Tuesday, November 12, 2019

28mm Dark Age Anjou-Maine infantry III

Carolingian Frank Anjou-Maine heavy Infantry III

Another unit completed of Gripping beast plastics with a few head swaps of Victrix Celts, a few plastic javelins and a few metal shields in the mix. Transfers are LMBS and hand painted shields.
This unit could easily serve as any dark age unit, Carolingian Frankish Anjou-Maine infantry, Bretons, or even Goths.

"walk the battlefield in the morning, wargame in the afternoon"™


Monday, November 11, 2019

28mm dark age Breton heavy infantry III

Breton heavy Infantry III

A hive of activity on the desk this weekend as my mojo returns for painting, another Breton unit but for my Kingdom of Domnonée army from the 4th to the 11th century. All metal from Footsore miniatures, with various shield makes, LBMS transfers and metal spears I made myself. Really easy to paint these and happy with the result. This base with it flag will designate an attached command on a stand for Impetus, although I prefer separate commanders normally as I tend to get them mostly killed when attached!

"walk the battlefield in the morning, wargame in the afternoon"™


Sunday, November 10, 2019

28mm Dark Age skirmishers

Completed two units of archers, one for late Roman -Alan  archers and a generic Archer dark age base.
Figures are Footsore miniatures. They will fit into any of my late Roman and dark age armies nicely.


28mm Aulerci Diablintes tribesmen III

More naked Victrix Tribesmen off the painting desk this weekend, another Aulerci Diablintes heavy foot unit ready to fight off the roman invader!

I managed to assemble the whole remaining 180 Victrix miniatures over the last three weeks, predominantly undercoated they are now awaiting paint over the remainder of Autumn and winter?
I am not looking forward to painting the clothed figures in plaid, but have settled on some contrast patterns, that I have made recipes for over the last three days. I have also mass based the shields and started cuting out the LBM transfers.


28mm Alan warlord

This Footsore command miniature has been sitting around for some time awaiting completion as I wanted a hunting or war dog on the base, after a desk clean up today in preparation for clearing for the Autumn painting projects,  I headed up to the third floor and seeked out my 28mm spares box and found a suitable Warlord Miniatures war dog.  I then finished the dog off and added it to the completed the command base.

This commander will lead my Alan warband. The Alan's were based in Aurelianum (modern Orleans) capital from 406ad and controlled lands along the Loire, Sarthe and Mayenne rivers. The Romans and later the Franks used them to put down rebellions in the west including Armorican massif (Brittany) and famously defended their capital Aurelianum against Atilla the Hun. Later at the battle of Challons in 451 the Alan and Goth cavalry break the Hunnic centre.


Friday, November 8, 2019

28mm Dark Age Breton Coloni Infantry II

Breton Coloni Infantry II

Finally back into a rhythm of painting after assembling 200 odd perry miniatures 100YW miniatures, it truly has been a slog. I also completed a number of Celts also, and finally had an opportunity to undercoat them. I also managed to get some time for some painting yesterday and today completing another two units with another three close behind.

The latest off the desk some more Breton Coloni infantry for my Kingdom of Domnonée dark age army 4th to 11th century, although this unit could double as Maine/Anjou or saxon pirate raiders also.

"walk the battlefield in the morning, wargame in the afternoon"™
