Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Napoleonic Generals

I have been partaking in the 30 minute 30 day painting challenge on Facebook, getting lots done.

I have decided to clear my desk before I put another project on it, currently it is packed with Napoleonic French and Baden miniatures, plus celts and bits.

First up Division General and ADC, actually a touch up and rebase job for these.

Cuirassier General new


FIW Indians

I decided to complete these Indians that were in my lead pile last month then sell them to fund new projects. Enjoyed painting the Front Rank miniatures


Monday, October 1, 2018

Bundesgrenzschutz grenadiers

Off the painting table some Elheim Bundeswehr, the first batn of my Cold War Bundeswehr, two more battalions to complete my Kampfgruppe.


Sunday, September 2, 2018

9th Cuirassiers 1805

9th Cuirassier regiment 3rd squadron

I have been painting a bit of my Napoleonic lead like this month, I finished these guys before I went on summer holidays but failed to take any photos. I have two more squadrons to complete and add the flag when I order it. The figures are from the Elite Miniatures range which I love!
