Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Photo Booth upgrade

You may of noticed over the last few weeks I finally updated my Photo Booth which I have been putting off for some time. We happened to be in IKEA recently and I spotted a ideal box size and when I returned home I decided to order some model railway backgrounds terrain, buildings and sky.  When they arrived I placed them onto cardboard backing and printed a science fiction one also while I was at it. 

I then purchased some daylight serial led light strips form our local €2 shop. I assembled the box, added the removable backgrounds, and then tried a few photos and worked out I needed to lift the models to blend in better with the shrubbery or buildings in the background. So I then decided to build a platform to lift the models to blend in better with the backgrounds, adding flock the base to match my basing. Also I built a small pin platform so my aircraft and space ship models could be lifted up too. 

Really happy with the improvements, although I could of purchased a bigger box for artillery limbers and large regiments …… next one I guess. 



Friday, September 8, 2023

Prussian Artillery

 Completed a Prussian artillery battery from the Prusse Regiment, the white epaulettes are the only distinctive element from 1812-14. Miniatures are 28mm from the Elite Miniatures range and are part of my second Division for my 1812-15 army.



Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Scottish Archers unit 4

 Scottish archers 

My third unit for my later Scottish HYW army, again plastics from Perry Miniatures, based for impetus or Test of Resolve. Two more units to go, then onto man at arms and nobles. 



Scottish Archers unit 3

 Another archer unit off the desk, for this unit I have painted a Saint Andrew on the cross on the banner, not historical at this time (much later). 

Two more units to go, again perry miniatures 



Monday, September 4, 2023

Norman casualty markers

Casualty Markers 
I have commenced holidays for two weeks and now have an opportunity to complete some workbench projects. First up some Norman mounted casualties from conquest games, they have been in my project drawers for a long time! 


Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Wip Wednesday ww2 buildings

Work in Progress Buildings 

 Back to upgrading some buildings this week as I want to start basing and adding walls and outbuildings, gardens etc to my layout. I have about thirty to refurbish for my Mayenne/city table, some will not take much, other need a lot of work. I have been breaking up bricks, cork and tinting kitty litter with washes to make bags of rubble. 

First up a old warrior, possibly 20 years old, I have a number of these I think from Queens Hussar (could be wrong) I will bring the brick up to the normal bright red orange of our region, then add a few bits of interior pieces, damage, rubble, signage then add the yard and out buildings on a base to fit my town tiles. 

