Sunday, February 16, 2025

Bundesgrenzschutz VW cars


 Bundesgrenzschutz Cars 

More VW vehicles for the Bundesgrenzschutz, again a mix of matchbox and hot wheels. Quite happy with them. 


Saturday, February 15, 2025

Republican Roman Army

 Republican Roman Army 

I have been photographing figures for Sale the last two days, clearing the decks to concentrate on the battles closer to home and reducing the unused armies . Also the is second Republican Army I have, this one was built as opponents to my sold Carthaginian Army. The figures are from First Corps range. The army is based for Impetus but could suit To the Strongest or Midgard rules. Each legion has different shields and consists of a Velites, Hastati, Princeps, Triarii and Cavalry.   I also have another Italian legion which I will sell separately after I take photos. 



First Legion 

Second Legion 

Third Legion 

Fourth Legion 


Italian Legion 

Light Greek Cavalry 


Monday, February 10, 2025

Caterpillar D7 Armoured Dozer

Caterpillar D7 Armoured Dozer

Also this week I completed a simple model from Raventhorpe, a Caterpillar D7 dozer, I copied images from a build on the British Modeler Forum. I need to make the corresponding LCT number now! 

Quite happy, acrylic with enemal streaking and grime, and powders. Crewman is Plastic Soldier company. 



Sunday, February 9, 2025

Luftwaffe Field Division


 Luftwaffe Flak 88 

Another addition to my 16th Luftwaffe Field Division. I want to also add a supply dump and towing vehicle plus a towed version to complete the battery, and two comms coils 

Gun is a simple Airfix I think with SHQ crew, which fit nicely with the 1/76 gun. 



Saturday, February 8, 2025

US supply Jeeps

  US Supply Jeeps 

Completed a few supply Jeeps suitable for Glider or Infantry supply troops. I plan to add some stowage as soon as I paint them!

Jeeps are Raventhorpe with AB drivers 



Friday, February 7, 2025

5th Century Greeks part 4

 5th century Greeks part 4

Some more Greeks completed, miniatures from Immortal miniatures now sold by Warlord Games. Again another entry for the analogue painting challenge. 
