28mm Gallic Project
We have the fourth largest Gaulois Oppidium (fortified walled city) in France just a few kilometres from our Maison in Mayenne. Archeologists excavated a large amount of the city when the new motorway skirted the edge of it. Much of its twin ramparts still remain, the outer and the inner wall still have sections over 100m in length and some of the remains are between 3-5 meters in height. The city was once the capital of the Aulerci Diablintes
Also close by 10 kilometres away we also have the new Roman capital city of Jublians, which became the capital of the Diablintes Post 60AD.
Also close by 10 kilometres away we also have the new Roman capital city of Jublians, which became the capital of the Diablintes Post 60AD.
My Gaulois will focus on the Aulerci Diablintes tribe along with the Aulerci Cénomani and Aulerci Brannovices tribes to make up the warbands. The Aulerci tribes were pacified by Publius Licinius Crassus (Caesars Gallic wars) during his Amorican western Gallic campaign. In 56BC they joined the Veneti Confederation against Caesar, but were defeated again by Publius Licinius Crassus. In 53BC like thier neighbours they sent men to support Vercingétorix during his uprising, they failed to arrive in time to relieve the besieged Gallic army. They rebelled again in 31 BC, 21AD, and finally in 56AD like most of the west France.
I purchased three bags of Victrix naked Gauls, three bags of foot, plus two cavalry bags, I have a few unpainted and part painted Warlord, old glory and crusader command and a few warriors.
The army will be based for impetus so I need about twenty four bases of infantry (10-12 figures per base), plus some skirmishers and a six bases of Cavalry, so about four hundred figures to paint to face Caesars Legions. So a lot to be done in the next six months
Wish me all the best