Showing posts with label Warlord. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Warlord. Show all posts

Sunday, January 22, 2023

River Song, The impossible Astronaut Dr Who

River Song, The Impossible Astronaut

A female miniature from the Warlord Dr Who Range, “ River Song, The impossible Astronaut”. I am quite happy with my denim result, the figure sort of looks like the character but is a little flat in the resin casting. Another entry for the analogue painting challenge. 


Saturday, January 21, 2023

Roman Auxiliary cohort

 Cohor III Augusta Thracia Auxiliaries 

Next off the desk is a unit of Auxiliary’s for the Dacian campaign, I think I will rebase them on 60x60,  as I am not happy with the smaller base sizes recommended for Hail Caesar, spears and shields will get knocked around too much I think. Really happy with the green colour next units will be in cream or blue I think. Another entry for the analogue painting challenge. 


Friday, October 9, 2020

German Tribesmen

This year i have been trying to complete lots of little projects that have been sitting in my project drawers on my desk for anytime longer than 12 months, this unit has been half finished and unbased for at least a year. I am not impressed with the warlord German tribesmen at all after I assembled them and painted them, they suffer from the same problems that the celts do being over animated with wild arms etc like they are riding a roller coaster. I decided to add some of the lovely Foundry tribesmen to the mix to improve the look of the unit at least in the front rank. Back to medievals this week then a change I think to WW2.
cheeers Matt

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

BATREP Bloody plain

On monday Greg and I played a quick game of warhammer ECW at my place on the dining table as the outdoors is not so warm this time of year!

We each selected some troops from my ECW Royalist collection. Greg elected to take a unit of curassiers, four pike and shot blocks, 1 unit of clubmen, 1 unit of dragoons, a cannon and two generals. I elected to take four pike blocks, a unit of gentlemen pensioners, a unit of dragoons, a cannon and two generals also.

After setup we diced for each unit to see if it arrived on the battlefield, Greg's lobsters failed to arrive and were left off the table for two turns.

I won the toss and elected to take the first turn, as we were playing on a small table I advanced forward my pike blocks to have a little room (in case of fleeing troops!) and dismounted my dragoons in the village so they could control the village, I fired my cannon and caused the first casualty! Greg then moved a few of his units sending his dragoons and clubmen into the village, moving his Irish and Scots leaving one unit to fire as we were within range causing casualties to my units.

turn two, I elected to leave all my troops in place so they could fire full volleys, causing massive casualties on the Blue Regt almost causing a morale roll! My cannon caused some more casualties on the Irish Regt, my dragoons fired at close range (2 inches) at the opposing Dragoons, 1 hit from 9.......pitable. Greg then dismounted his dragoons, moved his clubmen into the buildings, moved his Irish and Scots, reloaded his Blue Regt shots

Turn Three, I remounted my dragoons and moved them back out of close range of Greg's dragoons, moved my General with is bodyguard and moved my Green Regt and the Kings Regt, and reloaded Astley's Regt, I fired my cannon and caused a few more casualties on the Irish. Greg moved his lobsters on my left Flank and moved his Irish, Scots and Red Regt closer to the action he also Elected to charge his Blue Regt against Astley's who stood and received the charge and were promptly cut up in the ensuing hand to hand (yes I rolled like a girl. Greg also had a crack with his cannon at my General and bodyguard who were standing in the open in column, he promptly rolled a misfire!!! My finely painted Foundry Astley's fled from the plastics off the table taking the dragoons with them, morale checks all round, all the rest stood!

turn Five I charged my cavalry against Greg's artillery, Greg's Blue Regt last turn had followed up Astley's Regt within close range of Gerard's Regt who blasted them at close range, and the Kings regt also hit them from the flank with one sleeve of shot, the Blue Regt panicked and fled causing some of Greg's units to flee, The Scots ran off the table (with out being effective), the Red Regt stood and the Irish ran like girls!

Greg however returned the favour charging his cavalry against my Gun, who were all cut down, he also mounted his dragoons and charged his clubmen against the Kings Regt, the clubmen failed to hit and fled back through the village.

Turn Six High Tide I thought for me I charged Greg's fleeing Irish, who continued to flee, I reformed my Kings Regt and marched them off towards the action on the other side of table, in my haste I failed to move my Green Regt to face Greg's lobsters.
My c General finally finished off the artillery. Greg then rolled like a legend and reformed his Irish, he charged my Green Regt with the lobsters who failed their panic test and fled taking Gerard's Regt with them, my whole center collapsed leaving only my General and the Kings Regt on the table.

turn Seven I moved the Kings Regt again towards the enemy and retired the King and his bodyguard. Greg charged the Kings Regt with both the dragoons and the lobsters, the kings men stood and received the charge but failed to do any damage and promptly threw up their hands in surrender, The King Fled from the table.........again!

A great day out, I thought I had the game in turn six but not to be, great to have my ECW out for a game though


Friday, November 19, 2010

Roman Auxilia

Roman Auxilia Infantry and Cavalry

I finished a lot of these guys last year for Craigs 40th birthday bash, I have started to revisit my early and late republican and imperial roman armies and some of their enemies and allies and finish off a number of half completed units. Some items that need to be done are all of my republicans shields need transfers, I am short shields for my celts and germans plus transfers, and I need finish my republican roman cavalry two Alae.

In the coming weeks I intend to start my mixed Warlord and (perry bros) foundry Roman Augustan 1st cent AD army, then move onto my third cent army over the Christmas period.

A good mix of figures below, Warlord metals and plastics, some Foundry, Blacktree and First corps.

First corps Germanic 

Warlord Wardogs and Handler, some first corps dogs too!

Warlord Gallic Druid

Warlord Gallic Witch

Warlord Gallic Druid/ General

Black Tree Elephant with Numidian crew

Warlord metal and Plastic Imperial auxilia
Cohors II Britannorum

Warlord Belaric Slingers

First corps and Warlord Archers

First Corps Germanic 

First Corps and Warlord Eastern Archers
Cohors Augusta Nervia Pacensis
