Monday, November 13, 2023

Analogue Painting Challenge XIIII


 Analogue Painting Challenge XIIII 2023-24

Result of painful overstretching of the Analogue Painting Challenge

I plan to participate in the Analogue  Painting Challenge again this year, I have reduced my points to 500 points which is predominantly because we will be in Australia for half of the challenge so smaller pieces of 20mm figures will travel with me. Last years total was 3304 points, which was around 400 28mm figures painted so I doubt I will reach those dizzy heights.

 The figure painting challenge really pushes production in the winter/summer months and will also give me a spring board again into next year.  The challenge commences on the 21st of December and finishes on March 21st 2022.

You may commence the challenge with undercoated figures, and the points are scored thus

6mm foot figure = 0.5 point
6mm mounted figure, artillery piece or crew served weapon = 1 point
6mm vehicle = 2 points
10mm foot figure = 1 point
10mm mounted figure, artillery piece or crew served weapon = 2 points
10mm vehicle = 3 points 
15mm foot figure = 2 points
15mm mounted figure, artillery piece or large crew served weapon = 4 points 15mm vehicle = 8 points
20mm foot figure = 4 points
20mm mounted figure, artillery piece or crew served weapon = 8 points 20mm vehicle = 15 points

28mm foot figure = 5 points
28mm mounted figure, artillery piece or crew served weapon = 10 points
28mm vehicle = 20 points
40mm foot figure = 7 points
40mm mounted figure, artillery piece or crew served weapon = 15 points
40mm vehicle = 25 points
54mm foot figure = 10 points
54mm mounted figures, artillery piece or crew served weapon = 20 points
54mm vehicle, limber, etc. = 30 points

Terrain is based on 6 inch squared areas

My Cunning Plan....

I am selecting a mix of 28mm and 20mm figures and vehicles. The main project will be Swedes and the remainder of my VDV this will be my big game in April. I intend to complete two Norman and Anjou-Maine Anarchy and Scots for the 100 years war pieces. If I get motivated more 20mm ww2. There is also the side challenge, so I may partake in that to boost points.
  • AB Napoleonic French 
  • 28mm Greeks 
  • 20mm Soviets Cold War 
  • 20mm Swedes Cold War 
  • 28mm HYW Scots nobles and foot
  • 28 Norman and Anjou/Maine for the anarchy 
  • 20mm American 2nd Armoured
  • 20mm 9th Panzer
  • 20mm British armour 
  • Gaslands cars and figs 
  • 28mm 11th-12th  century chateau
  • 20mm Ww2 and modern buildings 
  • Gallic buildings 


Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Terrain Tuesday - Desert terrain Sinai

 Desert terrain 

Last week as the Yom Kippur War bug continues to bite I completed some desert shrub foliage cover pieces that could be used for both 20mm and 28mm. Simple mdf base with coir hair mat and, home made tufts and some noch shrub. Quite effective and happy with the result, 30 odd more to come once I make some new tufts in the coming week or so. 

Desert tufts 


Friday, November 3, 2023

Agincourt Anniversary refight


My mate David and I have planned 100YW tours and wargames this week. We visited a number of chateaux, two battlefield walks and 100YW sites in old Maine, Normandy and Anjou. 

We also planned and played three 100YW games from all three phases of the war, play testing a upcoming rule set that should be published early next year. It is very morale based and takes time to break the morale of the of each base (representing 500 men) as attached leaders can roll off disorder and morale. 

We organised the English into three battles, the French into 3 also, but only committing two battles with the first assault, one of these divisions needed success to win an outright victory, the last division being only deployed if the French assault fails and a successful roll is made. I was very keen to roll out all of my 100YW armies for our games. 

Enjoy the pics 

The English happy few 

The French first Battle 

The field 

The flanking move fails ….again 

The French start to crowd but head towards the English MAA

French line starts to break up from the archery 

The cavalry finally retire 

The English MAA await with the Norman Allied contingent 

Gird your loins here they come! 

