Republican Roman Command
Earlier last week I was getting a little jack of Medievals, tree renovation and Napoleonics, so I switched and opened up my project drawers and looked at my early republicans and decided to complete some more of my commands as I like to have spares in case of civil war etc for my early republican four urban legions. All figures are First corps figures except the dog who is warlord I think, decals VVV on the Roman shields, Impetus markers are Gallic pieces hand painted.
First up is a mounted Equites with his faithful dog, as a commander of my foreign and mercenary cavalry
A Simple legion commander base
A foreign legion commander
Impetus disorder markers (as I like to do some every time I paint Ancient figures......)
and a supply train, more medieval than roman, a mix of brands and scratch built pack saddles
"walk the battlefield in the morning, wargame in the afternoon"™
From Caesar to World War Two