Wednesday, June 26, 2024

100 years war week - Battle of Mauron

 Whilst on tour visiting the combat of the thirty site near Josselin we also visited the battlefield of Mauron on the return trip after lunch. Much of the site today is under housing but the road to Rennes and St Levy still exist so it is easily placed. The manor near  the bridge still remains but is un-accessible and private, however the river Ivel can be walked in summer as it is not wide nor very marshy and has a walking path along the St Levy side. 

Brembili Manor stables

The memorial on the crossroads at Mauron. To the left to Rennes, to the right St Levy. 

We play tested the scenario on the tabletop with a very narrow win to the French, both sides were down to last point rolls and army break. The French suffered from a large number of ones….. 5 in fact for the division movements which allowed the English archers to heavily toll upon the French cavalry. Eventually the MAA met and the French made good use of a number of good rolls finally! 

1 comment:

Jonathan Freitag said...

Another nice photo tour and game!