Friday, November 25, 2011

A Gruesome Collection

A gruesome collection of heads from the Foundry Thracian Collection, I will use it as a marker for WAB some time in the future!


Landsknechte Artillery

Out of the oven last week also some artillery. The Landsknechte mercenaries had artillery so finding suitable figures was a pain until I thought of Games Workshop. Some of their fantasy ranges are quite fanciful and over the top (to much accessories) but I managed to get some earlier GW miniatures that fit well for renaissance miniatures, and as a added bonus I like the gun also! GW sculptors do some very fine faces and I enjoyed painting them very much. The photos were taken at night so I may replace them with some daylight ones later next week.


Equites Exploratores

Equites Exploratores

Finished  some late Romans from A & A, they are just beautiful to paint and really look good, I remember drawing the shield from a mosaic as palace guards. I searched the Notitia Dignitatum but no reference exists for the shield pattern. I will continue to look around in my research books but until then they will remain unnamed!


Wednesday, November 23, 2011

More Saxons

Well some more dark age Saxons out of the oven last week, these are from the crusader range, very nice models, the open hands are the only thing that annoys me as I prefer to drill out hands for spears rather than lay it in a open hand which tends to allow weapons to be knocked out under handling, all of the shields have been hand painted. These figs are actually for a customer in QLD and will end up on impetus bases beating up Vikings and Normans!!!!
