Friday, April 3, 2020

Republican Roman Impetus markers

Completed some more markers this week, done them on the side while I was doing some transfers for some dark age figures. Again left over shields from first corps plus some first corps markers which are quite nice helmets shields and swords plus one with a stump. Again markers for impetus.


Thursday, April 2, 2020

Liticiani-Letavi -Letavii-letaniae or more Bretons!

Breton light infantry 

Liticiani-Letavi -Letavii-Letaniae, much conjecture surrounds them as to where they were located in Brittany during the dark ages. Mentioned in a number ancient references with the field army of Aetius by Gregory of Tours. Mentioned by Jordannes at Challons with the Roman army of Gaul against the Huns and with Paulus and Riothamus defending Angers against the Goths,   some suggest they were a Saxon German tribe or perhaps even a mainland Welsh tribe.

Personally I follow the thought train that a Celtic Godess is named Letavia and the mentions on name of a Latin region in the Armorican peninsular in a large number of documents refer to the southern region of modern Pays de Loire as Letavi and the recent archeological find at Clisson near Nantes pointed toward an inscription on a partial tile of a military unit building with “Leto”(waiting for the full report though, before fully drawing my bow).

Looking at all of this I have settled that were either Auxilla or old veterans in Armorican peninsular, around Nantes and Angers defending the Breton Marshe under command of Riothamus.

Figures are 28mm Footsore miniatures, I have elected to depict the unit of skirmishers in pure white bleached tunics and shields, and for the following heavy infantry I will do the same. The current pandemic has allowed me to complete another two units which I will roll out over the next few days.


Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Late Roman Sagittarii Tungri

Late Roman Sagittarii

A unit completed for my late Roman Western army,  ready to fight my Goths, Franks, Huns and other Romans. I will also use them in my Romano Breton army. This unit represents a cohort of a Auxilia Palatina unit the Sagittarii Tungri.

Figures are from the footsore range


Friday, March 27, 2020

Anjou-Maine dark age shieldwall III

Carolingian Franks - Anjou-Maine Infantry IIII

Another unit of Carolingian Frankish Anjou Maine dark age infantry circa 800 when the comte de Anjou was created up to the Northmen invasions the fighting with the Bretons  for Maine in the 9th and 10 centuries. 

Next coming up are some Viking raiders, partnering with our Vikings in Maine battlefield and history tour, plus added with our historically themed local battlefield wargame  in our “salon de Guerre” at French Wargame Holidays.

Figures are Plastic gripping beast with LBM transfers, need to pick up another three boxes to complete the army I think


Thursday, March 26, 2020

Auluerci Diablintes tribesmen IX

Another unit off the table the final naked unit, now to complete some more plaid!


Monday, March 23, 2020

Saxon Pirates Dark Age Command

Saxon Pirates

I received these figures already painted as a gift for Christmas and decided to base them as a Saxon command or a generic dark age command, figures are Gripping Beast, mix of hand painted shields and transfers, plus the flag is LBM.

Buried in research at the moment for 100YW armorials for lords and knights of Anjou Maine.
