Showing posts with label Dutch Army. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dutch Army. Show all posts

Monday, January 23, 2023

The Black Devils

The Black Devils

Established in 1665 Dutch Marines were the only volunteer regular unit in the Dutch ground forces. On the tenth of May the Marine Regiment was preparing to depart from Rotterdam to the Dutch East Indies and join the other marine units already posted there. About 650 marines were in the barracks in Rotterdam when the invasion began with a further 200 as part of the training and recruit centre. 

 They became famous for their action during the invasion when the marine regiment in Rotterdam consisting of 100 marines, some artillery, Armoured cars and Naval personnel defended the Willemsbrug traffic bridge across the Nieuwe Maas river and prevented the link up for four days against the German Fallschirmjager who had tried to take the bridges by surprise on the 10th of May. 

The name the black devils was thought to be christened by Oberstleutnant Von Choltitz “ die schwarzen Teufel ” when the 6 marines who were still alive defending the Willemsbrug bridge surrendered. 

I have decided to build a complete battalion for the regiment, structured at full strength like a infantry regiment with support elements, a 81mm mortar, MG section, AT rifle and RHQ and recon coy. The miniatures are all SHQ. 

Regimental Head Quarters 

Co plus 7, AT rifle, reconnaissance platoon cycles. 

RHQ command element, radio trailer and car to be added

Reece platoon

AT rifle platoon 

Battalion Head Qauters

BHQ OC plus 4

1st company
10 figures, Lewis lmg

2nd Company 
10 figs Lewis lmg 

3rd Company 
10 figs Lewis lmg

Support Heavy weapons

81mm mortar 4 crew

MMG 3 crew

Saturday, August 13, 2022

Dutch 75mm Krupp Siderius field gun


 75mm Krupp Siderius 02/04 field gun

Off the desk today is two 75mm field guns, a limber with cassion and a observer element. The Dutch named the 75mm Krupp Siderius as the 7 veld gun, the guns served in both the Netherlands and in the Dutch East Indies. The 7 veld served the infantry divisions with 12 guns per battalion, and three battalions per division normally, two 7 veld and one 120mm or 150mm battalion per Infantry Division. 

Sixteen 7 velds were modified for the light division with rubber tyres and were towed by heavy cars, the remainder had wooden wheels. Only 2000 rounds in total were available for the 7 veld on the eve of the war so many division only carried one resupply for the guns. The 7 veld battalions where in the majority horse drawn for the war, along with horse drawn supply and associated services. 

The gun and miniatures are from Early War Miniatures, the cassion is from moonlight model works and Hat driver and horses. 


Friday, August 12, 2022

Dutch TL-1 Oerlikon 20mm AA gun


 Dutch TL-1 Oerlikon 20mm

TL 1 was the Dutch name for the Oerlikon 20mm light anti-aircraft canon. The single barrel Oerlikon was a fine anti-aircraft gun and was excellent in providing cover from low flying aircraft up to 1800m. The Dutch army place an order for these weapons in 1939 and 170 were delivered before the war started, these were issued to light anti-aircraft companies located in infantry divisions and reserve formations.

The gun and miniatures are from Early War Miniatures.


Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Ww2 Dutch staff car

Dutch Opel Staff Car 

I was looking for a suitable staff car for my Dutch when I chanced across a photo of them using a Opel car, so I went looking and found this resin 1/76th Wespe Models version, it was a fiddly kit, with a bit of work to get things to fit, and a little bit of flash, being resin you need to be gentle with the build and it may last some wargaming through gentle handling. 

The cobblestone base is scratch built and the driver is HAT plastic German, overall quite happy with the completed piece. It will join my Dutch command set. Next up some AA and tow. 



Monday, August 8, 2022

Vickers Carden Lloyd tankette

 Dutch armour

The Vickers Carden Llyod MG Carrier

A bit of a spanner in the works this weekend tested positive to Covid on Friday after feeling a little off. So last two days in bed, I thought today I may get a chance to do a bit on the desk, but concentration down to much to paint figures, but good enough for vehicles I thought. This vehicle has been part finished for some time all it needed was highlighting and marking up to complete. So on and off over a few hours I managed to get it done. Quite happy. The miniature is from Early War Miniatures range of Dutch.  

The Dutch had five of these for the invasion in 1940 and they were the only tracked vehicles in service. All of the Cardenas Llyod carriers were all named after big cats. I selected Cougar / Poema and painted it on by hand along with the Dutch triangle. As there were only 5 that is the total required for Rapid Fire Rules. 

Next up will be some more horse drawn equipment and some AA. 


Sunday, August 7, 2022

Dutch Chevrolet supply truck

Dutch supply truck

Finally had some time this week as we are in the middle of a major restoration of the third floor of the house, 200sqm of dust to fight with over the next two weeks at least! I have decided to complete some pieces from my Dutch project this year so they are front line at the moment. 

First to be completed is the Minairons miniatures resin truck. Not the prettiest model, and it needs a lot of filling to fix but with a bit of work and some extra bits placed on it such as fuel tank, jack box and tow hook it gets closer to the Dutch model. A lot of filling of the resin and even after a few dunks in hot water I could not correct the bent truck bed. After enough fussing I decided to add some scratch built and 3d printed bits for a removable load and some SHQ metal pieces also, including the driver. The truck will join my HQ unit for the artillery. 

More Dutch coming this weekend as I need to complete my artillery build for the Wargamers forum. 
