Monday, April 10, 2023

Knights of Malta

Knights of Malta

 When we returned to Sydney this April I finally managed to catch up with an old friend John Aqulina who asked me to paint some large scale miniatures for his collection two years ago when they last visited us in France just before Covid. Of course I sat on the project until the last week of March before we departed and completed them this week before handing them over. The peacock feathers were interesting and I would like to try another set as I think I could improve on my technique. 

 I am really happy with the results on the large scale resin minatures and they were a nice change from 28mm work and were very crisp sculpts, both miniatures are still available here.

Knight of Rhodes, United Empire Miniatures bust

 The first bust is the Teutonic Grand Master, Konrad von Lichtenstein 1410, repainted as a Knight of Rhodes, (hospitaller)  the bust was from Under Empire Miniatures. 

Knight of Rhodes, United Empire Miniatures bust

The second bust is a 1/9th scale Teutonic Knight also from Under Empire Miniatures, also painted as a knight of Rhodes.

A fellow Knight of Malta, proudly holding his gifts! 

I do hope they travel well back to Chile to sit in John’s display cabinet. The only annoying thing is I failed to take nice photos of them until I handed them over at the lunch catch up! 



Friday, March 31, 2023

Medieval Mad War Breton Gendarmes

Guerre Folle Breton Gendarmes.   

Some Perry miniatures cavalry additions to my Guerre Folle/Mad War collection. This was my final entry for the analogue painting challenge. I decided to add some coats of arms, livery and do a bit of scroll work on the armour, plus the normal spiral lances I like to do. More to come in the coming months as I have assembled another two boxes worth plus some metal commands for my Italian and French troops for the Mad War. 

Breton Gendarmes 1488 

Perry Gendarmes


Thursday, March 30, 2023

Marianne of the revolution

La guérison de Marianne

Another entry in the Analogue Painting  Challenge a foundry miniature of the Revolutionary Republican Marianne! 


Wednesday, March 29, 2023

WIP Wednesday - Saab Viggen

 Saab Viggen WIP

Another aircraft for my Swedish army, a Saab Viggen from Airfix again straight out of the box. A simple build with very few fitting problems (body and wings needed clamping) we shall see how the decals hold up when I paint it in late April. 


Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Terrain Tuesday Medieval tavern

 Medieval Tavern 

Addition to my medieval building collection. A tavern style building. I have again added construction plaster to fill in between the colombage then stippled it with a toothbrush. Then painted it with an ox blood colour as per some buildings in Vitré. The tiles were painted to represent stone slate tiles then given various washes.  Quite happy with the result. 


Monday, March 27, 2023

Dutch ww2 additions

 Dutch Wagon and staff car 

Addition of a Revell plastic wagon with a Early War Miniatures driver and a diecast car within HAT and SHQ officer. 
