Showing posts with label Ancient Germans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ancient Germans. Show all posts

Friday, May 17, 2024

Germanic javelins

 Some more germanics off the desk all from the warlord range. 5 more units to go and the army is done. I  setting them aside for three months whilst our Wargames holiday season is on, being DDay and Arnhem 80th anniversary years we are booked pretty solid until late September. 



Sunday, April 28, 2024

More hairy Germanics

 Hairy Germanics 

More warlord Germanics completed with an odd foundry figure in the mix, a few foundry and first Corps hand painted shields. I am not a fan of the plastic spears and swords and even when photographing I managed to break two spears and a sword, all will be replaced in the next day or two. 

I have 40 odd foot and 12 cavalry to complete the army so I can more on to my Greeks… Napoleonic’s, moderns, and ww2 bits for DDay games. 

Warband 1, all warlord miniatures some foundry and first corps German shields  

Warband two, a foundry, and warlord with mixed shields from foundry, first corps and warlord

Hairy Foundry in the middle, I do love their Germanics 

Warband three, all warlord but mixed sheilds 

Warband Four, the fanatic on the left has a Victrix Viking head, again a mix of metals and plastics from Warlord games, again  mixed shield's from Foundry, First Corps and Warlord Games. 


Thursday, April 11, 2024

WIP Germanics

 These chaps have been waiting for me to complete hand painting shields and transfers from little big men.  I was hoping to complete these for the analogue painting challenge however we were enjoying our holidays. Another 4 more units to do and two units of cavalry and I will be done with the project for now. 

Again predominantly warlord figures with some foundry, most of the plastics have been chopped up to remove the wide arm stance or leaning over stance green stuff straightened, some have metal spears and weapons also. Basing tonight along with some Napoleonic Prussians and French I have been working on. 



Monday, March 4, 2024

More Germanics

  After 80 days on Holiday in Australia in the sun I have returned to France and based up some of the figures I completed whilst being away. I had a small shopping spree at Cancon Australias largest Wargames convention around 25 thousand people over 4 days playing tabletop games plus general public. It was great to catch up with a few of the mates, look at some great looking tables and games and help my unpainted pile grow a little where I clocked the business class baggage allowance by 2kg…..! 

AHPC Aussie “bad batch” with my first purchase French guard cavalry 

I brought these Germanics with me on holidays in Oz, where they travelled the east coast for 1300klm, every  now and then I managed to get quite a few painted when there was wet weather or we were not visiting friends. I failed in my planning bring enough transfers to complete all of the painted ones. So now ordered and hopefully they will arrive some time this week. 

The figures are a mix of Warlord Germanics, Foundry Germanics and some hand painted and decal shields. 

28mm Warband One

28mm warband two

Archer unit one 

Archer unit two

Slinger unit one

Slinger two

Slinger three 


Sunday, May 21, 2023

Suebi Germanic tribesmen WIP 1

 Semnones Suebi

I have just received a commission off the back of the analogue painting challenge of two hundred ancient Germans by a good mate in Australia. I have commenced the gluing and assembly of the Warlord plastics, Warlord metals and some Foundry miniatures metals commands and cavalry. 

The Suebi tribe were the largest of the Semnones peoples in Northern Germany along the Rhine and were one of the Republics and later Imperial Roman most valiant enemies. The project will commence proper once I complete a small cavalry commission. 

Lots of bear and wolf pelts to be painted along with wooden clubs, the army will be based for Hail Caesar plus individual figures for Infamy Infamy. I also need to print a Germanic fortress for him too. 


Friday, April 28, 2023

Analogue Painting Challenge 2023 wrap up


Analogue Painting Challenge XIII it’s a wrap

A big hearty thank you to Curt, Sarah, the Minions and all of the participants for another great challenge. A wide range of inspiring, superb and cracking paint jobs were entered,  huge terrain projects, and massive miniature armies were built and hopefully lead mountains were diminished. 

I was really happy with my results this year, my first time I surpassed my challenge goal number and  completed the side challenge. I managed too complete every studio so that really boosted my points. My highlights for the studios were building the ww1 aircraft and the female miniatures painted for Lady Sarah’s limousine which turned out a treat, which too my surprise I won a prize for. 

Rabens Ravens

General Varus

The fruit picker 

Chieftain Marobodus

I had a lot of projects I wanted to get started on, my main focus though was my Roman’s and Germanics. Originally I planned only do 120 odd Roman’s but by challenge end it was close to 200 miniatures, and 140 Ancient Germans plus some nice commands. I did fail to complete the ten cohorts planned for my legion, due to a planning fail and the Royal Mail strike which left me short 4 foundry commands and 18 praetorian shields (which could be possibly in storage somewhere) and running low on enthusiasm for Roman’s and Germanics in the last ten days of the challenge. I plan to complete the last 4 units next month or so when I return from holidays in Australia.

Legio VI

Woden the all father

Seubi tribesmen

Looking forward to next years challenge, and plan too build another big army…..not sure what though. See you all next year.  



Friday, March 24, 2023

Germanic tribesmen additions

 Germanic tribesmen 

Some more additions to the Germanic horde, again a mix of foundry and warlord miniatures 


Friday, March 10, 2023

Germanic tribesmen

Germanic tribesmen 

I thought I had posted these, but no. Again a mix of warlord and foundry miniatures. Two units of 18 
More coming over the next month or so