Wednesday, May 11, 2011

WOTR Mercenary Crossbow

A small unit in the empoloy of the Duke of York. Same again painted about 7 years ago, a quick dust, then a GW Devlan mud wash, highlights, I have noticed some nics on the bows and some leatherwork so I will redo these also. I think I will also do the draw strigs with a lighter colour and redo the blue pupils black!


Mercenary arquebusiers

Painted these about 7 years ago, they returned this week for a touch up of the scratchs, a quick dust brush, then a ink of devlan mud, then re-highlighted the blue and white, I think I might even redo the flesh!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

VBCW Bobbies

Yes Bobbies not Boobies.

These Bobbies not sure who sculpted these, painted them all in one evening!

I will use them for Pulp and Very British Civil War.


Sunday, May 1, 2011

Jasta 27

Jasta 27

Jasta 27 was formed on 5 February 1917 at Ghent and mobilized a week later on 12 February. It was made part of Jagdgeschwader 3 along with Jasta 2, Jasta 26 and Jasta 36. 

The following officers had command of Jasta 27:

12 February 1917 - 15 February 1917 Lieutenant Hans von Keudell
22 February 1917 - 17 May 1917 Lieutenant Erich Wieland
17 May 1917 - 28 July 1918 Lieutenant Hermann Göring
29 July 1918 - 11 November 1918 Hermann Frommherz

another Albatross DV and a Yellow tailed DR1 will join Goring to fill out the 27th jasta!

Herman Gorings Albatross DV

Bruno Loerzer

Ltn. Rudolf Klimke

Allied aircraft

WOW Allied Aircraft
My first aircraft of the Allied airforce for 1/72nd Wings of War, these were put together by my good mate Chris who was up for the challenge of the Airfix RE8, and the Roden Se5 was a much kinder kit to build apparently. Both kits were painted with my trusty Aztek, then ink washed, then a combination of airbrush and brush highlighting and weathering, I don't know why but all allied transfers seem oversize so I have ordered some replacements for both of these aircraft, and I have some pilots (currently being sculpted, which I will put into production) on the way to fill the empty seats soon!
The trusty Aifix RE8, I ahve a second airfix kit that will be in Belgian colours
The Roden Se5, two more of these to build and paint!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Jasta 2 1917 WOW

A great many discussions have been had at the club over the last few years of moving to 1/72nd scale WW1 air combat. Mark had a head start and has been building fleets of aircraft for the last ten years mostly to play canvas eagles. Two years ago a few of the chaps started to get excited by Wings Of War and played a few club games using the rules and the aircraft available, a number of great games were had with lots of "dakka dakka" and sound effects provided by a snoopy toy plane!

Last Novemeber we all played WOW in 1/72nd scale for the first time, Mark had designed all of the decks and most of us decided to get a few kits and build some early war and late war planes, last month three of us at the club played WOW early war (see Gregs Post here).

I have decided to concentrate on late war so this is my first Jasta of my planned three Jasta's, each jasta will have around five aircraft. These two still need some wire work, and to be gloss then flat matt clear finish done. I have selected two historical colour schemes so far from Jasta 2, the other two or three will be made up I think.

Albatross DIII flown by Ltn Hermann Frommherz 1917 , I am the most happy with this Kite, all hand painted including the stripes.

Albatross DIII flown by Werner Voss, again hand painted, the cross in oakleaves should be a swastika, I will fix this before the gloss coat.

yet to do Paul Baumers Pfalz DIII



Sunday, April 24, 2011

Leucosyri Hill tribesmen

Leucosyri hill tribesmen, the Leucosyri were termed White Syrians, and possibly settled in the Paphlagonia region by Alexander particularly around the Halys river, they were conquered by Pontus under Mithridates Ctistes (302–266 BC). I have decided to give these guys the sparra, and will use them as a allied warband for my Pontic army, the figures are crusader miniatures.
