Showing posts with label Perry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Perry. Show all posts

Friday, November 3, 2023

Agincourt Anniversary refight


Our wargames holiday guest David had a planned 100YW guided tours and wargames for his week with us. We visited a number of chateaux, two battlefield walks and 100YW sites in old Maine, Normandy and Anjou. 

We also planned and played three 100YW games from all three phases of the war, play testing a upcoming rule set that should be published early next year. It is very morale based and takes time to break the morale of the of each base (representing 500 men) as attached leaders can roll off disorder and morale. 

We organised the English into three battles, the French into 3 also, but only committing two battles with the first assault, one of these divisions needed success to win an outright victory, the last division being only deployed if the French assault fails and a successful roll is made. I was very keen to roll out all of my 100YW armies for our games. 

Enjoy the pics 

The English happy few 

The French first Battle 

The field 

The flanking move fails ….again 

The French start to crowd but head towards the English MAA

French line starts to break up from the archery 

The cavalry finally retire 

The English MAA await with the Norman Allied contingent 

Gird your loins here they come! 

The retired cavalry let the archers shoot into the flanks again 

The MAA clash 

Heavy fighting continues 

French MAA reach breakpoint 

Generals attach to rally men on both sides 

Holes appear in the French line as the morale collapses 

The Duke de Harcourt falters and is captured

Pierre the Alençon almost cuts his way through to the king, just like the actual battle 

Then break, the French army retires and history repeats itself, the third French division fails to activate and it’s game over! 



Sunday, October 22, 2023

Scottish Archers unit 5

 Scottish Archers 

Another unit of Perry plastic archers for my Scots, next up I have heavy foot coming then some cavalry. 


Friday, October 6, 2023

French HYW mounted crossbow

 French HYW Mounted Crossbow 

Additions to the Hundred Years War collection. The mounted crossbowmen were often in the free companies, but some are mentioned in the Manche arrie Ban for the battle of Formigny. The miniatures are from the Perry range, I have another base to complete of mounted archers then onto Scottish nobles and men at arms. 


Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Scottish Archers unit 4

 Scottish archers 

My third unit for my later Scottish HYW army, again plastics from Perry Miniatures, based for impetus or Test of Resolve. Two more units to go, then onto man at arms and nobles. 



Scottish Archers unit 3

 Another archer unit off the desk, for this unit I have painted a Saint Andrew on the cross on the banner, not historical at this time (much later). 

Two more units to go, again perry miniatures 



Thursday, August 17, 2023

HYW Scottish Archers unit two

 I have finally commenced my Scottish Archers for the battles of Fresnay, Baugé and Verneuil. I have 30 to complete them before I start the MAA. 

Again from the Perry range of miniatures, I have painted them with the recorded badges of red field with yellow saint Andrew’s cross. I am planning a big anniversary game next year so

I had best get a wriggle on and complete some more foot. 

Scottish Archers



Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Scottish HYW Archers unit one

I have commenced my Scottish army for Fresnay, Bauge and Verneuil using Perry Miniatures HYW range, using a mix of English and French figures so they will reflect the influences of both.

 The second unit of archers is based for Impetus or Test of Resolve rules. I have given them stuart badges or white crosses. A few more units to come this week before I commence the foot. 



Thursday, June 15, 2023

Sengoku Jidai - Samurai

 A game at Pierre’s house this weekend for a large Edo period civil war game. Just fabulous and I was impressed! The miniatures  are predominantly 3d 28mm prints. The command figures and cavalry though are Perry Miniatures, Clan War and  Dark Sword character miniatures.  The terrain is all Sarissa buildings and a few 3d printed pieces, the rice paddies are scratch built. 

Most of the collection is speed painted, slap chop with dry brush highlight, and I must say very impressed with the results. It was a learning game for most of the guys playing, we used pike and shot with the Samurai rule adjustments. It played quite well and everyone had a good time, I did manage to lose the castle …..

Perry miniatures cavalry 

