Sunday, June 18, 2023

Napoleonic Prussian Artillery battery

As a homage to Waterloo I decided to complete another battery of artillery for my Prussian 1813-15 army. The miniatures are all metal Elite miniatures, which for me have a certain charm about them. I have painted these as first division guns with red epaulettes and turnbacks, I have a second battery underway which will join the second division. As the “Les Squigs” Laval Wargames Club is kicking into high gear this year for Napoleonic Wargaming (due to a cunning plan by Phillip and myself) we have regularly 6 of us playing games.  I am planning on adding another brigade of Prussian infantry and cavalry to my collection. 

I do need to take a better photo, I am in the middle of building a new light box as I hated my cardboard one….

 It has been good for the mojo getting back to uniformed troops that is for sure, as I have been slogging away on a large batch of HYW archers…..which should be off the table during the week. 



Saturday, June 17, 2023

Terrain bits arrived

  As I charge on with my Ville Mayenne build I have purchased some walls and fences for the gardens and the wall for the river and port. Work will progress this week as I work on the structure of the river first, then the bridges. 



Thursday, June 15, 2023

Sengoku Jidai - Samurai

 A game at Pierre’s house this weekend for a large Edo period civil war game. Just fabulous and I was impressed! The miniatures  are predominantly 3d 28mm prints. The command figures and cavalry though are Perry Miniatures, Clan War and  Dark Sword character miniatures.  The terrain is all Sarissa buildings and a few 3d printed pieces, the rice paddies are scratch built. 

Most of the collection is speed painted, slap chop with dry brush highlight, and I must say very impressed with the results. It was a learning game for most of the guys playing, we used pike and shot with the Samurai rule adjustments. It played quite well and everyone had a good time, I did manage to lose the castle …..

Perry miniatures cavalry 



Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Terrain Tuesday June WIP

A bit more in progress work on my 20mm building for my ww2 Mayenne city table, doctor Morriset house, which was the lodging of the commandant of the Oisseau Wurzburg/ Freya radar station 

The building is from Vollmer HO scale,I have two of these one is a post office for my Nijmegen table. I managed to get the roof off and plan to build a floor in the top. The base colours are on, the washes and the weathering will commence once I complete the interior and base it. I ordered the garden fences today for the front and have printed the rear garden stone fences.

I also managed to pick up some Masonite today to commence the street layout of the six tiles for the city. 


Thursday, June 8, 2023

VICTOIRES et CONQUÊTES des ARMÈES FRANCAISES 1792 - 1801 book review

A fabulous pick up at a second hand book shop yesterday VICTOIRES et CONQUÊTES des ARMÈES FRANCAISES 1792 - 1801.

96 fabulous Revolutionary French army plates from various artists, some I have never seen before. Particularly some of the Ardennes and Italian campaign. Published in 1898 I think my copy is 1901. 


Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Napoleonic French Mamelukes of the guard wip 2

 Underway with the painting of my band, a lot more to go on the 12 figures. The miniatures are from Gringo 40s, Another week at least before they get to wash stage. 

