Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Terrain Tuesday - markers and mini Diorama

 First one for the year some table additions buildings and mini dioramas for scatter 

a foundry lady with a Mirliton donkey, love this!

Tankard turn marker, a gift from Philippe for Christmas, a nice resin piece made by a member of our club. 

Foundry medieval casualty markers


Monday, February 13, 2023

XI Legion V Cohort

 XI Legion, V Cohort

The next cohort of the build, the centre of the line the V Cohort, I have used the Imago for this unit. Another entry for the analogue painting challenge. Again Foundry Miniatures 



Saturday, February 11, 2023

XI Legio III Cohort

 III Cohort XI Legio

The next cohort off the desk, the III cohort, again a hand painted vexillum. Another entry for the analogue painting challenge. 



Friday, February 10, 2023

Legion XI, II Cohort

 II Cohort

The second cohort for the Legio, I have hand painted the vexillum, not that happy and I may revisit at some stage. More entries Analogue painting challenge. 



Thursday, February 9, 2023

Roman XI Legion 1st Cohort

 XI Legion Claudia Pia Fidelis

Now for some legion posts to begin,  after this army has sat in my lead storage for at least 7 years as a swap with my great mate Colin for painting a army for him. With the Analogue Painting Challenge this year  I decided to get them done. Now after 5 weeks of painting over the coming weeks I will present to you the XI legion all based for Impetus and the majority are from the Foundry Range. I have 10 cohorts of 15 figures, not sure if I will do a second cohort for the 1st yet …. But I probably will. 

 I also have a Roman commission army so they will follow. So lots of Imperial Roman’s over the next month or so.   


Wednesday, February 8, 2023

General commander on the Danube

 Commander on the Danube

The first piece of my Foundry Imperial Roman command dioramas, a Gaul being questioned about the local tribes…I have a few planned for the analogue painting challenge. The miniatures are all from the foundry range. Really happy with my result. 

General on the Danube
