Tuesday, August 10, 2021

T26 assault


 T26 tanks forward!

The last of the recent purchases of from Clive diecast models, five diecast T26, these are absolutely lovely pieces and I suspect a little more robust for wargaming then the current plastic kits I have. Another pre purchase for nexts years project (I tell myself that!) 

I will only give these guys a wash and grime job, plus basing and they will join my Russian horde. 

Russian T26 tanks


T34s атаковать - Advance


 T34 Assault !

During Clives Diecast sale I also I picked up some diecast T34s from Clive for my early Russian army, which I plan to add to next year as the new Rapid Fire eastern Front books are coming (YAY). 

Further additions to the stash for now....... a repaint and weathering I suspect is on the cards too to match my current fleet of plastics.


Monday, August 9, 2021

JU86 D1 project part 1


Junkers JU86 D1 build

Well a cold wet day kept me from doing external chores so I elected to pull out some kits from the stock and decided upon the Italeri Junkers JU86D1 and four others to assemble over the coming week of predicted wet weather.

 Originally I purchased this for SCW aerial dogfights, but as it is a little large I have decided to add it to my Luftwaffe for the invasion of Poland where I believe the JU86D1 flew its only combat missions of ww2 with Kampfgeschwader 1 /III, (I do quite like the 5th Staffel KG254 1937 colours below).

I will paint in the early war pattern I think, and as a wargaming flying model, as very little information exists for the JU86D1 service. 

JU 86 colour ideas

JU86 colour ideas

cockpit Interior 
looking at the forward bombardier/gunners position

The  dorsal gunners position; and within a retractable ventral position

Interior commenced RLM 02 brush painted


Leopard 1 Bundeswehr Cold War


Leo 1 Diecasts

So Clive (at Clives Diecast and kits) had some Leo 1s on sale recently and I could not resist picking up a few more to add to my Bundeswehr Kampfgruppe. My second battalion of Leopard 1 tanks is now completed for my cold war Bundeswehr army. A few more pieces to add like mobile artillery and another Gepard AA and the Kampfgruppe will be completed for Able Archer (Rapid Fire modern rules). 

A repaint coming up in the workshop over the next two months, some stowage, cam nets and some crew added is on the cards too!


Saturday, August 7, 2021

50th Infantry Division Tyne Tees Part 2


 50th Infantry Division

This years big ww2 project is the 50th Infantry Division for D-Day to Holland. I have chosen my favourite 20mm figs for my Brits from my stash of Britannia miniatures. Painting has commenced and is more than halfway complete of the infantry figures after three days.

I will break this into the 69th division first, plus support elements, then perhaps another infantry Division later on. Rapid Fire rules so Battalions are around 40 figures.

69th Infantry Brigade

 69th Infantry Brigade 
  • 5th Battalion, East Yorkshire Regiment
still in progress
  • 6th Battalion, Green Howards 
    • red flash behind cap badge
  • 7th Battalion, Green Howards


1st Assault Brigade Royal Engineers (D-Day)
6th Assault Regiment, Royal Engineers

81 SQN 

Churchill AVRE fascine Built not painted
Churchill Avre Bobbin Built not painted
Churchill bridgelayer Built not painted

Royal Armoured Corps (D-Day)
Westminster Dragoons
dingo built
M14 AA (not Purchased)
2 x trucks complete
M32 Sherman Armoured Recovery Vehicle (not built)

A sqn 2 x sherman crab flail tanks (not built)
C sqn 2 x sherman crab flail tanks  (not built)

141st Royal Tank Regiment (all of the regiments churchills names began with S)
I will model 
C Squadron commanded by lt Shearman 13 troop small turret number 13
Three crocodiles from 13 Troop landed at La Riviere where one floundered in a deep underwater crater and the other two crocodiles were able to get ashore.

1 x churchill crocodiles ("Sandgate" T173174H commanded by lt John Shearman MC) Built not painted
1 x Churchill crocodile ("Sandling "T173174  commanded by Sgt Reg Webb) (not purchased)

The two crocodiles supported the 7th Green Howards (69th Brigade, 50th Infantry Division) assault on the La Marefontaine gun battery (WN32) which contained four Czech 100mm guns located in fields outside the hamlet of La Marefontaine south of Ver-Sur-Mer.

Royal Marines (D-Day)
1st Royal Marine Armoured Support Regiment

A troop

1 x centaur

No. 47 (Royal Marine) Commando

HQ coy (partial complete)

4 companies (partial complete)

Royal Artillery

74th (Northumbrian) Field Regiment

296th (4th) Durham

298th (1st) Durham

102nd (Northumberland Hussars) Anti-Tank Regiment

99th battery
2 6pdrs Guns and bren carrier
1 M10

288th battery
2 x 6pdrs and bren carriers
1 M10

198th battery (attached from 73rd AT regiment)
2 x M10

234th battery (attached from 73rd AT regiment)
2 x M10

25th Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment

Polston AA 20mm gun and tow

1 x crusader AA

82nd LAA battery

Bofors AA battery

Next years project will be the DLI

151st Infantry Brigade 
6th Battalion, Durham Light Infantry
8th Battalion, Durham Light Infantry
9th Battalion, Durham Light Infantry (left 30 November 1944, joined 131st Brigade, 7th Armoured Division)

Corps Elements 

61st Reconnaissance Regiment, Reconnaissance Corps

plus assorted trucks, medical and bits



Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Gendarmes d'élite de la Garde Impériale

Gendarmes d'élite de la Garde Impériale

I have had this unit for two years sitting in the to paint pile, this year I have decided to do some more pieces for my French Napoleonic Armies so last month I started and completed these chaps and then ordered the flag from GMB, I finally mounted the flag yesterday and manage to take some photos this morning. 

The figures are from Gringo 40s, who also do a very fine range of other guard units, the figures are on the larger side for 28mm but fit my Elite 1805-09 army nicely. Really happy with my paint job and I hope to get the big boots on the table soon. 

28mm Gendarmes d'élite de la Garde Impériale

Gendarmes d'élite de la Garde Impériale Trumpeter

Gendarmes d'élite de la Garde Impériale kettledrummer
