Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Hunnoi light cavalry

These units are the real start to my multi-allied or enemy units for my Sassanids and Late Romans.

Most of us are aware of the Hun invasions of the west, but I, like possibly you, was unaware of the troubles the Sassanids faced against the Nomadic tribes in the East.

 The Sassanids were constantly invaded by the Chionite, Ephthalite (Hephtalite)  and Hunnoi tribes in the 4th, 5th and 6th centurys'. The Sassanids like the Romans decided to settle the invading Nomadic tribes on their borders. Mostly along the great Golestan wall, this wall starts on the Caspian coast, circles North to the city Gonbade Kavous, continues towards the Northwest and finises in the Pishkamar Mountains of Afghanistan ( around 155klms long) and on the opposite bank of the on Caspian from the Derband pass (Caspian Gates) to the mountains (50klm) . The Sassanids' like the Romans had trouble controlling these Foederatus allies, even a Sassanid King, Kavad was put on the throne in 488 by the Ephthalites,  and he married a Ephthalite princess and had a Ephthalite bodygaurd whilst he was on the throne, and the Sassanid empire paid a heavy tribute  for 43 years.

These figures are from the Essex Mongol range, I have cut off the stirrups and pointed their feet downwards, I found them a nice change from painting regular Roman troops.


Sunday, February 24, 2013

Hunnoi General

Off the desk this week is a Hun General,  the beginning of another allied army for my late Romans and Sassanids'. He is actually from the Essex Mongol range,I shaved off his stirrups and mounted him on a Essex horse.

 I still have the one heavy, two medium and 3 light cavalry unit units to complete this little force, enjoying the change!
I may need to take a better photo I think as it was hammering rain outside, so this one was done inside.......


Friday, February 15, 2013

Tertiaci Herculea

The Legio III Herculia ("the 3rd Legion dedicated to Hercules") raised by Diocletian (284-305). The nickname of the Legion is from his co-emperor Maximian who called himself Herculius, 'the man like Hercules'.

The legion had originally been a limitanei unit and was responsible for the defense of the province Raetia. During the 4th Century, it was raised to comitatenses status. Tertia Herculea came under the command of Master Peditum and was part of the army of the Comes Illyrici, stationed with the Legio III Italica . It is mentioned in Julians' army for the Sassanid campaign. the Legions symbol is quite possibly Hercules.

The figures are again Crusader Miniatures, the shields are again hand painted and were a pain in the A! Only four more units to go and I am finished my Romans!


Thursday, February 14, 2013

Legio III Pia Parthica Serveriana

Another unit for my eastern Roman army. A pseudocomitatensis Legio, raised by the Emperor Lucius Spetimius Severus for his campaign against the Sassanids in 197. After the campaign they were assigned to Mesopotamia with the main barracks at Rhesaena, where they had the duty of securing the main roads and to protect the province. In the 4th century the notitia Dignitatum the legion was stationed at Apatna.

Figures are crusader and the sheilds are hand painted. 


Friday, January 4, 2013

Equites Scutarii Indigenae Pafenses

Equites Scutari Indigenae Pafenses

Another unit of the desk for my late Roman army, the  Equites Scutarii Indigenae Pafenses, were stationed in (Mesopotamia) on the border at Tell Fafan, at the confluence of the Tigris and Bohtan Su rivers. The unit was known as the "Uholders or Defenders" and were used to patrol between the fortress crossing points along the border between Cepha (modern Hasankeyf) and Bezbade. 

The miniatures are again from the A & A range. The shield is based on the Equites Scutarii, and I gave them the oversize scutum from A and A miniatures. Still waiting to pick up some long silflor tufts to finish of the base, but otherwise done!


Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Dystopian Prussians

This is the second Dystopian Navy I have painted for John, they are equisette resin 1/1200th ships perfect for Victoriana pulp naval actions (what we will use them for). He also has a third coming (Japanese) so looking forward to them also, lots  of detail to suit the fussiest painter, I have painted them according to Mal Wrights guide as WW1 German dreadnoughts (except for the bronze bits!).
