Monday, July 19, 2021

Anjou Maine Skirmishers VI

 Dark Age Skirmishers

Another quick unit off the table, I basically done these in between painting the Napoleonic’s figures as a break from belts etc. 

I do enjoy painting dark age - early medieval figures and this  unit can join my Anjou-Maine army for the 9th-11th century battles, which will become a focus in September as we are hosting a French professor of Carolingian to Viking history for three days, visiting sites and wargaming the local battles, so I have much to do, particularly Vikings and Carolingian cavalry. 

A mix of Footsore, Blacktree miniatures and mix of shields, LBM transfers and hand painted.

Dark Age Skirmishers


1 comment:

Aly Morrison said...

These have worked well Matt…

It’s nice to take a break from the fussiness of Napoleonic uniforms..

All the best. Aly