Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Bundesgrenzschutz part 7


 Support weapons and Bundesgrenzschutz company 

Finally on the last of my support units and rifle coy for my Federal Border Guard battalion. These chaps can be used in airfield and key installation protection for my Warpac special forces operations. All of the figs are from the Elhiem miniatures generic NATO range. 

Bundesgrenzschutz Head Quarters platoon, officer and radio, sniper, NCO and medic. 

Bundesgrenzschutz Milan and M92 Stinger teams 

Bundesgrenzschutz Mortar teams 

Bundesgrenzschutz Observer team

Bundesgrenzschutz Observer team 


Monday, June 10, 2024

The Real King Arthur … Authur of Bretagne

The Real King Arthur, the king that never was…

Arthur of Bretagne 

As I wander off on another side project this year, that is the First Barons War, I plan to play out the reason for the 1st barons war and the invasion of England in 1216. I have always had an interest in the Plantagenet wars particularly as they had its beginnings here in West France in Maine (today Mayenne). 

With the death of King Richard the lion heart his inheritance of the crown was supposed to pass to the elder line of the Plantagenets, Geoffroi of Bretagne son, Arthur of Bretagne. John beat him to it claiming the crown of England, but lost his European lands in return. John and Arthur then campaigned against each other for three years before Arthur was captured at the battle of Mirebeau and placed in Rouen chateau, where he died in suspicious circumstances possibly murdered by John. Many of the Angevin, Breton, Norman and Maine Barons stayed in revolt as John had also taken Aurthur’s sister hostage Eleanor “the fair maid of Brittany” who was the rightful heir to the duchy. 

My plan is to build a couple of retinues for the Barons wars rules of the leading Breton, Touraine, Norman, Maine and Angevin Comte’s, Barons, and nobles who backed Aurthur and his claim between 1199 and 1204. A number of these also fought during the Angers and Potoiu campaign in 1206, the Normandy campaigns of 1209, the campaigns in 1214 and finally for the invasion to England in 1216. I also the plan to paint the nobles from Normandy, Angevin, Vexin and Touraine who backed John’s claim so I can build an opposing army also 



Saturday, June 8, 2024


 Some foundry Spartan spear off the table for my mate Rob’s army. Packed onto a 120x40mm base. These have been painted for some time just needed the decals and basing done, plus metal spears from Northstar. A few more bases to come over the next few weeks. 




Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Terrain Tuesday - Pulp bits

 Every now and then I come across pieces that would service pulp games. These pieces are from GW and are part of the storm cast terrain. Simple assembly and look pretty good painted up imho. A simple two or three colour with highlights. 

The main reason I wanted the terrain was this fabulous piece



Monday, June 3, 2024

50th infantry division Tyne Tees part 4

  Some completed passengers for my trucks and Bren gun carriers, I have a lot more on the complete this week, hopefully completed by the weekend. Crews are from the Britannia range painted with my normal British uniform over a black undercoat then washed in Vallejo mix of black and sepia, followed by a highlight of British uniform and khaki. 



Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Wip Wednesday - Crashed P-51D

 Last week I picked up as a bonus from a shop purchase the simple airfix P-51D model, the kit is so bad I decided to make it a wrecked aircraft. So I went looking for crashed P-51D locally, however they predominantly were P-51B/C so I finally settled on one that crashed in the Netherlands so I could use it in my Arnhem games. 

I have settled on a P-51d that was crash landed by Maj Shelton W (Shell) Monroe who went on to become the highest ace in the Korean War before losing his life to AA in Korea. 

The aircraft was from the 334th sqaudron and was marked QP-Q serial number 44-13411QP-Q

Markings are per the aircraft below. 

With under and over markings as per this one of the same unit

My version has had a wing snapped off and the fuel tanks damaged ready for paint this weekend.

