarmes


Thursday, March 30, 2023

Marianne of the revolution

La guérison de Marianne

Another entry in the Analogue Painting  Challenge a foundry miniature of the Revolutionary Republican Marianne! 


Wednesday, March 29, 2023

WIP Wednesday - Saab Viggen

 Saab Viggen WIP

Another aircraft for my Swedish army, a Saab Viggen from Airfix again straight out of the box. A simple build with very few fitting problems (body and wings needed clamping) we shall see how the decals hold up when I paint it in late April. 


Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Terrain Tuesday Medieval tavern

 Medieval Tavern 

Addition to my medieval building collection. A tavern style building. I have again added construction plaster to fill in between the colombage then stippled it with a toothbrush. Then painted it with an ox blood colour as per some buildings in Vitré. The tiles were painted to represent stone slate tiles then given various washes.  Quite happy with the result. 


Monday, March 27, 2023

Dutch ww2 additions

 Dutch Wagon and staff car 

Addition of a Revell plastic wagon with a Early War Miniatures driver and a diecast car within HAT and SHQ officer. 


Sunday, March 26, 2023

WW1 artilleryman

 Ww1 Artilleryman 

A bit of a change this week, a large scale figure to add to the display cabinet. Not sure of the maker, but a nicely proportioned miniature. 


Saturday, March 25, 2023

Sopwith Triplane

 Sopwith Triplane 

An addition to my Canvas eagles collection, a Revell 1/72 scale miniature. A reasonably simple build out of the box. Airbrushed first then a wash, followed by a brush highlight to achieve the painted canvas dragged painted, decals were a little old, and were a little difficult with the red circle being separate.  


Friday, March 24, 2023

Germanic tribesmen additions

 Germanic tribesmen 

Some more additions to the Germanic horde, again a mix of foundry and warlord miniatures 


Thursday, March 23, 2023

Medieval additions

 Medieval Additions 

A few small pieces off the table, two War of the Roses command pieces and a medieval siege machine. The figures are from Perry and the siege machine crew are from foundry, not sure where the trebuchet is from. 


Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Saab Drakker wip

 Saab Draken wip part 1

A relaxing afternoon after Gardening all day I decided to put a kit together in my stash. I selected a simple Airfix 1/72 Drakken to build. I will build this straight of the box ready for my Swedish Cold War project. 

As always I paint my pilot and interior first before assembly, all together tonight ready for paint next week 


Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Medieval farm and buildings

 Medieval bits 

First up a few buildings from Tabletop Workshop plastic 28mm range to add to my medieval building collection. 

I spackle finish (pre mixed plaster) the gaps between the collombage. I mask the collombage (paint on mask all) then add the plaster, let set a little, go back and then dapple with a tooth brush to give it texture and to hide the tabs that they come with. I then undercoat and paint with artist acrylics , then add washes etc. I have also done some interior work as I can then use them for skirmish gaming. 

When I complete my castle build later this year they will be put on village bases that slot onto the castle board for instant city scape. 

Farm out building 

Manor house



Sunday, March 19, 2023

Prussian regimental officer

 Regimental Prussian commander 

Another Prussian off the desk, again an elite miniature. As usual I commence with the commander, perhaps the end of next week he will have something to command! 

Prussian regimental commander 


Saturday, March 18, 2023

Prussian skirmish command

 Prussian skirmisher command 

Additions completed last week for my fusilier skirmish command, again elite miniatures. The next unit coming up will be another line unit and some artillery. 

Prussian fusilier skirmish command 


Friday, March 17, 2023

Prussian Landwehr Officer

 Prussian Landwehr officer 

Off the desk last week also was a Landwehr officer to lead my regiment, again an elite miniature, I thought I would mount him on a piebald as horses were in short supply in 1813. More coming in the next week or so as I continue on my Prussian army expansion. 

Pruusian Landwehr mounted officer 


Thursday, March 16, 2023

Test of Resolve Rules review

 Test of Resolve Rules Review

The War of the Roses always has been an interest of mine, but I have not really found a set of Rules that reflect the combat of the period. Recently I had David Knight one of the authors of the new Test of Resolve rules visit and he bought along his rules. We played 8 games over two days plus visited the Mad War chateaux and the battlefield of Saint Aubin du Cormier in Brittany. 

The rules are simple to follow and use a card driven mechanism for your turn, the units have simple formations and act how exactly how they should, archers, levy and MAA, plus mounted MAA options. You can easily build an army if you follow the basing recommended. The games are very rapid and you can easily complete a game in under two hours. The biggest bonus though are the scenario books which have every major conflict during the war, plus the rebellions and baron squabbles after. 

I would highly recommend them for those who are after a rapid war game that plays like a medieval battle. The research is excellent and I think the scenarios books are fabulous. The rules are available on Amazon. 

Another year older…..

 Another year older….

Well another year older and as normal my wife spoils me, first up a few presents, the biggest surprise was the new Victrix chassuers of the guard (apparently my mate Philippe suggested it!), some books which I had ordered . Then we spent the day in Normandy as tourists visiting some of the museums on the coast and out for lunch in Falaise also on the way. …


Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Prussian Landwehr

 Prussian Salesian Landwehr 

Off the table last week we’re a unit of 32 Landwehr to join my growing Prussian collection this year. The miniatures are from the Elite Miniatures range. Really happy how they have come out. I need to do some research to add a flag for them! 

Prussian Silesian Landwehr