The retired cavalry let the archers shoot into the flanks again 

The MAA clash 

Heavy fighting continues 

French MAA reach breakpoint 

Generals attach to rally men on both sides 

Holes appear in the French line as the morale collapses 

The Duke de Harcourt falters and is captured

Pierre the Alençon almost cuts his way through to the king, just like the actual battle 

Then break, the French army retires and history repeats itself, the third French division fails to activate and it’s game over! 



Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Terrain Tuesday- Sinai Terrain part 1


 Sinai terrain

While I do have a collection of terrain pieces for my desert games I have very little in the way of 20th century type pieces for towns etc except for my Iraq thunder run table bits (jersey barriers and buildings and a few trees). 

I did have some Street lights and palms laying around in stock with part built I had started for city entry pieces, these pieces have been part finished for some time but originally was only going to be palms for my Iraqi war table, however by adding the lights give it more of a 20th century look. 

A collection of small trees, I cut some of the stumps so they were not all the same heights.


Sunday, October 22, 2023

Scottish Archers unit 5

 Scottish Archers 

Another unit of Perry plastic archers for my Scots, next up I have heavy foot coming then some cavalry. 


Saturday, October 21, 2023

Bundesgrenzschultz VW van


  Bundesgrenzschutz VW Van

While I was airbrushing a lot of vehicles last week (while the weather was pleasant) I quickly painted up my remaining Bundesgrenzschutz vehicles. For completed off the table is a van, pretty much match box recovery that had the front pillars missing, which I rebuilt with green stuff and styrene, plus the traffic light which is also green stuff. I have also molded a plastic windscreen in hot water from a vegetable pack, but cannot find it on my messy desk so a cleanup may occur tomorrow! 

I am planning also to add Bundesgrenzschutz writing on the sides in black, but will complete my helicopter and other vehicles first before I play around making up the transfers to be printed, then complete all of the vehicles at once.

 I only have the checkpoint and four more vehicles to come (one truck, one ambulance and Jeep , plus the helicopter and they will be completed. In the meantime I must complete some more vehicles before this weekends Yom Kippur anniversary game! 



Monday, October 16, 2023

Egyptian Army 1967-73 Infantry


 Egyptian Army 1967-73 -Infantry 

The infantry for this project are from Elheim miniatures. The figures are from the middle eastern range which will work for most middle eastern nations during the period. They have a good variety of poses and I am really happy with my results. 

Painting guide Egyptian Infantry Arab Israeli wars

I have researched the uniforms and decided to go a little darker than the sand colour recommended in battlefront fate of nations guide. I use a black undercoat, a base colour, the wash, then Highlight the same colour. 
Flesh Vallejo dwarf flesh, highlight about 10% elf flesh, Warpaint brown flesh wash. 
Tunic and trousers Vallejo panzer aces French tanker uniform
Webbing AK khaki webbing
Helmet Vallejo Russian uniform
Wood Rifle Furniture Vallejo mahogany
Weapon metal work Vallejo German grey 
Boots Vallejo German grey 
Support weapons and RPG is Vallejo German camo green
Airborne Berets Vallejo dark red, then blood red highlight. 
The grass tufts are my own using either Noch or faller flocks. 

I am really happy with these chaps and they will also double for my Iraqis. 

1st Motorised regiment

The motorised truck units had a structure of ; One  HQ company and two rifle companies and one support company. I have 6 trucks almost completed for these chaps, plus two command Zil 157 vans. I also need to print some Soviet jeeps for the Sagger crews to complete the regiment.

1st Battalion

2nd Battalion 

Armoured infantry battalion 

I need to add a sniper to this battalion and some heavy weapons. I am having trouble finding a decent order of battle for these with conflicting sources for the structure of the battalions. I have followed the Russian structure for them. A HQ and two rifle companies, with two in the BTR 152 or BTR 50. I have ordered extra vehicles so I can depict 1967 and 73 formations. 

Airborne battalion 

The Egyptian airborne infantry chaps need a few more figures to complete them, this will include some head swaps to get more variation and radio op and heavy weapons. I need to do another order with elhiem shortly. 
