Showing posts with label Footsore Miniatures. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Footsore Miniatures. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

28mm Breton Armorican Domnonée skirmishers II

Breton Skirmishers II

Off the table this week some more 28mm Foootsore miniatures for my Armorican Domnonée Breton army. These figures represent the wild forest valleys and mountains around Saint James and Mortain in South western Normandy. The language today is still very different in this area of ​​France. They held onto their old religious beliefs the longest and resisted the Christian church until well into the 7th century according to Abbot Angot. They raided along the Frankish border of Maine (Mayenne, Orne and Sartre) troubling the Marcher Lords of Maine, perhaps even the famous Roland (chanson Roland fame) Lord of Maine and the Breton border marches.

"walk the battlefield in the morning, wargame in the afternoon"™


Saturday, July 13, 2019

28mm Armorican/Breton skirmishers

Breton Skirmishers

I recently purchased a collection of dark age figures and a number were Footsore miniatures Welsh and Irish, while the remainder were gripping beast plastics.

Recently I have read some interesting articles about some of the early kings after the departure of the Romans, the spread of Christianity, the arrival of the Alans, then the Franks, the coming of the Viking invaders, then the Normans.

I had planned to build a Breton army so with a little thought I could build something to represent Breton Dark age army from the 5th century through to the 10th by swapping out a few units it could fight Alan's, Late Romans, Franks, Vikings and Normans. We have six major battlefield sites within a hours drive from late Roman through to the Norman conquest, and a further 11 battlefields within two hours. I plan to develop some tours and wargame events around these sites.

First off the desk some Domnomée skirmishers. The kingdom of Domnonée seemed to have major ties with Britain, even sharing the same king at one time settled by Dumonians in the 5th century. These figures represent the marshland people around current Mont Saint Michel to Dol de Bretagne.  11 bases to complete of heavy infantry and two bases of skirmishers, and possibly four heavy cav and five light cavalry will give me a good start. I have two more bases almost complete and two heavy infantry should be completed this weekend.

"Walk the battlefield in the morning, Wargame it in the afternoon"
