Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Scottish Archers unit 4

 Scottish archers 

My third unit for my later Scottish HYW army, again plastics from Perry Miniatures, based for impetus or Test of Resolve. Two more units to go, then onto man at arms and nobles. 



Scottish Archers unit 3

 Another archer unit off the desk, for this unit I have painted a Saint Andrew on the cross on the banner, not historical at this time (much later). 

Two more units to go, again perry miniatures 



Monday, September 4, 2023

Norman casualty markers

Casualty Markers 
I have commenced holidays for two weeks and now have an opportunity to complete some workbench projects. First up some Norman mounted casualties from conquest games, they have been in my project drawers for a long time! 


Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Wip Wednesday ww2 buildings

Work in Progress Buildings 

 Back to upgrading some buildings this week as I want to start basing and adding walls and outbuildings, gardens etc to my layout. I have about thirty to refurbish for my Mayenne/city table, some will not take much, other need a lot of work. I have been breaking up bricks, cork and tinting kitty litter with washes to make bags of rubble. 

First up a old warrior, possibly 20 years old, I have a number of these I think from Queens Hussar (could be wrong) I will bring the brick up to the normal bright red orange of our region, then add a few bits of interior pieces, damage, rubble, signage then add the yard and out buildings on a base to fit my town tiles. 



Terrain Tuesday - Hay Stacks

 Hay Stacks 

I have been meaning to paint these for some time, the first 4 are complete and I have 16 more to complete the lot. Quite happy with the result and they match my fields (door mat) much more to come 


Thursday, August 17, 2023

HYW Scottish Archers unit two

 I have finally commenced my Scottish Archers for the battles of Fresnay, Baugé and Verneuil. I have 30 to complete them before I start the MAA. 

Again from the Perry range of miniatures, I have painted them with the recorded badges of red field with yellow saint Andrew’s cross. I am planning a big anniversary game next year so

I had best get a wriggle on and complete some more foot. 

Scottish Archers

