Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Jasta 2 Lt D R Wilhelm Prien 1917

first German aircraft off the table for some time, this is the partner to the SE5a I built in the twin pack from italeri, a easy build, I chose to do lt DR Wilhelm Prien aircraft for Jasta 2 in June 1917. Prien
also flew with Jasta 10.

Se 5a 25th Areo Sqaudron 1918

Italeri have released a range of 1/72nd models in twin packs, great value for money, I selected to do the Se 5a of Lt Joseph E Boudain whilst flying for the 25th areo sqn, the first plane for my Americans, the sqn did not see a lot of action as its Se5a 'S were retrofitted with different motors that proved problematic. The unit saw action only twice before the armistice.

Successor Impetus Army

Another resurrected project completed this year my Pontic army for Impetus, mostly plastic with a few metal units. With the closure of my photobucket account I only had a few photos of the army as it was sold.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Roman Legionary

The first item off the new painting desk is a 200mm Young miniatures bust of a Roman Legionary, this guy has been partly finished for possibly 3 or 4 years, so I thought as I have restricted work space that I would complete as I go, rather than have multiple projects on the desk at any one time.

The figure is quite well sculpted and made from resin, it went together easily with no need for any fillers, as this guy was my first 200mm bust I was a little hesitant to paint his face and especially his eyes, but after looking at a few tutorial videos online I was more confident. I used Vallejo colours and mattisse drying retarder and mediums to get my layered skin tone. I was extremely happy with the final result and now he resides with my 54mm collection in the display cabinet.